EAP033 Intermediate English Communication & Academic Skills, 2023-2024, Semester 2

EAP033 Intermediate English Communication & Academic Skills
Give a 4-5 minute individual presentation about the livability of Suzhou focusing on ONE particular chosen aspect: e.g. transport, sport, urban design, or food. Then answer ONE follow-up question.
In your presentation, you should:
• Introduce the background information, your research question(s), and your methodology.
• Describe and interpret the data given to show some positives and/or negatives of that aspect of the city.
• Conclude and make recommendations for the future livability of the city.
For the follow-up question you will be asked to elaborate, clarify or reflect on an aspect of your presentation.
Due Dates:
PPT Submission deadline: Week 5, 5pm Friday 29th March
Presentation delivery: Week 6 Seminar D2 or D3
Task Requirements
All task requirements must be fulfilled.
• Speak for 4-5 minutes.
• You must use at least one graph, table or chart to report the given data.
• Your PPT must be in the .ppt or .pptx file format, and it must be uploaded to the EAP033 Learning Mall page dropbox by the deadline above (Maximum size 20MB).
• Your answer to the follow-up question should be relevant.
*Note: This presentation is formative (not assessed). You will receive feedback, and you can see the summative marking descriptors below, which can help you understand how to get a good mark in future.
You should demonstrate the presentation skills you have learned this year, such as:
• Clear structure (introduction, body, conclusion) and signposting/transition language.
• Body language and eye contact.
• Using the visuals (e.g. referring to the PPT) and describing charts/diagrams/graphs.
N.B. Whichever aspect you choose (transport, sport, urban design, food), the necessary data that you will be using can be found on LMO.
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University English Language Centre 1Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University English Language Centre 2
EAP033 Semester 2 Speaking Descriptors (AY2023-24)- Student version

 Task - Presentation   

Task - Interview 

Fluency & Coherence
Interpretation or conclusion is particularly original or insightful.
Responses are particularly original or insightful, and contains very detailed examples, explanations, and/or opinions.
Speaks at length without effort.
The vast majority of lexical items are error free, and any errors are minor.
The vast majority of grammatical structures are error free, and any errors are minor.
Is easy to understand throughout. Varies prosodic features to convey meaning. Other features of connected speech are present but may not be sustained. There are only occasional systematic errors.
 All ideas are fully developed.
Ideas are fully developed with examples, explanations, and/or opinions.
Speaks at length with little effort. Hesitations and reformulations usually sound natural. Cohesive features often sound natural rather than mechanical.
Lexical range is wide, allowing for frequent reformulation as appropriate. Uses much topic -specific and less common lexis as well as many correct collocations. There are no signs of having to restrict what s/he wants to say. Most lexical items are error free. Errors are minor.
Uses a wide range of complex structures.
Grammar is m ostly error free, and any errors are minor.

Is almost always easy to understand, but there may be consistent mispronunciation of a particular word/sound. Varies prosodic features to convey meaning, but with some systematic errors.
All three sections (introduction, body and All ideas are relevant conclusion) are present. and most ideas are developed.
All responses are fully relevant.
Most ideas are developed with examples, explanations, and/or opinions.

Produces long stretches of fluent language. Hesitations and reformulations often sound natural. Cohesive features sometimes sound natural rather than mechanical.
Lexical range is wide enough to allow reformulation as appropriate. Uses some topic-specific and less common lexis as well as some correct collocations. There is not much sign of having to restrict what s/he wants to say. Errors may be frequent but do not reduce clarity.
Uses a range of complex structures. Errors may be frequent but do not reduce clarity.
Mispronunciation of individual words/sounds may be frequent, but rarely reduces clarity. Can often vary prosodic features to convey meaning, but with systematic errors.
At least two sections (introduction/conclusion and body ) are present. Most Ideas are relevant and frequently developed.
Responses are mostly relevant. I deas are frequently developed with examples, explanations and/or opinions.
Produces stretches of fluent language , but with some unnatural sounding hesitations. May over - or misuse cohesive features or use them mechanically.
Lexical range includes topic -specific vocab and is wide enough to discuss given topics without relying on frequent unnecessary repetition. Errors may be frequent but rarely reduce clarity.
Uses a range of complex structures. Errors may be frequent but rarely reduce clarity. The speaker can generally be understood.
The mispronunciation of individual words/sounds is frequent. Prosodic features are used with some effectiveness.
All core task requirements are met:
- submits a PPT file ,before the deadline,
- speaks for 4 minutes,
- utilises at least one graph, table or chart.
There are some relevant ideas and attempts to provide supporting details.
At least one response includes relevant ideas. Attempts are made to provide supporting details to ideas.
Can keep going, but frequent pauses, false starts, and/or stumbling slow the pace.
Cohesive features are often simple and/or repetitive.
Lexical range is sufficient to discuss the given topic, but there is reliance on repetition. Errors may be frequent.
Uses a few different kinds of complex structures. Errors may be frequent and sometimes reduce clarity.
There is occasional strain for the listener due to mispronunciation of individual words/sounds. Prosodic features are attempted, but effectiveness is limited.
Core requirement/s not met. Very limited response, or 100% offtopic.
Very limited responses, or 100% off-topic.
Below B1+ level: Language output is limited, relies heavily on repetition or lexis given in questions, grammar mostly simple, strain for the listener throughout.


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