Information Management Technology Assignment

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Information Management Technology Assignment

Assignment Task

This exercise requires students to design an event, a course or any activities. Students need to create a unique event name, design a logo, and select a color theme that reflects the cause they are supporting, such as environmental awareness or community health. They must create a detailed leaflet using Microsoft Word, which should highlightthe event's purpose, schedule, pricing, and any other related information.

Additionally, students are tasked with developing a promotional video presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. This presentation should include an introduction with the event name and logo, slides detailing major activities and facilities, and a clear outline of fees. A final slide should encourage viewers to participate. You must include registration form QR code.

For registration, students will use Microsoft Forms to create an online registration form to collect essential participant information, special requirements, and any information that you would like to collect. Finally, students will analyze participant data in Microsoft Excel, plot at least 3 charts with reasons.

Finally, students are required to write presentation slides (not more than 20 pages), explaining what and why they have done by Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Forms in this project. This report will showcase students' skills and creativity in event management, digital communication, and data analysis. You should present based on it.

Part1:Microsoft Word Usage-LeafletCreation20%

Objective:Designa 1 page onlyleafletfora charitywalkevent.

  • EventNameandLogo:Create a unique andimpactfulnamefor the event, course or activities.
  • ColorTheme: Choose a color scheme that aligns with the event's theme.
  • EventHighlights:Describewith all important information such as date, time, price andkey information aboutthe event.
  • ContactInformationandCalltoAction:Provide registration detailsand encourage participation.

Submission Item: Word document in 1. MS word docx format, 2. PDF file format.

Part 2: PowerPoint Usage - Promotion Video Creation 20%

Objective: Create a promotional video presentation for the charity walk.

  • Introduction Slide: Include the event name and logo.
  • SlidesforMajorActivities:Highlightkeypartsoftheevent, course or activities.
  • Detailson:Provideinformation for participants.
  • Final Slide with Call to Action: Encourage viewers to sign up with QR code..

Submission Item: Presentation Slide in 1. MS pptx format, 2. PDF file format, 3. mp4 video

Part 3: Microsoft Form Usage - Online Registration Form 20%

Objective:Developanonline registration form. Need to fill in atleast 15 records.

  • Personal Information: Collect name, email, and phone number.
  • Other Information: Design what else information is needed for your event, course or class.

Submission Item: 1. Form QR code, 2. Form link.

Part 4: Excel Usage - Data Analysis 20%

Objective: Analyze registration information and present it in at least 3 charts.
  • Data AnalysisTasks: You shouldfill up by yourself and download the result as Excelformat.
  • Visualization Tasks:
You may include:
    • Bar Chart: Create a bar chart to display the average number of participants per registration across differentdates.
    • Line Graph: Develop a line graph to show trends in registration numbers over time.
    • PieChart: Construct a pie chart to represent the proportion of participants with various special requirements or who expressed volunteer interest.

Submission Item: Spread Sheet in 1. MS Excel xlsx format, 2. PDF file format.

Part 5: Explanation of Techniques Used

Objective:Writea power slide reportofnomorethan20 pagesexplainingtheuseofvarious tools in the charity walkproject.
  • Microsoft Word:
    • Describe how Word was used to create and formatthe leaflet.
    • Explain the process of designing the event name and logo.
    • Discuss the choice of colorthemes and their application in the document.
  • PowerPoint:
    • Outline howPowerPointwas utilized to create promotional videopresentation.
    • Detailthe inclusion of key event slides, such as the introduction and callto action.
    • Explain the use of visual and audio elements to enhance engagement.
  • Google Forms:
    • List out the details ofthe online registration form.
    • Discuss the form's design and functionality for user accessibility.
  • Excel:
    • Describe how Excel was employed to analyze participant data.
    • Discuss the creation of charts to represent key insights.
Submission Item: Power Point in 1. MS Power Point format

