Computational Methods Second Assessment

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Computational Methods Second Assessment

Assessment Background

The purpose of this assessment is for you to apply some of the skills you have learnt in the data science part of the course, and also those that you have started learning in the statistics section of the course after reading week.

You will be required to demonstrate that you can think critically about the dataset, construct a relevant research question and sensible hypotheses, and conduct an appropriate analysis.

Deadline and Requirements

Your final assessment needs to be submitted by 11.59pm on Monday 16th December 2024 (unless you have an extension).

The assessment should be a maximum of 4 pages. This doesn’t need to be like a full research project. Your write-up should focus on your statistical methods and the results of your analysis. You don’t need to do a literature review, or discuss your work in the context of previous research.

We will expect to see the following key components in your report:

  • Hypotheses – make some appropriate hypotheses about the study system, using information from the first part of the module
  • Methods – give a brief description of how you analysed your data
  • Results – give a summary of your results, preferably with some nice visualizations

Do feel free to ask any of the tutors/demonstrators for advice about your analyses. Establishedscientists ask for advice on statistical analysis very often!

Choosing a Dataset

You are free to choose whichever dataset you like, as long as it has an ecological or evolutionary focus, and provided you feel comfortable making hypotheses. Here a few specific suggestions if you need some inspiration:

  • You could use the data you collected during the Blakeney or QEOP field trips. You will need to arrange among yourselves to get final copies of the data.
  • Figshare ( and DataDryad ( are replete withdatasets containing samples of biodiversity and ecological communities. Here are some good examples that I have found:
  • If you are feeling brave, you could extract a dataset from the very large BioTime ( or PREDICTS ( release-of-the-predicts-database) biodiversity databases.

Note that marks will not be awarded based on the quality of your chosen dataset. The important thing is that you can make sensible hypotheses and conduct an appropriate analysis.

If you use an existing dataset from a published paper, please do not simply replicate the originalanalysis of the paper. We want to see that you can construct hypotheses and analyses yourselves!


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