ICS 160E / EECS 114 - Engineering Data Structures and Algorithms- Programming Project 4

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ICS 160E / EECS 114 - Engineering Data Structures and Algorithms- Programming Project 4

In this project you are to write a Java program that builds the routing tables for all the computers in a network, based on shortest-path routing. The input for this problem is the connectivity information for the network, given as follows:

IP_Address: IP_Address1 IP_Address2 ... IP_AddressN 
which indicates that the computer at address IP_Address can get to the addresses IP_Address1 IP_Address2 ... IP_AddressN in one hop, as in the following example:
The routing table for the computer at IP_Address is a set of pairs (IP_AddressA, IP_AddressB), which indicates that to route from IP_Address to go to IP_AddressA the next computer to send to (on the shortest path to IP_AddressA) is IP_AddressB. Your program should output the routing table for each computer, as shown as follows (for the computer at address 

Note: you may use the following class in your program:

You should read network topology connectivity information from System.in and output the routing table for each address to System.out.


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