Department of Accounting and Business Analytics OM 421 B01

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Department of Accounting and Business Analytics

OM 421 B01, Winter 2024

Midterm Exam

29 February

Instructor: Armann Ingolfsson

Exam time: 11:00 am – 12:10 pm

Total points: 30

1) (1 pt.) You wish to encode the data variable “ Net migration” using colour. This variable equals the number of people moving into a region, minus the number of people moving out of the region, over some time period. Select a colour palette that would be appropriate for this variable.

2) (1 pt.) According to the textbook author, Figure 1.14 from the textbook (shown above) illustrates the following:

a) The five bars on the left are less bright than the five bars on the right

b) Bars that touch appear to differ more in brightness than bars that don’t touch

c) Bars that don’t touch appear to take up less space than bars that touch

d) Bars that touch appear taller than bars that don’t touch

3)  (1 pt.) How many variables are in the gss_sm dataset?

a) 6

b) 32

c) 2,016

d) 2,867

4) (1 pt.) In Tableau, connect to the World Indicators data set.  Plot a histogram of the Internet Usage variable.  What is the bin size that

Tableau chooses by default?

a) 0.0333

b) 30 bins

c) 0.05

d) Need to know the sample standard deviation to answer

5) (1 pt.) How many different countries are included in the gapminder data?

a) 5

b) 6

c) 12

d) 142

e) 1704

Source: “How To Read This Chart” Washington Post newsletter, by Philip Bump

6) (2 pts.) Compute a liefactor for the bar for Trump vs. the bar for DeSantis, as shown in the chart above.

Source: nhl-players/

7) (4 pts.) Use the terminology decode the visualization above.  Use “sequential colour” and “unordered colour” instead of “color value” and “color hue” .

Determine the data variables, their types, and their visual encoding(s).

8) (6 pts.) Use R ggplot to do the following:

•    Load the tidyverse and gapminder libraries

•    Use the gapminder dataset

•    Map “gdpPercap” to x and “ lifeExp” to y

•    Create a graph that shows a quadratic trendline

•    Create small multiples based on the “continent” variable

There is no need to change any graph defaults other than the ones mentioned above.  Your graphs should only show trendlines and confidence interval ribbons.  They should not show any data points.

Paste the small-multiple chart into the space indicated in the Answers sheet.

Paste the R code for creating the small multiples into the space indicated in the Answers sheet.  Include only the code used to create the chart.  Do not include code used to load libraries.

9) (6 pts.) Download the ufo_sightings.xlsx data from the online assessment tool.  Each row corresponds to a UFO sighting.  One of the variables is country_code, and it provides a two-letter code for the country of the sighting.  Using the tool(s) of your choice (Excel, Tableau, or R ggplot), do the following:

•    Determine the four countries with the most sightings. Aggregate all other sightings into “Other” .

•    Plot a bar chart of the number of sightings for the top four countries and for “Other” .

•    Show the two-letter codes for the four countries, and the text

“Other”, next to the y axis.  The countries should be shown in descending order of number of sightings (country with the most sightings should be at the top).  “Other” should be at the bottom.

•    Use log scale for the x axis.

There is no need to change any graph defaults other than the ones mentioned above.

Paste the graph into the space indicated in the Answers sheet.

10) (2 pts.) Do the following in Tableau: Connect to the World Indicators data set.  Put Infant Mortality Rate into Columns and Region into Rows.  For Infant Mortality in Rows, change the Measure to Average.  You should see a horizontal bar chart of Infant Mortality Rate by Region.

Provide instructions for how to sort Region, from highest (at the top) to lowest average Infant Mortality Rate.  You do not need to use complete sentences.  Limit your answer to 200 characters.

Source: advance-polls-in-record-numbers-1.6855205 .

11) (5 pts.) Create an improved version of the chart above. The data is in the Turnout.xlsx file.

Paste the improved chart into the space indicated in the Answers sheet.

Explain what you view as the most important change.  Limit your answer to 200 characters.


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