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CS 225|mp_lists
In this MP(machine problem)you will:
● learn to manipulate linked memory by writing functions to modify linked lists
● practice debugging more complex code
● practice using templates
● get familiar with iterators
Checking Out the Code
All assignments will be distributed via our release repo on github this semester.You will need to have set up your git directory to have our release as a remote repo as described in ourgit set up
You can merge the assignments as they are released into your personal repo with
git pull --no-edit --no-rebase release main --allow-unrelated-histories
git push
The first git command will fetch and merge changes from the main branch on your remote repository named release into your personal.The--no-edit flag automatically generates a commit message for you,and the--no-rebase flag will merge the upstream branch into the current branch.Generally,these two flags shouldn't be used,but are included for ease of merging assignments into your repo.
The second command will push to origin(your personal),which will allow it to track the new changes from release.
You willneed to run these commands for every assignment that is released. All the files for this lab are in the mp_lists directory.
Preparing Your Code
This semester for MPs we are using CMake rather than just make.This allows for us to use libraries such as Catch2 that can be installed in your system rather than providing them with each assignment.This change does mean that for each assignment you need to use CMake to build your own custom makefiles.To do this you need to run the following in the base directory of the assignment.Which in this assignment is the mp_lists directory.
mkdir build
cd build
This first makes a new directory in your assignment directory called build.This is where you will actually build the assignment and then moves to that directory.This is not included in the provided code since we are following industry standard practices and you would normally exclude the build directory from any source control system.
Now you need to actually run CMake as follows.
cmake ..
This runs CMake to initialize the current directory which is the build directory you just made as the location to build the assignment.The one argument to CMake here is..which referes to the parent of the current directory which in this case is top of the assignment.This directory has the files CMake needs to setup your assignment to be build.
At this point you can in the build directory run make as described to build the various programs for the MP.
You will need to do the above once for each assignment.You will need to run make every time you change source code and want to compile it again.
Background Information:Template Classes
ldentical to what you saw in lecture,template classes provide the ability to create generic container classes.In this MP,you will be writing a List class.
class List {
This simply says that our class List has a parametrized type that we willcall T.Similarly,the constructor will look like this:
We need the template or template above all of our functions—it becomes part of the function signature.The keywords class and typename can be interchanged.
Template classes need access to the implementation for compilation.Every time a different class is used as the template,the code must be compiled to support containing it.For example,if you want to make a List,the compiler must take the generic List implementation code and replace all the Ts with ints inside it,and compile the result(this process is called template instantiation).Our solution to this is to#include "List.hpp"at the bottom of our List.h file,and not includeList.h in our List.hpp file.This ensures that whenever a client includes our header file,he/she also gets the implementation as well for compilation purposes(there are other solutions,but this is how we will solve it in this course).
Background Information:Linked Lists
The interface of this List class is slightly different from what you have seen in lecture.This List has no sentinel nodes;the first node'Sprev pointer,and the last node'Snext pointer,are both NULL.In lieu of these sentinels,we keep a pointer head to the first node,and a pointer tail to the last node in the List.(In an empty list,both head and tail are NULL.)The List class also has an integer member variable,length,which represents the number of nodes in the List;you will need to maintain this variable.
Background Information:Iterators
If you are not familiar with iterators,please read our notes here. We use iterators to figure out where we currently are in the list,what is the next/previous node,and to access the data.
Iterator class has one member variable,namely a pointer to the node in the list.Some of the core functionality includes moving the pointer,getting current location,and checking the location of the iterator.
Background Information:GDB
We have a reference guide for GDB here.You should read through it to get an idea of how to start gdb,what commands you have available,etc.
曰Guide:How to use GDB
To summarize a bit,you could run:
gdb --args ./test"[part=1]"
to debug the part one test cases with gdb,
gdb --args ./test"*insert*"
to debug all the tests with“insert”in their name.
Once you start gdb to execute the tests you want to run,you can set breakpoints to help you debug.For example,we could set a breakpoint at the beginning of a test case we want to debug,or breakpoint(s)at the beginning or end of functions which are not behaving as we expect.For example,if we are failing the insertFront test,we could add a breakpoint at the end of the insertFront function and see if the list lookshow we expect.This will let us know whether to focus our debugging on exactly what the function is doing,or what the test case is doing after this call to insertFront.
