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22803 Quantitative Skills in Accounting and Finance Research
Report Format
Each group is required to prepare a report not to exceed 15 typed A4 pages with 1.5 line spacing, 12-point font size, including any tables and charts. The title page, executive summary, references, appendices, etc., are not included in the 15-page limit. Marks will be deducted for going over this limit.
The report should have a title page that includes a list of group members, their names and student IDs, the class they are enrolled in and the lecturer’s name. It is recommended that you provide a one-page executive summary in the front of the assignment report.
Evaluation of the written report is based on:
- Quality of analysis and synthesis (65%)
- Quality of organisation (15%)
- Style (20%).
Refer to the Grading Criteria for Group Assignments below for details. Bonus points may be awarded for extremely innovative or original analysis and/or presentation of the written report.
Should there be any disagreement with respect to the contribution made by group members, please ensure that each group member complete the Peer Group Evaluation Form and email to the lecturer individually for the lecturer’s consideration.
With all group projects, it is possible that all group members might not share equally in the workload. In such a case, it would be unfair to assign the same grade to all members of the group. This evaluation form is your opportunity to inform me of any such situation in your group.
Your Name___________________________________________________________
Below, please list the other members of your group (excluding yourself). In the points allocated column, next to each group member, write the number of points out of a total of 100 points that you feel represents the relative effort of that group member in comparison to other members (excluding yourself). For example, if there were four other members of your group and you feel that all contributed equally, you would assign 25 points to each of the four members. Your total points must equal 100.
Group members names (not including yourself) |
Points Allocated |
__________________________________________ |
______________ |
__________________________________________ |
______________ |
__________________________________________ |
______________ |
__________________________________________ |
______________ |
__________________________________________ |
______________ |
__________________________________________ |
______________ |
Total points |
100 |
Critically and
comprehensively analyses
topics and data to address
the questions. Perceptive,
confident grasp of topic.
Confident and
presentation. No
vocabulary and
writing style.
Critically analyses topics
and data to address the
questions. Outstanding
evaluation of topic with
ample evidence.
logically ordered
flow, and succinct,
applied conclusion.
vocabulary and
writing style.
Mastery of
Understands what is seen
and read and applies to
topic. Careful presentation
of evidence.
introduction and
conclusion. Main
body clear and
logically developed.
expression and a
vocabulary. Good
use of references in
the correct style.
Demonstrates understanding
of what is seen and read but
does not apply to topic.
Evidence documented but
not well handled.
Introduction and
adequate. Material
organised and main
points clear.
Sound vocabulary
and basic style.
May be minor
errors in
spelling, grammar,
etc., which do not
interfere with
meaning. Correct
referencing style.
Description of what is seen
and read without apparent
Introduction and
conclusion vague
and weak. Material
not organised and
main points unclear.
Basic presentation
requirements not
Errors in expression
which interfere with
meaning. Absence
or incorrect use of
22803 Quantitative Skills in Accounting and Finance Research
Group Assignment
Due on 17 May 2024 by 22:00 AEST
Assignment Question 1
The samples on the following page were collected at hourly intervals during the first day of operation of the new statistical process control procedure. These data are available in the file named UTZ Consulting.
Assignment Question 2
To better plan for future growth of the restaurant, Miss Peters needs to develop a system that will enable her to forecast food sales by month for up to one year in advance. The below figure shows the value of food sales ($000’s) for the first three years of operation.
Month |
Year 1 |
Year 2 |
Year 3 |
January |
215 |
233 |
240 |
February |
210 |
219 |
237 |
March |
207 |
218 |
226 |
April |
165 |
185 |
197 |
May |
159 |
165 |
173 |
June |
125 |
140 |
145 |
July |
110 |
125 |
134 |
August |
115 |
134 |
136 |
September |
96 |
103 |
105 |
October |
115 |
115 |
133 |
November |
145 |
160 |
168 |
December |
191 |
216 |
- A time series plot. Comment on the underlying pattern in the time series.
- An analysis of the seasonality of the data. Indicate the seasonal indexes for each month, and comment on the high and low seasonal sales months. Do the seasonal indexes make intuitive sense? Discuss why/why not.
- Deseasonalize the time series. Does there appear to be any trend in the deseasonalized time series?
- Using the time series decomposition method, forecast sales for January through December of the fourth year.
- Provide summary tables of your calculations and any graphs in your report (or in the Appendix if you face any space constraint). Assume that January sales for the fourth year actually turn out to be $255,000. What was your forecast error? If this error is large, Miss Peters may be puzzled about the difference between your forecast and the actual sales value. What can you do to resolve her uncertainty in the forecasting procedure?
Assignment Question 3
The Ring Toss Association maintains data on performance for members of the Ring Toss Tournament. Scoring average is generally considered the most important statistic in terms of a player’s success. To investigate the relationship between scoring average and variables such as throwing distance, throwing accuracy, come backs, and average throws per round, year-end performance data for 100 players on the Tournament are contained in the separate data file. Each row of the data set corresponds to a player. Descriptions for the variables in the data set follow.
Scoring Average |
The average score per completed round. A round is completed if the player tosses all of their rings or the player hits all targets.
TossDist (Throwing Distance)
The average distance between a player and a successful throw. Tournaments vary in terms of distance between players and various bottles that they must toss a ring to. The further the bottle from the player, the higher the points awarded. The club measures the distance between the player and bottles that are successfully ringed.
TossAcc (Throwing Accuracy)
The percentage of throws that are successful. |
Rounds |
The number of rounds played at the Association during the year.
TPR (Throws per Round) |
The average number of throws per round. |