agricultural economy

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Assignment 1

Use this document as a template. Leave the questions in place and answer the questions right below them. For example, place the answer for Question 1 below Question 1 and the answer for Question 2 below Question 2. Save the document as a Microsoft Word file and submit the single file to UM Learn for grading.

Except where clearly stated differently, all your answers must be typed in text in the assigned sections of the Word document and submitted that way. Screen shots pasted where the answer is to be typed in text will not be graded. PDF documents will not be graded.

This assignment is worth 15 percent of your grade for the course.

Some parts of the assignment are not for grades but are there to help you prepare for the first mid-term exam. Mostly these are screenshots of spreadsheets.

The answers for Chapter 2 are shown in this template. You can simply leave them in place. This is to show you how the answers are to be presented in the rest of the assignment.

Complete the following for Chapter 2:

1. {No marks - Midterm Preparation} [Spreadsheet Lab] Show that you can navigate a spreadsheet and enter data and formulas using Google Sheets [application]. Do so, by creating a little spreadsheet, downloading it to Microsoft Excel, and taking a screen shot. Paste the screen shot below.


2. {No marks - Midterm Preparation} [Spreadsheet Lab] Show that you can install and enable the solver for Google sheets. [application] You can install either Solver or OpenSolver. Google may not like Solver. Take a screenshot that shows the solver and paste it below.


3. {0.25 marks} Show that you can navigate a command-line interface on your chosen operating system (Windows or macOS) [comprehension]. Do so by showing various directories on your command-line interface and then copying the text and pasting it below.

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.3880]

(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



4. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Show that you can install the Python programming language (open source and free) [application]. Show this by typing py on the command line in Windows or python3 in the command line in macOS so that >>> appears on the next line indicating that Python is installed. Copy this text and paste it below.


Python 3.12.1 (tags/v3.12.1:2305ca5, Dec 7 2023, 22:03:25) [MSC v.1937 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


5. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Show that you can install the Python package called PuLP [application]. Type pip3 list at your command line and PuLP should be listed as an installed package. Copy and paste the pip3 list text below. Delete all the Packages except PuLP so it is the only one showing.

C:\ABIZ>pip3 list

Package            Version

------------------ ------------

PuLP               2.8.0

6. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Show that you can use your text editor to create a Python script [application]. The script can be A1 = 2, A2 = 4,

A3 = A1 + A2, print(A3). Go into Python by typing py on PC or python3 on a Mac. Run that script, copy the script and output then paste the text below.

>>> A1 = 1

>>> A2 = 2

>>> A3 = A1 + A2

>>> print(A3)


7. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Show that you can run your first Python script [application]. Save the script from Q7 above to a file called in the folder that you have created to house your .py scripts. Go to that folder. At your command prompt type py for Windows or python3 for macOS. Copy the text and paste it below.



8. {0.25 marks} Write three sentences about the most interesting things you have learned about spreadsheets and Python code [reflection].

It is interesting that I can work with a spreadsheet and with python code. I can see the applications and that they can make me more efficient. It is amazing to see what they can do.

9. {1.5 marks} Complete and submit the quiz in the Chapter 2 portal. Below, write out the solutions beside the questions numbers.

1. 4

2. 2

3. 3

4. 5

5. 1

Complete the following for Chapter 3:

1. {0.25 marks} In a paragraph, explain the importance of logistics in agribusiness [comprehension].

2. {0.25 marks} With a bullet-point list, state three specific examples of where logistics is used every day in agribusiness [knowledge].

3. {0.25 marks} In a paragraph, describe the origins of linear programming and its application to agribusiness [comprehension].

4. {No marks - Midterm Preparation} <Python Lab> Construct a diagram to illustrate the logistics problem of three warehouses and six destinations using the Python code provided [application]. Take a screenshot of the diagram.

5. {0.25 marks} Construct and write out the mathematical programming specifications with the objective function, constraints, and the decision variables for the basic logistics model with three warehouses and six destinations {application].

6. {No marks - Midterm Preparation} [Spreadsheet Lab] Formulate and solve the basic logistics model using Google Sheets [application]. Take a screenshot of the solution including the solver. Paste the screen shot below. 

7. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Construct a Python script for the basic logistics model [application]. Copy and paste the code below.

8. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Solve the basic logistics model using Python and check to be sure that the solution matches the solution to the spreadsheet [analysis]. Copy and paste the Python solution below.

9. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Construct a Python script to solve the logistics problem where we have daily milk deliveries from three processing plants to 100 retail grocery stores that require 120 units of milk each. The delivery costs from plants to stores are given in a CSV file on UM Learn. A solution script is there as well. [application]. Copy and paste both the script and the output below. 

10. {0.25 marks} Analyze the solution and write a paragraph with advice for the milk processing plants’ owner [synthesis].

11. {0.25 marks} ~Industry Project~ <Python Lab> Define an agribusiness logistics problem and create your own mathematical model with a Python script to solve your problem [synthesis]. Describe what you have done and copy and paste the Python script below.

12. {0.25 marks} Evaluate your solution to your agribusiness logistics problem and rate it on a scale of one to ten on how well it works to solve the problem [evaluation]. 

13. {0.25 marks} In a paragraph, write about one problem agribusinesses might face if they do not have a logistics strategy [reflection].

14. {1.5 marks} Complete the quiz in the Chapter 3 portal of the textbook. Below, write out the solutions beside the questions numbers.

Complete the following for Chapter 4:

1. {0.25 marks} In a bullet-point list, describe production and economic efficiency, and give examples of each for the business of feeding grower pigs [knowledge, comprehension].

2. {0.25 marks} In a paragraph with bullet points, define what a least-cost feed ration is, and write out the objective function and the decision variables for a basic least-cost feed ration. For the constraints, explain how they work without typing out every one of them [knowledge, comprehension].

3. {No marks - Midterm Preparation} {Spreadsheet Lab} Formulate and solve the least-cost feed model using Google Sheets [application]. Present a screenshot of the model with the solution.

4. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Construct a Python script for the least-cost feed model [application]. Copy and paste the script below.

5. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Solve the least-cost feed ration model using Python, and check to be sure that the solution matches the solution in the spreadsheet [analysis]. Copy and paste the Python output below.

6. {0.25 marks} ~Industry Project~ Define a least-cost food ration problem that a dietician faces setting the pre-game dinner menu for a high-level hockey team [synthesis]. Write it in a paragraph.

7. {0.25 marks} <Python Lab> Create and describe your own mathematical programming model with a Python script to solve the menu problem [synthesis]. Develop the spreadsheet model and solver as well as the Python script and solution. Below, copy and paste the Python script and output.

8. {0.25 marks} In a paragraph, evaluate your solution to the high-level hockey menu problem and rate it on a scale of one to ten on how well it works to solve the problem [evaluation].

9. {0.25 marks} Write a short paragraph about the most important point you have learned regarding efficiency or least-cost feed rations


10. {1.5 marks} Complete the Chapter 2 portal quiz and submit it. Below, write out the solutions beside the questions numbers.

Complete the following for Chapter 5:

1. {1.5 marks} In an organized format, create a job description for an agribusiness position [knowledge, comprehension, application]. Be sure to include a brief description of your farm or agribusiness.

2. {1.5 marks} In an organized format, create a set of interview questions for applicants for the job described [knowledge, comprehension, application].

3. {1.25 marks} In an organized format, create a performance evaluation for the hired employee for use after they are hired, to determine whether they have earned a promotion [knowledge, comprehension, application].


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