Fall 2023
CIS 101 - Introduction to Computing (71772) 3 credits
Friday | 01:20 pm - 03:20 pm | 15 Beekman Street 15BK 1009
Course support materials at classes.pace.edu
Class delivery format:
COVID-19 Vaccination
With the federal government’s end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration scheduled on May 11, 2023, the University is adjusting its COVID-19 guidance as of that date. The COVID-19 vaccine mandate will no longer be in effect, and proof of vaccination will no longer need to be submitted for students and employees. We strongly recommend that all community members continue to follow CDC guidelines for vaccination, which recommend that everyone be up to date with flu shots and COVID-19 vaccines including booster doses. For students, New York State immunization requirements remain in place for MMR and meningitis.
Please also note there may be additional vaccine or mask requirements for those in clinical placements or clinical research settings.
Course Description: Introduction to Computing, or CIS 101, is a foundation course within the university core curriculum. This course introduces students to the essential knowledge required to achieve a well-rounded understanding of the explosive impact of the Internet and technology in all aspects of modern society. Computers are now the primary means of information retrieval, analysis, and communication among individuals and organizations throughout the world. CIS 101 provides students with an understanding of computer terminology, hardware, and software necessary to explore the resources of the Internet and exploit technology to its fullest on both a personal and professional level.
Prerequisites None
Learning Outcomes
1. Recognize fundamental computing concepts, terminology, and definitions related to components of computing.
2. Apply programming knowledge and skills to solve simple computational problems.
3. Analyze computational problems by breaking them down into smaller components.
4. Assess the quality and effectiveness of a technology solutions based on predetermined criteria.
5. Design an original technology solution to address given problems or requirements.
6. Evaluate the ethical and social implications of computing on privacy, security, intellectual property, and data bias in society.
7. Demonstrate effective communication skills when collaborating and presenting ideas both orally and in writing with peers and in group projects.
Course lectures and assignments unfold on a weekly basis. You are responsible for submitting all assignments the day before the class of the next week. Participation in all class sessions is mandatory. In addition, you are expected to come to class prepared and having reviewed the materials for that week’s work. Please consult the Syllabus and Getting Started section, under the Content Navigation Bar in Classes for information on what materials you will need to have for each class session. It is expected that you access the Classes site frequently and read the announcements. You must participate in the Discussion forums, scheduled, do the readings, and submit assignments in Classes on or before they are due. It is expected that you will participate actively by maintaining communication with the instructor via email and respond promptly to requests/questions by your instructor.
Instructional Materials
MyLab IT with Pearson eText – GO! With Microsoft Office 365, 2021 Edition, campus bookstore ($146.65) (MUST HAVE MyLab IT INCLUDED)
ISBN-13: 9780138240516
Hard copy of the book with purchase of MyLabIT (optional) $29.99
Programming Foundations: Fundamentals (must register first with LinkedIn Learning, “Log in to LinkedIn Learning”)
Python for Non-Programmers (must register first)
Python Code Editor
Computing Equipment Required
PC or Mac only with a Webcam (NO Chromebooks or NO iPads)
Please note: If your classroom is scheduled in New York City in the following classrooms you must bring a laptop to class
W623, W605
Python website
W3schools–Python Tutorial
Grading Policy
In order to receive a grade in CIS 101, you must complete all assigned homework, classwork, and projects. The following assessments will be used to determine your grade:
Grades for this course will be determined through a number of assignments. I recognize that different kinds of assignments feed into the strengths of different students, and I work to provide a range of opportunities for you to show what you’ve learned.
Final Grade Breakdown:
Course Work |
Percent of Final Grade |
Emerging Technologies Group Project, Presentation, and Discussions |
15% |
5 Individual Discussion Topics and Response |
5% |
7 Excel Simulations |
10% |
7 Excel Homework (Lowest score dropped or extra credit) |
10% |
7 Excel Weekly Quizzes |
5% |
Exam 1 (Excel) |
15% |
8 Python (LinkedIn Learning Quizzes) |
5% |
4 Hands-On Python for Non-Programmers |
10% |
4 Python Homework |
10% |
Exam 2 (Python) |
15% |
Total |
100% |
Pace University's Grading Scale (%)
Rounded %
0- 59 |
60 - 66
67 - 69
70- 72
73 - 76
77 - 79
80 - 82
83 - 86
87 - 89
90 - 93
94 - 100
Grade Points
0.0 |
1.0 |
1.3 |
1.7 |
2.0 |
2.3 |
2.7 |
3.0 |
3.3 |
3.7 |
4.0 |
Letter Grade
F |
D |
D+ |
C- |
C |
C+ |
B- |
B |
B+ |
A |
Assignments & Homework
In Classes (LMS) under Content, you will find all required course work for each week.
