Department of Mechanical Engineering


Course Outline – Winter 2024 – January 8 – April 10

Course Description:

This course will introduce the basic concepts of engineering mechanics. The majority of this course covers statics of particles and rigid bodies, free body diagrams, and simple structures, including trusses, frames and machines. The last part of the course deals with dynamics - determining how objects move under the action of forces, including rectilinear and curvilinear motion.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

• Describe forces and moments, determine their values and directions for objects under equilibrium, in two and three-dimensional systems.

• Explain the concepts, and determine the location of centroids and centers of mass.

• Understand frictional phenomena and their application to real examples.

• Analyse the kinematics and kinetics of particles.

Outline of course material:


1- Introduction to statics

2- Force systems

• Two-dimensional force systems (2D)

• Three-dimensional force systems (3D)

3- Equilibrium

• Equilibrium in two dimensions (2D)

• Equilibrium in three dimensions (3D)

4- Structures

• Trusses

• Frames and machines

5- Centers of mass and centroids

6- Friction


7- Kinematics of particles

8- Kinetics of particles

Assessment Methods and Weighing of Grades:

All evaluations will be closed book unless otherwise indicated (for Quizzes), with tentative dates provided in the details below. USE OF ELECTRONICS IS PROHIBITED DURING ALL EVALUATIONS, INCLUDING OPEN BOOK ELAVLUAITONS.

1- Quiz: Each quiz will have a duration of 25 minutes, will take place at the end of the tutorial sessions, and will cover material studied during the tutorial held on the previous week. The lowest Quiz grade will be dropped.

Quiz 1: Jan. 26 – open book

Quiz 2: Feb. 02

Quiz 3: Feb. 09 – open book

Quiz 4: Feb. 16

Quiz 5: March 08

Quiz 6: March 15 – open book

Quiz 7: March 22

Quiz 8: Apr. 05 – open book

Lowest quiz grade will not count towards final grade.

2- Midterm: Tuesday February 27 2023 at 11:30 am.

3- Final: Date and location will be provided by the Faculty of Engineering. The relevant information can be found under the “My Exam Schedule” application in uoZone.

Marking Scheme

Quiz              30%

Midterm         30%

Final              40%

Failing the final results in a final grade: F

Required Textbook:

The required manual for this course is: James L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige, J. N. Bolton, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, 9th Edition. This combines:

• James L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige, J. N. Bolton, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, 9th Edition

• James L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige, J. N. Bolton, Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics, 9th Edition

The textbook is available on the WileyPLUS platform, which provides additional teaching resources (videos, etc…). To register for your course simply go to Click “Sign up now” to create an account. You will be asked to enter your course section ID (B41762) for GNG 1105 Engineering Mechanics - Fall 2023 to find your course and complete the registration process. If you already have a WileyPLUS account, just log in and click the yellow ‘Add more courses’ button. You will be asked to enter your course section ID (B41762) to find your course and complete the registration process.

Flyer with graphical instructions is provided on Brightspace, in addition to an instructive video.

Calendar of Activities and Evaluations:

The following schedule is tentative and subject to change without notice.

Important Dates:

Important dates and deadlines provided by the University of Ottawa can be found at:

March 22 2024: Last day to withdraw from a course with no financial credit.

April 9 2024: Friday course schedule will apply.

Course Attendance Requirement:

Please note that, in accordance with the Faculty Academic regulations, active participation (whether in-person or online, if available) in a minimum of 80% of the scheduled course components is required for students to be eligible for a passing grade in courses.

For more details: Faculty of Engineering Academic Regulations | Faculty of Engineering (

Strategies to Achieve Objectives:

1- Interactive lectures: you must maximise the level of interaction

2- Consultation: you must have specific questions

3- Homework: you should expect to do at least 5 hours of work each week. This time should be allocated to:

a. Revise and complete notes covered in class.

b. Solve lecture and tutorial problems independently.

c. Solve suggested problems (suggested problems will be provided during the semester).

d. Ensure proper understanding of material.

e. Identify possible questions for office hours.

Justification of Absence from an Examination:

Absence from any examination or test, or late submission of assignments on medical grounds or due to exceptional personal circumstances must be justified.

For more details: Academic Regulation A-8 – Evaluation of Student Learning | About us (

To submit a declaration of absence from evaluation: Declaration of Absence from an Evaluation ( Please not that only your first absence declaration from a course doesn’t require any supporting documents.

Plagiarism and Academic Fraud:

“Academic integrity is a fundamental value at the core of all academic activities. The regulation on academic fraud defines the acts that can compromise academic integrity and outlines the various sanctions and consequences of such acts, and the procedures for handling allegations and setting sanctions.”


Any act by a student that may result in a distorted academic evaluation for that student or another student. Academic fraud includes but is not limited to activities such as:

• plagiarising or cheating in any way;

• submitting work not partially or fully the student’s own, excluding properly cited quotations and references. Such work includes assignments, essays, tests, exams, research reports and theses, regardless of whether the work is in written, oral or any other form;

• presenting research data that are forged, falsified or fabricated in any manner.

• attributing a statement of fact or reference to a fabricated source;

• submitting the same work or a significant part of the same piece of work in more than one course, or a thesis or any other piece of work submitted elsewhere without the prior approval of the appropriate professors or academic units;

• falsifying or misrepresenting an academic evaluation, using a forged or altered supporting document or facilitating the use of such a document;

• taking any action aimed at falsifying an academic evaluation.


Subject to the provisions regarding the pedagogical approach set out in section 4, students who commit or attempt to commit academic fraud, or who are a party to academic fraud, are subject to one or more of the sanctions below.

• a written warning;

• zero for part of the work in question;

• zero for the work in question;

• zero for the work in question and the loss of additional marks for the course in question;

• zero for the work in question, with a final grade no higher than the passing grade for the course in question;

• an F or NS grade for the course in question.

• the addition of another 3 to 30 units to the student’s program requirements or to the requirements of any program at the same level in which the student subsequently registers.

• suspension of a University of Ottawa or faculty scholarship for a specified period;

• the loss of any faculty or University scholarship opportunity;

• suspension from the University for a maximum of two years. No course taken at the University of Ottawa or elsewhere during the suspension period will be recognized by the University and no tuition fees will be refunded. Once the suspension ends, the student can re-register in the program and is subject to the program requirements in place at that time.

• inclusion of a permanent statement on the student’s official transcript: Sanction pursuant to contravention of the University regulation on fraud.

• expulsion from the University of Ottawa and permanent statement on the student’s official transcript indicating the student was expelled from the University for committing academic fraud. Three years following the date of expulsion, the student is eligible to make a request to the Senate Appeals Committee to have the expulsion set aside, including the possibility, where applicable, of having the mention removed from the student’s transcript. If the student reapplies to the University of Ottawa, the regular admission process applies.

• cancellation or revocation of a degree, diploma or certificate conferred prior to the University becoming aware of academic fraud.

Reference and further details can be found at: Academic regulation A-4 – Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct | About us (


« Except in programs and courses for which language is a requirement, all students have the right to produce their written work and to answer examination questions in the official language of their choice, regardless of the course’s language of instruction. »

Academic Regulations:

For more details on academic regulation: Academic regulations | About us (

Faculty of Engineering Mentoring Center:

The mentoring center at the faculty of engineering is available to support undergraduate students in their studies and academic life, and are located at STE 1030. Please visit the following link for more details: Mentoring Centre | Faculty of Engineering (

Other Resources:

• Get help for a variety of issues: Student satisfaction | About us (

• Health and Wellness Centre: Getting help (students) | Campus life (


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