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ENGG955 – Introduction Chapter Assessment
20% Contribution to Final Grade
To pass this subject, students must get at least 35% in five out of the six assessment tasks and participate in all six assessed activities to pass this subject. Failure to do so may result in a Technical Fail.
Late submissions: The ‘Due Date’ is the due date. While you are given a penalty-free period, do not consider the end of the penalty-free period as your ‘real’ due date. For students who do, it is common that when they goto submit the assessment, they encounter problems, including technical difficulties related to the online submission. If your work exceeds the penalty-free period (date/time), you will receive a mark penalty as outlined in the subject outline. Therefore, every student is expected to complete and submit the assessment by the due date. In an extenuating situation, if you run into problems, you will actually have a penalty-free period to save you. DO NOT email your submission to the teaching staff, it will not be accepted, and your email deleted. Only work submitted via Turnitin will be accepted for marking. Resubmission is allowed. Therefore, you are encouraged to submit your work along the way. This will ensure that if you miss the penalty-free cut-off, you will at least gain some marks. Some marks are better than none!
After the penalty free period expires, submissions will be allowed only for the purposes of recording participation. No marks will be given What you need to do:
1) Update your Literature Planner to show that you have reviewed AT LEAST 15 articles. AT LEAST 5 entries must be JOURNAL articles.
- Please note that Turnitin will probably capture your work from the Progress Check submission as a similarity. This is ok! This will help the marker see what changes have occurred from the last submission
- All references used must be accessible (e.g., via the UOW library online search facility, free PDF available through a Google Scholar search) so that the marker can check your references
2) Download the ‘ Mind Map Extraction Template’ and use your Mind Map to complete it
- Note: to undertake this task you first need to complete the Mind Map you started putting together for the Progress Check assessment.
You do not need to submit your completed Mind Map but completing this activity will be hard without doing so.
- An example of how to complete this document is provided on Moodle. It follows the steps directly from your lecture notes. This will help y you need to do.
3) Write the Introduction Chapter for a thesis based on your topic based on the structure of a Mind Map
- Use the resources made available to you on Moodleto help you understand what you need to do, helping to guide you through the process.
- This should be about 700 words (maximum 1000) excluding reference list (write under the heading what the word count is)
- You must use at least 10 references (minimum 5 journal)
- Using the Mind Map structure AND your responses to the Mind Map Extraction Template to guide the structure of your writing.
Look at the marking rubric.
The rubric clearly states that implementing the mind map structure is a major factor in determining the marks attributable to this assessment. If you don’t, you will miss out on many marks.
- You need to define your research question very clearly
- Ensure that the research question can be answered via undertaking a primary research design (even though you will not be carrying out any experiment in this subject).
- All references used must be listed in the Literature Planner
- The reference list must also beat the end of the introduction chapter
- Formatting: SECTE students must use IEEE formatting for citations. Other students can use IEEE or Harvard (preferred)
- Text must be in your own words. PAY PARTICULAR attention to the lecture material on how plagiarism is detected.
Your mark will be zero or close to zero if the work is not in your own words. REMEMBER, the purpose of this subject is to demonstrate your higher-order skills – analysis, synthesis and evaluation!!!!!
The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (e.g. ChatGPT) is not permissible in any form for the writing of this assessment. This includes using tools to translate from one language to another. Even the slightest detection will result in an oral viva.
1) The three activities need to be combined into one document and placed in the following order:
- Mind Map Extraction Template
- The Introduction Chapter
- The reference list
- The Literature Planner
• Submission Filename Format: School_IntroductionChapter_YourName
• Example: MMMB_IntroductionChapter_JohnSmith
IMPORTANT – You can submit your work to Turnitin as many times as you like up until the penalty free period expires.
When resubmitting ensure the file name remains the same. Only the last version will be used to confirm the originality. The first time you submit your work to Turnitin it will take only a few minutes to generate the report. All further submissions will take at least 24hours to produce the report. Therefore, you need to plan your work very carefully. Waiting for a Turnitin report is no excuse for late submission!
Words of Advice:
1. Use the marking rubric and subject outline to guide you through what needs to be done and submitted. Understand all the penalties that apply
2. Use the structure of the Mind Map structure to guide you
3. Use EndNote to help with referencing (check the references and make corrections if required)
5. Do not leave this to the last minute. A lot of work is required to complete the assessment
6. Turnitin will find all sorts of plagiarism. Any attempts to beat the Turnitin system will face major penalties. See the marking rubric for more details.