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Main Examination Period 2019
BUSM096 Business Relationships and Networks
Question 1
How can the concept of ‘derived demand’ and Pfeffer and Salancik’s Resource-
Dependence Theory be linked? Use your argument to show why end consumers are relevant for companies working in business-to-business exchanges.
[50 marks]
Question 2
What causes the ‘dark side of business relationships’, and how are these causes different from those of the ‘bright side of business relationships’? Use the concept of value to illustrate your argument.
[50 marks]
Question 3
“The concept of ‘networking capabilities’ is mainly about managing in existing business relationships.” Critique this statement by analysing different networking capabilities, both with reference to dyadic business relationships and business networks.
[50 marks]
Question 4
“It is important, and inevitable, for everyone in a company to share the same network picture.” Critique this statement, and link your argument to the concept of ‘network insight’.
[50 marks]