COMP3329 Instructions for Assessment Tasks

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COMP3329 Instructions for Assessment Tasks

Game Plan Presentation (5%)

The purpose of the game plan presentation is to help you consolidate your ideas, define the project scope as well as explore and investigate the feasibility of your ideas.

What to submit (for each group)

A set of presentation slides in PPT format (max 5 pages), which should include, but not limited to:
1. Game title – give a suitable title for your game
2. Group number, names of students in your group
3. A brief introduction of a favorite game that your group wants to follow or criticize (title, image, link to web page and game play video clip if available, genre) (1 slide)
4. A brief description of the general information of the game (1 slide)
5. A brief description of the game rules (1 slide)
6. Abrief evaluation based on the four basic elements of game design (technology, story, mechanics, aesthetics) (1 slide)
Due credits should be given wherever appropriate to any adopted/adapted materials.

You will receive feedback from peer classmates and the teaching team.

Project Proposal (5%)

The purpose of the proposal is to help you consolidate your ideas, define the project scope as well as explore and investigate the feasibility of your ideas.

What to submit (for each group)

A written proposal in PDF format (max 5 pages), which should include, but not limited to:
1. Game title - give a suitable title for your game
2. Group number, names of students in your group, with student IDs
3. A brief description of a favorite game that your group wants to follow or criticize (title, image, link to web page and game play video clip if available, genre)
4. A brief description of the general information of the game
5. A brief description of the game rules
6. Abrief evaluation based on the four basic elements of game design (technology, story, mechanics, aesthetics)
7. A brief account of the methodologies that you would adopt
8. A brief account of the platforms/tools (e.g., Unity) that you would use
9. A list of tasks, with a reasonable timeline, to be accomplished and the division of labor among the group members
10. Referenced materials / projects (if any)

Due credits should be given wherever appropriate to any adopted/adapted materials.

Carefully check the general assessment rubrics of the proposal, the online resources on how to develop an effective proposal and some exemplars from past years on Moodle before you work on the proposal.

1-page Progress Report (5%)

The purpose of the 1-page Progress Report is to help you report your progress to the teaching team. Listing what you have done in point-form is acceptable.

Final Game Presentation (15%)

The purpose of the final game presentation is to help you demonstrate your game to peers and the teaching team. Peers and the teaching team may also test your game in real time. It also provides you an opportunity to receive and respond to feedback and comments from peers and the teaching team.
What to prepare (for each group)

  • Your final game product (for demonstration and testing)
  • Game poster (you can show it during your presentation)
    • A1 size (594mm width * 841mm height)
    • 150dpi (3508 * 4967 pixels)
    • It should include, but not limited to:
      • Game title
      • Group number and names of group members
      • A brief description of the general information of your game
      • Some screen captures of your game
  • Game trailer (you can play it during your presentation)
    • 1 minute
    • Should be playable in Windows Media Player
    • It should include, but not limited to:
      • Game title
      • Group number and names of group members
      • Key ideas of your game
      • Key screens in your game
      • How to play your game
      • Important features (e.g., nice 2D graphics / 3D models / visual and audio effects) in your game

Due credits should be given wherever appropriate to any adopted/adapted materials.

Final Game & Report (20%)

What to do for this milestone:
  • To finalize a playable game with at least one stage
  • To perform appropriate game testing and evaluation
  • To identify possible limitations of your game
  • To write a final report
The purpose of the final report is for you to summarize the game designed, tasks achieved (e.g., 2D graphics / 3D models / audio effects implemented, technical components such as AI / VR / AR / MR applied, and to discuss results on game testing, issue analysis, and possible limitations of the game project. You should demonstrate your understanding of your project work regarding the aforementioned aspects in your report.

Online resources on how to compile a comprehensive and effective project report will be made available on Moodle. You may also refer to the past exemplars of reports.

Check carefully the assessment rubrics of the final work & report.

You will receive written feedback on your proposal from the teaching team about two weeks after the submission deadline.

What to submit (for each group)

Written report in PDF (max 15 pages), which should include, but not limited to:
1. Game title
2. Group number, name and student IDs
3. Highlights of your key and original contributions in THREE bullet points
4. Report of the game developed:
  • A brief introduction of your game idea
  • How did you get the idea? (e.g., literature review)
  • How to play your game?
  • Key screens in your game (e.g., 2D graphics / 3D models)
  • Key features and technical contributions (e.g., AI / VR / AR / MR)
  • Future plan
5. Report of results on gameplay testing and issue analysis
6. Report of possible limitations and remaining issues for your game

Your final game product with source code, installation and execution instructions (wherever appropriate)

Due credits should be given wherever appropriate to any adopted/adapted materials.


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