Students are to complete Discussion assignments individually or based on pre-assigned groups. They are expected to evaluate the ethical and social implications of emerging computing technologies. The groups will present and discuss these topics using effective communication skills through the group project.
effective use of both oral and written communication skills.
Students are expected to solve simple computational problems by completing Excel and Python homework assignments.
Examination Policy
Course Policies
Attendance and Participation
Proofread and check the spelling before submitting a post in Discussions. While online communication is more relaxed, it is not careless communication. Doing a quick proofread of your work before you send it may alleviate the need to clarify 4 your posting and save you some time and potential embarrassment. Be aware of copyright and “fair use” law; do not plagiarize, and don’t forget to cite your information.
Penalty on Late Work
Classroom Climate
Our Pace community benefits from the richly unique experiences and individual diversity each of us bring. Intellectual growth and development happen when we engage in free and open discourse that challenges our own assumptions and beliefs. Together we all have the responsibility to create and maintain an environment where differences are respected and valued. To that end, we will challenge all manifestations of bias and discrimination to maintain a climate of mutual respect and civility.
Whether you are learning in an online or on campus environment, the same expectations of courtesy and conduct apply. All classroom interactions should remain civil, respectful, and supportive. If you disagree with someone, aim to acknowledge your disagreement in a respectful way. Try responding with a question to open up further discussion (e.g., I’m not sure that I understand your point of view. Can you say more?). When working online, choose your words carefully. It’s easy for someone to misinterpret your meaning when they can’t see your expressions or hear the tone of your voice. Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without face-to-face communication, your comments may be misinterpreted. If you have any concerns, please feel free to reach out to the professor, the CIS 101 Director, Professor Nomee, 161 Williams Street, Room 208, 212-346-1172, [email protected], or your advisors about any concerns you have about classroom dynamics and/or classroom climate. You can also contact Pace’s Chief Diversity Officer, 212-346-1879, or Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator Mr. Bernard Dufresne at (212) 346-1310, [email protected].
Keys to Success in this Course
1. Be self-motivated and fully engaged in the course.
2. Approach the class with a desire to learn new things
3. Actively participate in this course – aim to engage multiple times each week (if not daily) with the course materials and communications (announcements, discussions, etc).
4. Practice “Netiquette”; be polite and respectful when you communicate with your instructors and peers; always check your grammar and spelling; do not write in all caps (it feels like you're shouting) or exotic fonts (they may not show up on everyone's computer).
5. Set aside a specific time during the day to study and work on assignments for this course—one that fits your schedule.
6. Develop your technology skills and use Pace University resources, including the Learning Commons and faculty office hours, for assistance.
7. Contact your instructor if you have any ideas, suggestions, or concerns about the course.
Classroom Climate
Our Pace community benefits from the richly unique experiences and individual diversity each of us bring. Intellectual growth and development happen when we engage in free and open discourse that challenges our own assumptions and beliefs. Together we all have the responsibility to create and maintain an environment where differences are respected and valued. To that end, we will challenge all manifestations of bias and discrimination to maintain a climate of mutual respect and civility.
Whether you are learning in an online or on-campus environment, the same expectations of courtesy and conduct apply. All classroom interactions should remain civil, respectful, and supportive. If you disagree with someone, aim to acknowledge your disagreement in a respectful way. Try responding with a question to open up further discussion (e.g., I’m not sure that I understand your point of view. Can you say more?). When working online, choose your words carefully. It’s easy for 5 someone to misinterpret your meaning when they can’t see your expressions or hear the tone of your voice. Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without face-to-face communication, your comments may be misinterpreted.
