CS 162--Formal Languages and Automata Theory Final

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CS 162--Formal Languages and Automata Theory

1. (30 points). Short Answers.
(a) Draw an example of a DFA having just 1 state, over the alphabet {0, 1} that accepts an infinite number of strings.
(b) Give a definition for regular expression, over an alphabet Σ, including the null string, ε, and to allow for the emptyset symbol, ∅.
(c) How can you tell if the language for a DFA is empty or not?
2. (30 points). More Short Answers.
(a) What is the Church-Turing thesis?
(b) What is the Halting problem?
(c) Draw a Venn diagram that shows the known relationships between the following set of languages: P, NP, PSPACE, regular languages, decidable languages.
3. (30 points). Draw a DFAs recognizing each of the following languages, over the alphabet
Σ = {0, 1}.
(a) {w | w contains at least three 1’s}
(b) {w | w contains at exactly two 0’s}
(c) {w | w contains the substring 011}
4. (30 points). Give a context-free grammar (CFG) for each of the following languages, over the alphabet Σ = {0, 1, 2}.
(a) {0 i1 j2 n | i, j, n ≥ 1 and i + j = n}
(b) {w | w = w R, that is, w is a palindrome}
5. (30 points). Consider the following context-free grammar:
S → S+T | T
T → T*F | F
F → (S) | a
(a) Give a derivation for the string, (a+a)*a.
(b) Draw a parse tree for the string, (a+a*a).
6. (30 points). Pumping Lemma.
(a) State the Pumping Lemma for regular languages.
(b) Use the Pumping Lemma for regular languages to show that the following language is not regular: {0 n1 n | n ≥ 0}.
7. (30 points). Consider the following two languages:
A = {(M, w) | M is a Turing machine and M accepts input w}
H = {(M, w) | M is a Turing machine and M halts on input w}.
Use the fact that A is undecidable to show that H is undecidable.
8. (30 points).
(a) Define the complexity class, NP.
(b) Define the term “NP-complete.”
(c) Define INDEPENDENT-SET as the problem that takes a graph G and an integer k and asks if G contains an independent set of vertices of size k. That is, G contains a set W of vertices of size k such that, for any u and v in W, there is no edge (u, v) in G. Show that INDEPENDENT-SET is NP-complete (remember that there are two parts to this). You may assume the NP-completeness of either VERTEX-COVER or 3SAT for the sake of this proof.
9. (30 points). Suppose you are given a DFA, A, which recognizes a language, L, and a DFA, B, which recognizes a language, M. Describe an algorithm for using the descriptions of A and B to produce a DFA, C, that recognizes the language L − M, that is each string in L that is not also in M.


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