End of Assignment

Assignment Rubric
Part 1: Microsoft Word Usage - Leaflet Creation 20%

Creativity and Originality
Lacks creativity; event name and logo are not engaging.
Some creativity in name and logo, but lacks uniqueness or full alignment with the theme.
Highly creative and innovative name and logo, perfectly expressing the event theme.
Content Quality
Content is incomplete or unclear, missing key information.
Content is mostly complete, but some details are insufficient or unclear.
Content is comprehensive and detailed, clearly conveying all key information.
Visual Appeal
Lacks visual appeal; design is inconsistent or unprofessional.
Design is somewhat appealing, but lacks consistency or professionalism.
Design is highly appealing, with consistent colors and layout, and professional design.
Effectiveness of Communication
Language is unclear or incomplete; lacks an effective call to action.
Language is mostly clear, but the call to action is not strong or clear enough.
Language is clear and compelling, with a strong and persuasive call to action.

Part 2: PowerPoint Usage - Promotion Video Creation 20%

Visual and Audio Quality
Poor visual and audio quality; may be inconsistent or unclear.
Visual and audio quality is acceptable, but lacks consistency or professionalism.
High-quality visuals and audio, consistent and professional design.
Content Coverage
Inadequate content coverage; missing key details.
Covers basic content, but some details are lacking.
Thoroughly covers all necessary details; content is comprehensive.
Engagement and Creativity
Lacks creativity; content is not engaging.
Some creativity, but overall lacks engagement.
Highly creative and engaging content that effectively captures audience attention.
Call to Action
Call to action is unclear or lacks persuasiveness.
Call to action is clear, but not strong or compelling enough.
Call to action is very clear and highly persuasive.

Part 3: Microsoft Form Usage - Online Registration Form 20%

Form Design and Functionality
Poor design and functionality; form may not work properly.
Design and functionality are acceptable but need improvement.
Well-designed form with fully functioning fields.
Data Collection
Information collected is incomplete or inappropriate.
Basic information is collected, but some important fields are missing.
All information collected is complete and appropriate, including all specified fields.
Clarity and Accessibility
Lacks clear instructions or is difficult to use.
Mostly clear, but may not be intuitive or easy to use.
Clear instructions, easy to use, and easy to navigate.
Privacy and Security
Lacks privacy and security measures.
Some privacy and security measures, but not comprehensive.
Comprehensive privacy and security measures are in place.

Part 4: Excel Usage - Data Analysis 20%

Data Accuracy and Completeness
Data is incomplete or incorrect.
Data is mostly complete, but there may be some errors.
Data is complete and accurate, with no errors.
Analysis Techniques
Did not use appropriate Excel functions for analysis.
Used some Excel functions, but analysis is not comprehensive.
Used all appropriate Excel functions, with thorough and in-depth analysis.
Visualization Quality
Charts are unclear or fail to effectively convey information.
Charts are mostly clear, but not intuitive or detailed enough.
Charts are clear and detailed, effectively conveying key insights.
Insight and Interpretation
Lacks insight or unclear interpretation.
Basic insights, but interpretation is not thorough or clear enough.
Deep insights with clear interpretation, effectively supporting analysis results.

Part 5: Explanation document 20%

Clarity and Organization
The report is unclear and poorly organized; lacks logical structure.
The report is somewhat clear and organized, but could be more coherent and structured.
The report is clear and well-organized, with a logical flow and structure.
Depth and Coverage of Explanation
Lacks depth; explanations of tool usage are minimal or missing, and not all tools are covered.
Provides basic explanations, covering most tools, but lacks detail or depth in some areas.
Offers detailed and in-depth explanations, thoroughly covering all tools used in the project.
Technical Accuracy
Contains inaccuracies or errors in describing tool functionalities and applications.
Generally accurate, but contains some minor inaccuracies in tool descriptions.
Descriptions are technically accurate and reflect a strong understanding of tool functions.
Picture Support
No pictures included or pictures do not support the explanations.
Some pictures included, but they may not fully illustrate or support the explanations.
Includes relevant pictures that effectively illustrate and support the explanations of tool usage.


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