For example,we can set a breakpoint in line 25 of our List class like so:
(gdb)b List.hpp:25
or a breakpoint in line 50 of the part 1 test cases like so:
(gdb)b tests/tests_part1.cpp:50
We can also set breakpoints using function names:
(gdb)b main
sets a breakpoint at the beginning of main,and
(gdb)b List::sort()
sets a breakpoint at the beginning of the sort function.You can tab complete this,so for example after typing b List::ins you can press tab to see a list of possible functions starting with ins in the List class,templatized with int.
Remember that Catch will print not only the name of a failing test case,but also what file the test was in and the line number of the failing assertion.You can use this to decide which tests to run and where you might want to set breakpoints.
OAll of the functions should be implemented iteratively outside of mergesort,which is recursive.If any functions are done recursively,you willencounter a stack overflow.
Part 1:Debugging &Implementing Linked Lists
In your mp_lists folder,you will find that the List class is split into four.h or.hpp files:
● List.h
● List.hpp
● List-ListIterator.hpp
● List-given.hpp
We have provided a partial implementation of a few List functions for this part of the MP.Some functions are written,and some are unwritten.Those functions which are already coded may have a few bugs in them!This part of the MP is to help get you used to debugging certain kinds of logical and memory related bugs,as well as writing pointer manipulation code.All the
functions are specified in List.h,and their(potentially empty)implementations are in List.hpp orList-ListIterator.hpp for you to write.
You should use gdb,valgrind,and any other debugging tools or techniques you're
comfortable with to complete the first part of this MP(as well as general debugging in Part 2 and beyond).
See the [Doxygen][List]for details of the List class
1Notes on testing There are two ways to test this MP:
1.Using make to make list.cpp into./lists,which allows you to write your own lists to test.
2.Using make test to make./test,which allows you to run the automated tests.
3.You can add test to the automated tests in tests_student.cpp. You're free to run Valgrind (or other tools)on the executables:
val(val)grind(grind) ./.t(/)est(lis)ts[part=1]
You can also select test cases to run by their names,and run those under valgrind or gdb as well:
./test"List::reverse" ./test"*insert*"
valgrind ./test"*insert*" gdb --args ./test"*insert*"
This should default construct the list.Keep in mind everything mentioned in the background
for the Linked List class.
Since the List class has dynamic memory associated with it,we need to define all of the Rule of Three.We have provided you with the Copy Constructor and overloaded operator=.
● You will need to implement the destroyO helper function called by operator=(the assignment operator)and the destructor~List()
· The_destroy()function should free all memory allocated forListNode objects. Insertion
The insertFront Function
(SeetheDoxygen for insertFront.)
● This function takes a data element and prepends it to the beginning of the list.
·If the list is empty before insertFront is called,the list should have one element with the same value as the parameter.
·You may allocate neW ListNodeS.
Example For example,ifinsertFront is called on the list of integers <547>
with the parameter 6,then the resultant list should be <6547>
The insertBack Function
(SeetheDoxygen for insertBack.)
● This function takes a data element and appends it to the end of the list.
·If the list is empty before insertBack is called,the list should have one element with the same value as the parameter.
·You may allocate neW ListNodeS.
Example For example,ifinsertBack is called on the list of integers <547>
with the parameter6,then the resultant list should be <5476>
Testing Your insert Functions
Once you have completed insertFront and insertBack,you should compile and test them.These tests do not rely on your iterator
make test
./test "List::insertFront*"
./test"List::insertBack*" ./test"List::insert*"
In order to provide the client code with the ability to read the data from the list in a uniform way,we need to have an iterator.We have provided a list iterator class List-ListIterator.hpp which has some functionality implemented.However,there are a few functions yet to be
written as wellas some functions with buggy implementations!You will need to worry about all the functions with a @TODO comment:
● ListIterator&operator++()
● ListIterator operator++(int)
● ListIterator&operator--()
● ListIterator operator--(int)
● bool operator!=(const ListIterator&rhs)
You will also need to implement the begin() and end()functions in List.hpp to have a way of obtaining an iterator from a List.
