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Course |
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Diploma in Management Studies |
Batch No. |
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DMSD1 2329A/2330A/2431A |
Module Title |
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Principles of Business Management II |
Assessment |
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Individual Written Assignment |
Due Date |
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Wednesday, March 27, 2024 |
Word Length |
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1,800 words (+/- 10%) |
Weighting within Module |
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20% (100 marks) |
Submission |
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Blackboard |
The purpose of this assignment is to assess whether, and to what extent, students have reached the learning outcomes of the module. The assessment consists of an individual assignment which accounts for 20% of the total grade.
Assignment Topic: The Business (External) Environment 20% (100 marks) You are required to explain the business (external) environmental factors and how these factors affect firms’ performances. |
Using an organization of your choice, (i) identify general environmental factors or conditions which have to be taken into considerations when planning its future business activities. (ii) suggest the ways in which these factors can potentially impact upon its business activities. (iii) make recommendations as to how this organization can survive the environmental turbulence which surrounds it, and briefly explain why you believe these recommendations will be effective. Provide sufficient details on the background of the organization so that the reader is able to assess the relevance of your solutions. |
You can provide relevant figure(s) and/or table(s). Do provide evidence of readings (references).
Burrow, J., Kleindl, B., and Everard, E. K. (2008) Principles of Business Management, 12th ed. United Kingdom: Thomson South-Western
Mullins, J. L., and Christy, G. (2016). Management and Organisational Behaviour, 11th ed. United Kingdom: Pearson Education.
Robbins, P. S., Coulter, M., Leach, E., and Kilfoil, M. (2015) Management. 11th ed. Canada: Pearson Education.
Robbins, S., Bregman, R., Stagg, I., and Coulter, M. (2009). Management, 5th ed. Australia: Pearson Education.
1. You are required to write a report of 1,800 words, +/- 10%. The word count does NOT include cover page, contents page, appendices and reference list.
2. Please type in 1 ½ line spacing using Times New Roman 12 point. All pages must be numbered and justified. Title the headings and/or subheadings.
3. Students should apply management concepts learnt from lectures and/or class tutorials. Do further reading from basic textbooks, references, articles and journals such as Harvard Business Review
4. Use the Harvard Referencing Style Guide: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/studyskills/plagiarism- tutorials/tutorials/v4/GENERIC_EN/story_content/external_files/Harvard_Referencing_Gui de.pdf
5. Sources from Wikipedia and Blogs are excluded. Your discussion should be supported by articles from research literature, textbooks, newspapers, articles and/or journals.
Academic Misconduct Rule:
1. Please DO NOT cut and paste from the Internet.
2. All forms of cheating, plagiarism or collusion are regarded seriously and could result in penalties including loss of marks.
Procedures and Penalties on Late Assignment:
1. A student who wishes to defer the submission of an assignment must inform lecturer at least one (1) week before the deadline.
2. Where an extension is sought for the submission of an assignment the applicant must:
2.1 be in writing and preferably before the due date; and
2.2 set out the grounds on which deferral is sought.
3. Assignments submitted after the deadline or extended date without approval shall incur a penalty of loss of marks.
You will be assessed on the following criteria:
1. Understanding of the business environment and its changes.
2. Efforts, ownership and evidence of reading.
3. Clarity of sentences and structure of your report.
4. Referencing (in-text and end-text) and quality sources.
Assessment Criteria |
Marks |
Introduction: (100 - 200 words1)
10 |
30 |
20 |
10 |
Conclusion and Recommendations (100 - 200 words1)
20 |
Formatting and References
10 |
Note: 1 estimated only |