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Stat 470/670 Homework 1
Submit exactly two files: (i) a PDF/HTML file with your write-up and graphs and (ii) a .r/.txt/.Rmd file with code to reproduce your graphs.
1. Download the CyTOF data from http://jfukuyama.github.io/teaching/stat670/notes/cytof_one_experiment.csv. The csv has 50000 rows; if the computation is too slow because of the number of observations, feel free to subset down to a smaller number (see the subset function).
2. Choose one of the columns of the dataset and make at least two plots showing its distrubition (choose from ECDF, quantile, histogram, density estimate). What does the plot tell you about the distribution of the values in that column?
3. Choose any two of the columns of the dataset and make a Q-Q plot comparing the distributions. What does the Q-Q plot tell you about similarities or differences between the distributions of the values in the two columns?