Many of the more advanced functionality will be tested by using your iterator.So,you should make sure to debug and implement these after you have finished your insert functions but before you start working too much on the later functionality.
The split Helper Function (SeetheDoxygen for split.)
● This function takes in a pointer start and an integer splitPoint and splits the chain of ListNodes into two completely distinct chains of ListNodes after splitPoint many nodes.
·The split happens after splitPoint number of nodes,making that the head of the new sublist,which should be returned.In effect,there will be splitPoint number of nodes remaining in the current list.
·You may NOT allocate neW ListNodeS
Example For example,if split is called on the list of integers listl=<12345>
then after calling list2 =list1.split(2)the lists will look like listl ==<12>
list2 ==<345>
Testing Your split Function
Once you have completed split,you should compile and test it. make test
You should see images actual-split_*.png created in the working directory (these are generated by repeatedly splitting split.png).Compare them against expected-split_*.png.
The waterfall Function (Seethe Doxygen for waterfall.)
● This function modifies the list in a cascading manner as follows.
·Every other node (starting from the second one)is removed from the list,but appended at the back,becoming the new tail.
● This continues until the next thing to be removed is either the tail(not necessarily the original tail!)or NULL.
·You may NOT allocate neW ListNodeS.
·Note that since the tail should be continuously updated,some nodes will be moved more than once.
Example For example,if waterfall is called on the list of integers <12345678>
then the call to waterfall()should result in <13572648>
(Do you see the pattern here?)
Step-by-Step Example We will look again at the list <12345678>
When we call waterfal1,this is how it should look step-by-step: <12345678>-Skip the 1
curr tail
<13456782>-Remove the 2 and move it at the end curr tail
<13567824>-Skip the 3,and move the 4 to the end curr tail
<13578246>-Skip the 5 and move the 6 to the end curr tail
<13572468>-Skip the 7 and move the 8 to the end
curr tail
<13572684>-We have moved past the original tail of the list.
This is okay!Skip the 2 and move the 4 to the end,
curr tail now for the second time!
<13572648>Skip the 6 and move the 8 to the end,now for the second time!
curr tail
We are done now because we skip over the 4 and get to the tail of the list.The s stays in place, and we have finished.If you were keeping track of moves,you would notice that a number
(they happen to be in order here for convenience)gets moved the same amount of times as it is divisible by 2!Technically this might not be true for the s,but we could have moved it that last time,it just would have stayed where it was(remove it from the tail and put it back to the tail).Kinda neat,huh?
Testing Your waterfal1 Function
Once you have completed waterfall,you should compile and test it. make test
Testing Part 1
Compile your code using the following command: make test
After compiling,you can run all of the part one tests at once with the following command: ./test [part=1]
● These tests are deliberately insufficient. We strongly recommend augmenting these tests with your own.
● Be sure to think carefully about edge cases and reasonable behavior of each of the functions when called on an empty list,or when given an empty list as a parameter.
·It is highly advised to test with lists of integers before testing with lists of HSLAPixelS.
·Printing out a list both forward and backwards(eg,using an iterator or a custom print function)is one way to check whether you have the double-linking correct,not just
forward linking.Printing the size may also help debug other logical errors.
ODOUBLE CHECK that you can confidently answer“no”to the following questions:
·Did I allocate new memory in functions that disallow it?
·Did Imodify the data entry of any ListNode? ·Do l leak memory?
Extra Credit Submission
For extra credit,you can submit the code you have implemented and tested for part one of mp_lists.Follow the submission instructions section for handing in your code.
Part 2
The reverse Helper Function (SeetheDoxygen for reverse.)
In List.hpp you will see that a public reverse method is already defined and given to you.You are to write the helper function that the method calls.
·This function will reverse a chain of linked memory beginning at startPoint and ending at endPoint.
·The startPoint and endPoint pointers should point at the new start and end of the chain of linked memory.
● The next member of the ListNode before the sequence should point at the new start,and the prev member of the ListNode after the sequence should point to the new end.
·You may NOT allocate neW ListNodeS.
Example For example,if we have a list of integers <1234567>
(with head pointing at 1and tail pointing at 7)and call the public function reverse()
The resulting list should be <7654321>
(with head pointing at 7 and tail pointing at 1)
9 Your helper function should be as general as possible!In other words,do not assume your reverse()helper function is called only to reverse the entire list-it may be called to reverse only parts of a given list.
