PLAN26011 Data Analytics for Environmental Management
A. In no more than 500 words each, choose TWO of the following questions in relation to Environmental Management – include references as appropriate.
1. Outline the key ethical considerations when designing a data collection campaign for both social and ecological data.
2. What are the key spatial and temporal biases in environmental monitoring data and provide examples of why such biases occur.
3. Describe the relationship between uncertainty, confidence and probability, and outline where uncertainty arises in ecological monitoring or experimentation.
Question 1:
Question 2:
B. Present your results of the following exercises. Each question relates to the weekly content.
· Using the DominicaStreams_1 example dataset, choose six variables (from the table below) and correctly categorise their variable type with a short rationale.
Variable |
Type |
Rationale |
Type |
pH |
Conductivity |
Temperature |
PO4 |
Wetted:Bank |
Pool |
Gravel |
Colour |
Engineered |
Cell(s) or range |
Type of error |
How to avoid |
· Pick a variable (either discrete or continuous) from any of the example datasets and using a combination of visual and statistical tests, suggest a) whether you would recommend a transformation (this may not always be necessary), and whether it was more suited to parametric or non-parametric tests.
Dataset: Variable: |
[Insert visual and/or statistical tests here with notes] |
Parametric / non-parametric [delete as appropriate] |
1) The survey site information: F3UES_birdpoints2013_surveydata
2) The actual observations: F3UES_birdpoints2013_obsdata
b) |
· Power analysis: If you have two populations of crow in different parts of Europe and want to test whether their beak lengths differ at a significance level of 5% (or 0.05) a) what n do you need for anticipated small, medium, or large effect sizes? (assuming age and sex is equal!), b) Which effect size might you anticipate and why?
b) |
· Present your descriptive statistics table based on the collated data from Week 8 with suitable caption. Provide suitable commentary and cross-reference (as would be written for publication) to go with the table (limit to 200 words)
· Using the information given in Week 11 Data Visualisation, pick any variable or variables from the DominicaStreams_1 dataset and produce a correctly captioned and annotated figure (e.g., scatter plot, bar chart etc.) with appropriate commentary and cross-reference (limit to 200 words).