BMAN 73271 Decision Behaviour, Analysis and Support

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BMAN 73271

Decision Behaviour, Analysis and Support

Individual project work 2024-2025

Semester 1

The main aim of this project is to analyse and model a decision problem or decision opportunity using multi-attribute (value) analysis. You may choose a personal problem (e.g. selecting a job, an MSc programme, a city to live) or a business problem (e.g. conducting a competitor analysis of MBA Programmes). You will collect data, develop a decision model using decision analysis software, interpret the results and reflect on the process.

Coursework Tasks

You are required to conduct a complete decision analysis that includes the following stages:

1. Formulation of the decision problem

a. Frame the problem. Define the purpose, perspective and scope of the decision problem.

b. Discuss the main issues, identify key values and attributes to represent these issues and establish any constraints. Use problem formulation tools discussed in the class. Conduct a stakeholder analysis and present a stakeholder analysis plot. Draw you attribute tree. You should present at least 4 or 5 criteria.

c. Identify a range of alternatives. You need to present a representative set of alternatives. Collect relevant data (e.g. costings and other criteria). Explain the screening process used to refine your list of alternatives for further evaluation.

2. Evaluation of decision alternatives

a. Build a decision model using software such as IDS or V.I.S.A.

b. Produce a data file to present the scores and ratings of your alternatives and outline your data sources.

c. Present a ranked list of alternatives and top options.

d. Conduct a sensitivity analysis to assess the robustness of your results.

3. Appraisal of decision analysis results

a. Interpret the decision analysis results and present your top option(s). Explain your conclusions. Discuss your findings and insights.

b. Reflect on the decision analysis process, noting any challenges or key learnings.


Report. Submit a report that discusses each stage of your decision analysis (formulation, evaluation and appraisal).

Include the following two appendices:

Appendix A. Decision model – Attach a screenshot of your IDS or V.I.S.A. model.

Appendix B. Data file. Include your decision tables and indicate all data sources.

Marking Criteria

• Introduction and interpretation: Clarity in presenting the decision analysis problem.

• Analysis and arguments: Quality, depth and rigour in analysing the problem and supporting arguments.

• Recommendation and insights: Quality of recommendations, originality and insight.

• Use of sources: Appropriate sourcing and referencing of data.


1. The individual project accounts for 100% of the overall mark.

2. Submit your report, data file and IDS/VISA file via Turnitin as a single file

3. Use the template uploaded on BB to structure your coursework (Report, Appendix A: V.I.S.A./IDS screenshot, Appendix B: data file)

4. The length of the report is up to 2,000 words (excluding title page, references and appendices)

5. The deadline for submitting the files via Turnitin: 2pm Wednesday 8th January 2025


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