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161122 Statistics

Statistical literacy and data collection. Descriptive statistics and the interpretation of data, probability, random variables and probability distributions, sampling and estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, use of R software.

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Course planning information

Course notes

161.122 takes an in-depth approach to statistics with a strong focus on computing. It allows entry into all 200-level statistics courses. Students without a strong computing or mathematical background should consider 161.111 Applied Statistics which covers key statistical concepts in an accessible way.

Expected prior learning

At least 16 credits in NCEA Level 3 Mathematics from these standards: 91573, 91574, 91575, 91576, 91577, 91578, 91579, 91587;
passed any 100-level mathematics course (prefix 160) except 160.104.

If you do not have this prior learning or equivalent you should enrol in this Massey University course instead:
160.105 Methods of Mathematics

If it is some time since you studied Mathematics at school, you can find out if you have the expected background by taking this maths quiz..


Similar content
115101, 161101161111, 161120, 161130, 161140

You cannot enrol in this course if you have passed (or are enrolled in) any of the course(s) above as these courses have similar content or content at a higher level.

Learning outcomes

  • 1Plan the collection of data for a specific purpose from appropriate data sources, and critique a given data collection scheme.
  • 2Choose appropriate software techniques for summarising and visualising complex datasets, communicating the results in context.
  • 3Analyse and interpret relationships between variables.
  • 4Use a range of probability models and their characteristics to make predictions for random variables.
  • 5Construct and interpret confidence intervals for a range of population parameters.
  • 6Apply the theory of hypothesis testing to construct and critique inferential statements about population characteristics, as part of the scientific method.

Learning outcomes can change before the start of the semester you are studying the course in.


Assessment Learning outcomes assessed Weighting
Written Assignment 1 2 3 10%
Written Assignment 1 2 3 4 5 10%
Written Assignment 1 2 3 4 5 6 10%
Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 20%
Exam (centrally scheduled) 1 3 4 5 6 50%

Assessment weightings can change up to the start of the semester the course is delivered in.

You may need to take more assessments depending on where, how, and when you choose to take this course.

Explanation of assessment types
Computer programmesComputer animation and screening, design, programming, models and other computer work.
Creative compositionsAnimations, films, models, textiles, websites, and other compositions.
Exam College or GRS-based (not centrally scheduled)An exam scheduled by a college or the Graduate Research School (GRS). The exam could be online, oral, field, practical skills, written exams or another format.
Exam (centrally scheduled)An exam scheduled by Assessment Services (centrally) – you’ll usually be told when and where the exam is through the student portal.
Oral or performance or presentationDebates, demonstrations, exhibitions, interviews, oral proposals, role play, speech and other performances or presentations.
ParticipationYou may be assessed on your participation in activities such as online fora, laboratories, debates, tutorials, exercises, seminars, and so on.
PortfolioCreative, learning, online, narrative, photographic, written, and other portfolios.
Practical or placementField trips, field work, placements, seminars, workshops, voluntary work, and other activities.
SimulationTechnology-based or experience-based simulations.
TestLaboratory, online, multi-choice, short answer, spoken, and other tests – arranged by the school.
Written assignmentEssays, group or individual projects, proposals, reports, reviews, writing exercises, and other written assignments.

Textbooks needed

There are no set texts for this course.


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