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Statistics 154/254: Modern Statistical Prediction and Machine Learning
- Instructor: Song Mei (songmei [at] berkeley.edu)
- Lectures: Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-11:00. Etcheverry 3108.
- Office Hours: TBA. Evans 387.
- GSI: Ruiqi Zhang (rqzhang [at] berkeley.edu)
- Lab sessions Friday 11:00 am - 12:59 pm, Evans 334; 3:00 pm - 4:59 pm, Evans 342.
- Office Hours: TBA.
This course will focus on statistical/machine learning methods, data analysis/programming skills. Upon completing this course, the students are expected to be able to 1) build baseline models for real world data analysis problems; 2) implement models using programming languages; 3) draw insights/conclusions from models.
- First class: Aug 29, 2024 (Thursday).
- For students who filled in the enrollment appeal forms and concurrent enrollment students: I will process all the petitions on Aug 30. Please come to the first few lectures and decide whether you will take this course.
- We will use Ed for discussions and questions.
- Please find homework and lecture notes on bCourse under “Files”.
- HW policy: There are in total 3 late days that you can use without penalty towards grade throughout the semester. After that, there will be a 10% deduction on grades of a HW for each late day. The least grade can be dropped counting towards total grades.
- The lectures will be recorded through Course Capture. The recordings can be found on bCourse under “Media Gallery”.
- Class attendance is required.
- Homework per two weeks. There will be 6-7 HWs.
- In class mid-term: TBA.
- Final exam date: Dec 17.
- Final grade will be Homework × 40 % + mid-term × 25 % + final × 35 %.
- HW policy: There are in total three late days that you can use without penalty towards grade throughout the semester. After that, there will be a 10% deduction on grades of a HW for each late day. The least grade can be dropped counting towards total grades.
Basic topics:- Tasks: Regression. Classification. Dimension reduction. Clustering.
- Algorithms: Solving linear systems. Gradient descent. Newton’s method. Power iteration for eigenvalue problems. EM algorithms.
- Others: Kernel methods. Regularization. Sample splitting. Resampling methods. Cross validation.
- Statistical learning theory and optimization theory.
- Bagging and Boosting. Tree based models. Neural networks. Bayesian models.
- Online learning. Bandit problems.