Additionally,the pointers startPoint and endPoint that are parameters to this function should at its completion point to the beginning and end of the new,reversed sublist.
The reverseNth Function
(SeetheDoxygen for reverseNth.)
·This function accepts as a parameter an integer,n,and reverses blocks of n elements in the list.
·The order of the blocks should not be changed.
·If the final block(that is,the one containing the tail)is not long enough to have n
elements,then just reverse what remains in the list.In particular,ifn is larger than the length of the list,this will do the same thing as reverse.
·You may NOT allocate neW ListNodeS.
Example For example,if reverseNth is called on the list of integers
then the call to reverseNth(3)should result in <321654987>
For the list of integers <123456>
the call to reverseNth(4)should result in <432165>
1Hint You should try to use your reverse()helper function here. Testing Your reverse Functions
Once you have completed reverse and reverseNth,you should compile and test them.
make test
./test "List::reverseNth #1" ./test"List::reverseNth #2"
You will be implementing the helper functions for one more member function of the List
template class:sort.This is designed to help you practice pointer manipulation and solve an interesting algorithm problem.In the process of solving this problem,you willimplement several helper functions along the way-we have provided public interfaces for these helper functions to help you test your code.
Themerge Helper Function
(SeetheDoxygen for merge.)
·This function takes in two pointers to heads of sublists and merges the two lists into one in sorted order(increasing).
● You can assume both lists are sorted,and the final list should remain sorted.
·You should use operator
·You may NOT allocate neW ListNodes!
Example For example,if we have the following lists
list2 =<257>
then after calling list1.mergeWith(list2)the lists will look like
listl ==<1234567>
list2 ==<>
Testing Your merge Function
Once you have completed merge,you should compile and test it. e(ak)s(e)t test "List::merge"
You should see the image actual-merge.png created in the working directory if your program
terminates properly.This is generated by merging the images tests/mergel.png and tests/merge2.png.Compare this against expected-merge.png.
The mergesort Helper Function (SeetheDoxygen for mergesort.)
● This function sorts the list using the merge sort algorithm,explained below.
·You should use operator
·You should use the private helper functions you wrote above to help you solve this problem.
·You may NOT allocate neW ListNodeS
·This function's runtime willbe graded for efficiency(correct Big-Oh runtime) Example For example,if sort is called on the list of integers
the resulting list should be <123456789>
Merge Sort-Algorithm Details
Merge Sort is a recursive sorting algorithm that behaves as follows:
● Base Case:A list of size 1is sorted.Return.
● Recursive Case:
o Split the current list into two smaller,more manageable parts
o Sort the two halves(this should be a recursive call)
o Merge the two sorted halves back together into a single list
In other words,Merge Sort operates on the principle of breaking the problem into smaller and smaller pieces,and merging the sorted,smaller lists together to finally end up at a completely sorted list.
Testing Part 2
Compile your code using the following command:
make test
After compiling,you can run the part two tests at once with the following command: ./test [part=2]
Hint:Comparing similar images Occasionally diff may tell you that the 2 images differ,but you cannot easily tell the difference with the naked eye.In these scenarios,there is a great tool on ews machines called compare which can help you.
compare out.png out_01.png out_difference.png
This command will create a new image called out_difference.png where any differing pixels willbe bright red.
·These tests are deliberately insufficient.We strongly recommend augmenting these tests with your own.
·Be sure to think carefully about reasonable behavior of each of the functions when called on an empty list,or when given an empty list as a parameter.
·It is highly advised to test with lists of integers before testing with lists of HSLAPixelS.
·Printing out a list both forward and backwards is one way to check whether you have the double-linking correct,not just forward linking.Printing the size may also help debug
other logical errors.
9DOUBLE CHECK that you can confidently answer “no”to the following questions:
·Did I allocate new memory in functions that disallow it? ·Did I modify the data entry of any ListNode?
·Do I leak memory?
Grading Information
We will use the following files for grading:
● List.h
● List.hpp
● List-ListIterator.hpp
All other files including any testing files you have added will not be used for grading.
To submit your assignment you upload these file to the mp_lists questions here for
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