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GEOM180 Environmental Remote Sensing summative assessment guidance
Technical report: Using remote sensing observations to address a global challenge (70% of module mark)
Submission date: Friday 10 th January 2025 at 12:00 (Midday)
Please submit using the submission point on the GEOM180 ELE page. Guidance on submitting assessments can be found here.
- Demonstrate that you can identify, access and manipulate a remote sensing dataset that can be used to contribute knowledge or understanding to a global challenge of your choice;
- Show you can extract quantitative information from these data and clearly present the key results visually and with concise descriptions;
- Demonstrate that you have understood the strengths and limitations of the remote sensing datasets, and that you can use this understanding to critically evaluate its suitability for the chosen application;
- Show that you can use evidence from existing literature to discuss the potential benefits of similar observations in the context of a global challenge.
This report is expected to have the following overall structure, but you may want to add subsections.
- Introduction & rationale – This section should present the global challenge or issue selected and explain the importance of this topic to a general audience.
- Technical description of dataset – Provides technical information about the dataset you chosen to focus on. You should demonstrate critical engagement with ideas such as accuracy and resolution of measurements used in the analyses, along with an understanding of how the data are analysed/processed to explain why this dataset is the ‘right tool for the job’.
- Case study results – Graphical presentation of the results of any analyses to be used as a ‘case study’ to illustrate that this dataset can be used to produce the required analysis (max 3 figure pages). Concise explanations to describe the key aspects of the results obtained should be included.
- Interpretation & Discussion – This final section should explain your interpretation of the results presented and associated uncertainties. You are expected to make reference to existing peer-reviewed literature to help you interpret the results and place in a broader scientific or policy context. This section should also consider the wider implications of these findings and relate this back to the underpinning rationale for the study.
Word & Page limits
- Your report will be assessed on the quality of written text, presentation of figures, and critical engagement with the data and analyses performed.
- Total word count for body of text should not exceed 2500 words.
- The following content is not in the final word count: Figure captions (but no more than 100 words per figure), the reference list, the title.
- The following content is in the final word count: Main body of text, in-text references, subheadings and headings.
- In order for you to write concisely and think about presentation of figures there is a maximum limit of 3 Figure Pages allowed (one side A4 for each section, plus an additional figure for the topic you have chosen to write up in detail). Do not include a figure title on the figure itself – that is what the caption is for.
The assessments will be marked according to the standard MSc assessment criteria, using the following equally weighted feedback categories:
It is essential that the work presented in your report is your own – you must make your own decisions about which figures to make, how to present them, and how to interpret the results shown. What this means in practice is that your discussions with your peers should be limited to:
- Solving technical problems (e.g., how to import data, how to implement the analyses)
- General discussions of the theory, concepts, reading, and procedures that may be used to solve problems.
- You should not discuss any specific plans of action or share GIS data or other unique files needed for producing this report.
The University requires that any reports that appear overly similar are investigated to determine if collusion has taken place (we keep copies of all previous reports). Given the number of decisions that must be made to produce figures for any GIS report, it is unlikely that figures & interpretations are identical between reports.
Relevant published studies and reference material will be discussed during the lectures You are expected to search for, identify and cite additional relevant literature to demonstrate your engagement with existing published research in your chosen topic area.
Use of Generative AI in this assessment
The University of Exeter is committed to the ethical and responsible use of Generative AI (GenAI) tools in teaching and learning, in line with our academic integrity policies where the direct copying of AI-generated content is included under plagiarism, misrepresentation and contract cheating under definitions and offences in TQA Manual Chapter 12.3. To support students in their use of GenAI tools as part of their assessments, we have developed a category tool that enables staff to identify where use of Gen AI is integrated, supported or prohibited in each assessment. This assessment falls under the category of SUPPORTED. This is because AI tools can be useful for summarising texts, providing feedback on structure or as a Socratic tutor to assist with your understanding (see AI guidance here).
You can find further guidance on using GenAI critically, and how to use GenAI to enhance your learning, on Study Zone digital.
When submitting your assessment, you must include the following declaration, ticking all that apply.
□ I have used GenAI tools for developing ideas.□ I have used GenAI tools to assist with research or gathering information.□ I have used GenAI tools to help me understand key theories and concepts.□ I have used GenAI tools to identify trends and themes as part of my data analysis.□ I have used GenAI tools to suggest a plan or structure for my assessment.□ I have used GenAI tools to give me feedback on a draft.□ I have used GenAI tool to generate image, figures or diagrams.□ I have used GenAI tools to proofread and correct grammar or spelling errors.□ I have used GenAI tools to generate citations or references.□ Other [please specify]□ I have not used any GenAI tools in preparing this assessment.
I declare that I have referenced use of GenAI outputs within my assessment in line with the University referencing guidelines. Please note that submitting your work without an accompanying declaration, or one with no ticked boxes, will be considered a declaration that you have not used GenAI tools in preparing your work.
A declaration sheet is not intended to be included in your report but in the submission sheet. You will need to follow library guidelines for referencing AI use see here.