Course Schedule
Week # |
Topics |
Assignments |
Week 1 |
Due Before Week 2 |
Overview of CIS 101
Classes (LMS)
Introduce Discussion Topics
Tell Us About Your Technology
Pace email
Discussion Topics:
Introduce Yourself
Assistant Dean Matthew Poli
Syllabus Review Quiz (Extra Credit)
Group Project:
Group Project Description and
Identification of Group Members
Week 2 |
Due Before Week 3 |
Group Project:
Introduce Group Project and Requirements
Group Project:
Work on Project
GP 1: Group Project Presentation before Week 9
Discussion Topic:
Self-Driving Cars
Introduce MyLabIT
Logging In (Free Only for 14 days)
Introduce Chapter 1:Creating a Worksheet
and Charting Data
Weekly Chapter Quizzes
Excel (Pearson):
Excel 1A and 1B Simulation Training
Excel 1F Baking Sale
Excel Weekly Quiz: Chapter 1
Week 3 |
Due Before Week 4 |
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Chapter 2: Using Functions, Creating Tables,
and Managing Large Workbooks
Excel (Pearson):
Excel 2A and 2B Simulation Training
Excel 2E Plants
Excel Weekly Quiz: Chapter 2
Week 4 |
Due Before Week 5 |
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Chapter 3: Analyzing Data with Pie Charts,
Line Charts, and What-If Analysis tools
Excel (MyLabIT):
Excel 3A and 3B Simulation Training
Excel 3F Streets
Excel Weekly Quiz: Chapter 3
Introduction to LinkedIn Learning
Introduction to Python Weekly Quizzes
Python (LinkedIn Learning):
Programming Basics
Programming Syntax
Programming Foundations: Fundamentals Quiz 1
Week 5 |
Due Before Week 6 |
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Chapter 4: Creating PivotTables and Pivot Charts
Excel (MyLabIT):
Excel 4A and 4B Simulation Training
Excel 4E Concessions
Excel Weekly Quiz: Chapter 4
Python (LinkedIn Learning):
Variables and Data Types
Programming Foundations: Fundamentals Quiz 2
Week 6 |
Due Before Week 7 |
Group Project:
Presentation Schedule
Continue Working on Project
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Chapter 5: Managing Large Workbooks and
Using Advanced Sorting and Filtering
Excel (MyLabIT):
Excel 5A and 5B Simulation Training
Excel 5F Career Programs
Excel Weekly Quiz: Chapter 5
Python (LinkedIn Learning):
Programming Foundations: Fundamentals
Conditional Code
Programming Foundation: Fundamentals Quiz 3
Week 7 |
Due Before Week 8 |
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Chapter 6: Creating Charts, Diagrams, and Templates
Excel (Pearson):
Excel 6A and 6B Simulation Training
Excel Weekly Quiz: Chapter 6
Excel 6E Hires
Python (LinkedIn Learning):
Modular Code
Programming Foundations: Fundamentals Quiz 4
Week 8 |
Due Before Week 9 |
Group Project:
Continue Working on Project
Group Project:
GP 1: Emerging Technology Group Project
Chapter 7: Use Financial and Lookup
Functions, Define Names, Validate Data, and Audit Worksheets
Excel (MyLabIT):
Excel 7A and 7B Simulation Training
Excel Weekly Quiz: Chapter 7
Excel 7E Condo Loan and Quarterly Cost Report
Week 9 |
Due Before Week 10 |
Exam 1: Excel
Your Career and Technology
Week 10 |
Due Before Week 11 |
Group Presentations and Group-Led
Group 5
Group 6
Group Project:
Group 5 and Group 6 Presentation and Group-Led
Discussion Feedback
Python: Replit
Python (LinkedIn Learning):
Video 1 Hands-On Python for Non-Programmers
HW Python 1 (Avg Grade)
Python for Non-Programmers Quiz 1
Week 11 |
Due Before Week 12 |
Group Presentations and Group-Led
Group 1
Group 8
Group Project:
Group 1 and Group 8 Presentation and Group-Led
Discussion Feedback
Python (LinkedIn Learning):
Video 2: Hands-On Python for Non-Programmers
HW Python 2 (Store)
Python for Non-Programmers Quiz 2
Week 12 |
Due Before Week 13 |
Group Presentations and Group-Led
Group 3
Group 7
Group Project:
Group 3 and Group 7 Presentation and Group-Led
Discussion Feedback
Python (LinkedIn Learning):
Week 3: Hands-On Python for Non-Programmers
HW Python 3 (Convert)
Python for Non-Programmers Quiz 3
Week 13 |
Group Presentations and Group-Led
Group 2
Group 4
Group 9
Group Project:
Group 2, Group 4 and Group 9 Presentation and
Group-Led Discussion Feedback
Group Self-Evaluation
Python:Modular Code
Python (LinkedIn Learning)
Week 4 Hands-On Non-Programmers
HW Python 4 (Locker Combo)
Python for Non-Programmers Quiz 4
Week 14 |
Exam 2:Python |
University Policies and Resources
Academic Integrity
Learning Commons
• Content Support Services including, content tutoring, exam review sessions, & content preparation/support workshops
• Academic Skills Services including small group peer mentoring, academic skills workshops, and individual academic development
