FINAL EXAM 2023/24
Write an essay on game theory based on your own original ideas (and/or other sources) and the scientiic article Cold play: Learning across bimatrix games by Terje Lensberg and Klaus R. Schenk-Hoppe, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 185 (2021) 419–441 (denoted [LS] below).
Choose atwo-player simultaneous-move game (a bimatrx game) where the Nash equilibrium does not predict the play of most human players. Either you invent your own game or you use a scientiic article for this purpose. (Some references are provided in [LS]. Check, for instance, the papers by D.O. Stahl.) Call the particular game you choose G. [Hint: Try diferent games, before deciding which game G to write about.]
First, present the game G and its the theoretical analysis, using the notation and terminology you learned on the microeconomics unit.
Second, explain the behaviour of human players and why it deviates from Nash. (You can use an scientiic article or collect your own data by asking students to play this game.)
Third, explain the idea behind LS’s approach to solving games. You can do this more generally or in connection with your game G.
Four, run the online solver https://gplab.nhh.no/gamesolver.php to ind the solution derived from the model presented in [LS]. Try also to derive a solution by applying the example model in Section 4.3.1 of [LS] (see also their Appendix A.1. ‘Implementation of separable good replies’).
Five, compare your (diferent) indings and relect on these results.
The structure of your essay is outlined below. Please cite any sources used. Excessive quotations will be penalized; use your own words wher- ever possible.
Your essay has to be typed and cannot be longer than 2,400 words. Every word counts, i.e., abstract, tables, main text, bibliography, etc. all count towards the word count. You will have to submit a single PDF document. Your submission will be checked for plagiarism.
Mark distribution (marking criteria are attached below):
Abstract (6)
Introduction (10)
The game G and its Nash equilibrium/equilibria (10)
Human behaviour and its deviation from Nash in game G (10)
Explanation of [LS]’s approach (20)
Discussion of [LS]’s solution(s) to game G (20)
Relection on the (diferent) results (10)
Conclusion (10)
Bibliography (4)
[100 marks, 70% of total grade]