CSCI1170 W24 Assignment 1: HTML

Assignment 1: HTML

CSCI1170 W24 Wehbe


Create a professional personal website. This website should be useful post-course for your career! Your website should be designed based on your current career aspirations. For example, if you aim to be a programmer, you might include Profile, Job Experience, Education details, Code samples, links to projects, blog posts, skill set visualizations, etc. If you aspire to be a photographer, you may wish to include: Photography, Art projects, Collaborations, Education,  Experience, Blog, etc. Topics need not be approved provided they do not violate the student code of conduct.

Part 1: Planning

Include a small writeup of what your goals (500 words maximum). The paragraph should discuss what your website aims to do (e.g., I want to be a programmer, so this website will feature the following…). Submit this document within your zip as a PDF with the title planning.

Part 2: Research

Find three examples of personal websites that you feel a well designed. For each of the site include the following:

1.   URL

2.   Screenshot of the pages you feel present good design.

3.   A writeup of the design features you appreciate and why (500 word maximum)

Submit this document within your zip as a PDF with the title research.

Part 3: Prototype

Create a low-fidelity prototype by creating a wireframe of the website you are going to build. The following parameters should be outlined within the wireframe plan:

-     Website Layout and Structure

o Complete wireframes for each page

-     File Structure

o Outlining where in your child/parent folder hierarchy each asset is located.

-     Navigation diagram (annotations in your wireframe to explain website navigation)

-     List of assets with their locations and types.

Wireframes maybe made in any program of your choosing (e.g., paint, adobe CS, Axure, Figma, PowerPoint, etc.). You may neatly draw your plan on paper, scan and present drawings in a PDF titled prototype. If you choose to do a handwritten/scanned prototype, you must ensure that the PDF is legible or you will not get full marks.

Part 4: Code

The website will then be coded according to your plan. Your website must have:

-     At least three (3) pages

o Homepage must be titled index.html

o Other webpages should be titled based on the webpage’s content

-     A navigation structure (widget, sidebar, menu, etc.)

-     At least three (3) images

o With alt text

o Specific size (width and height)

-     At least five (5) links

o At least one of these links must use a picture

o At least one link should be external

-     At least two (2) videos

o Both with control scheme

o At least one video file should be included (relative path)

o At least one video should be external (e.g., YouTube)

-     At least one (1) audiofile

o With control scheme

-     Head and Fav Icon

-     An ordered list ( 1)

-      Nested list ( 1)

-     Table ( 1)

Part 5: READ ME

In a README file which explains the structure of your code including all relative paths in a text file: README.txt Here is where you will document your code. For each function, include a purpose, and as applicable: input and output, example, dependent code structures. Include any references to materials used (e.g., photos or stock images).

Remember to cite external sources using ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) format. Referencing Format:


For full marks, your website must:

•    Be submitted properly in accordance with submission instructions

•    Be complete as specified by the objectives

•   You may only use relative links for content (except for any external links)

•   You may only use HTML (no css, no java, etc.)

Submission Instructions

Please follow these instructions to get full marks. The submission will be marked in accordance to what the file opens,so if the file fails to render a webpage, your project is incomplete.

-     Submit by the deadline specified by the course plan

-     All policy (lates, SDAs, etc.) outlined in syllabus

-     Follow AI/tool use policy outlined in the syllabus

-     Submit on Brightspace:

o Use the Brightspace submission box

o Zip your project folder (only .zip files will be accepted)

. Submit a zip of your folder that includes all your work. Doing this

preserves the structure of the relative paths. The zip should include all     the parts of your assignment including the requested PDFs alongside the html, assets (videos, pictures, etc.)

o All assets (pictures, video, code, etc.) must be included

-     Your project must work and contain no viruses or malicious code

-     Following Naming of (e.g., (do not include



Explanation of Expectations



Website purpose is clear and potentially useful to the future career outlined by the student (4 marks). Writing is clear, with no grammar or spelling issues (5 marks). It is in PDF format, and within the word limit.


(3x5) 15

Each example is selected is in line with the planning document (1 mark). There are three examples.

Each example has all components (3 marks): (URL, multiple Screenshots, feature outline). Writing is clear with no grammar or spelling issues (1 mark). It is in PDF format, and within the word limit.



Prototype provides information on layout and structure (10 marks). Navigation structure (5 marks) and Content layout and

structure (5 marks) are well defined, clear, and design is well thought in context of the goal of the website. List of assets are

complete (5 marks). File structure with relative file paths are clear (10 marks). Wireframes are complete for all pages and there are at least three web pages (5 marks). Prototyping and wireframes are neat tidy and legible. The design considers accessibility and notes accessible considerations. It is in PDF format, legible, and neat.



All components requested are complete. Code style is excellent with neat with proper indentation and all tags are closed

properly. All code is functional. The code produces the design outlined in prototype. Only HTML is used. All assets are included. No broken links are rendered. Website is accessible. Project must only use specified coding languages (HTML) and be properly submitted for full marks.



Named `README.txt’ case and space sensitive with correct file type. Purpose is explained for each coding piece. Where needed additional information is included (e.g., input and output, example of function, etc.). Code could effectively be passed to a

teammate to finish the project without need for supplementary explanation.


Submission instructions were perfectly followed. All syllabus and course policies were respected. Syllabus tool and AI policies were respected. Citations were used where needed. If used, code and prompts were appended and cited. All citations are in the correct format.



+ 1%, capped at 100% given if last submission of project is early (before the deadline) on BS. Late assignments subject to penalty outlined in the syllabus.


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