• Writing Support Services including, writing tutoring & writing preparation/support workshops
Procedure for Students Who Wish to Obtain Reasonable Accommodations for a Course:
The same rigorous standards for admission apply to students with and without a disability. In order to support the continued success of students with disabilities, the University prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and is committed to ensuring equal access for students with disabilities to its facilities, programs, and activities. The University’s commitment to equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities includes providing reasonable accommodations for the needs of students with disabilities.
To request an accommodation for a qualifying disability, a student must self-identify and register with the Disability Services Office for his or her campus. The Office of Disability Services is housed in the Counseling Center on the New York City and Pleasantville campuses. No one, including faculty, is authorized to evaluate the need and arrange for an accommodation except the Coordinator of Disability Services. Moreover, no one, including faculty, is authorized to contact the Coordinator of Disability Services on behalf of a student.
Technological Resources:
• List of all Pace Information Technology Services.
• For assistance with a technological concern contact the Pace Helpdesk at (914) 773-3648 or create a help desk ticket.
• Visit the Learning Remotely website
Appropriate Use Policy for Information Technology:
Pace endorses the following statement on software and intellectual rights distributed by EDUCAUSE, the non-profit consortium of colleges and universities, committed to the use and management of information technology in higher education. The statement reads:
Respect for intellectual labor and creativity is vital to academic discourse and enterprise. This principle applies to work of all authors and publishers in all media. It encompasses respect for the right to acknowledgment, right to privacy and right to determine the form, manner and terms of publication and distribution.
Sex-Based Misconduct Policy and Procedure:
Pace University is committed to providing a safe environment for every member of its community and to ensuring that no student, faculty or staff member is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of any University program or activity on the basis of sex. Accordingly, the University prohibits the following forms of Sex-Based Misconduct: sexual assault, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual exploitation and stalking.
Instructors are a non-confidential resource and have an obligation to report any information about sexual assault with the Executive Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator Bernard Dufresne, [email protected], 161 Williams Street, Room 1017, (212) 346-1310. The Title IX/Affirmative Action Office is responsible for investigating violations of the sexual misconduct policy. Go here for more information about the Pace University sexual misconduct policy. Members of the University community who believe that they have been subjected to Sex-Based Misconduct are encouraged to report such incidents to the University and, where applicable, to local law enforcement. Confidential resources include the University Counseling Centers, Offices of Sexual and Interpersonal Wellness and University Healthcare. Contact information for those offices may be found in the self-care section below.
Your academic success in this course and throughout your college career depends heavily on your personal health and wellbeing. Stress is a common part of the college experience, and it often can be compounded by unexpected life changes outside the classroom. The Pace Community strongly encourages you to take care of yourself throughout the term, before the demands of midterms and finals reach their peak. Please feel free to talk with me about any difficulty you may be having that may impact your performance in this course as soon as it occurs and before it becomes unmanageable. Please know there are a number of other support services on campus that stand ready to assist you. I strongly encourage you to contact them when needed as well.
The Counseling Center Just-In-Case information supplies potentially life-saving mental health information to Pace University students, staff, and faculty, putting vital information and support options at your fingertips, just in case you or a friend needs help. Go to the Just in Case page on the Pace website or go to "Counseling Center" on the MyPace or the Pace Safe app.