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CS206B (Winter 2025)
Public Communication
Mid-term take-home exam
This exam is worth 15%of your final grade.It is due February 12,2025 before midnight. Exams that are not submitted by the start of class will be treated as one day late.All submissions should be made to the course drop box on MyLearningSpace(no hard copy is required).
The exam takes the form of two reading reflections worth 50 marks each.The exam requires you to carefully engage with two course readings.Each answer ought to be 750 words,or approximately 21/2 pages.So,the total length of your exam should not exceed 1500 words, or approximately 5 double-spaced typed pages
Choose two readings from those listed below;you must select one reading from list"A"and one from list"B."
Your reading reflections ought to address the following questions:
What is/are the author's main argument(s)?
What are the most salient features of the analysis?
Can you provide examples to illustrate the author's argument,or,conversely,reveal its
Your main task is to demonstrate the depth of your understanding of the arguments put forward by the authors.
Use MLA style in-text citations.For example:According to Theodor Adorno(99),"the masses...are an object of calculation..."You do not need to include a bibliography.
Use quotations sparingly;use your own voice as much as possible Readings :Choose two
Group A-select one
● Henry A.Giroux (2011)."The Crisis of Public Values in the Age of the New
Media."CriticalStudies in Media Communication.28(1).8-29.
Stuart Allan (2004)."Making News:Truth,Ideology and Newswork,"Nems Cmltre,
3rd Edition.Open University Press.46-76.
Yasmin Jiwani(2006)."Erasing Race:The Story of Reena Virk,"Discourses of Demial:
Mediations of Race,Gender,and Violence.UBC Press.65-89.
Group B-select one
Michael Warner (2002)."Publics and Counterpublics(abbreviated version)."Qnartery Journal of Speech.88(4).413-425.
Donald Gutstein (2009)."The Propaganda Century."Not a Conspirac Theory:How Business Hijacks Democracy.Key Porter Books.55-85.
Stuart Allan(2004)."Racial Diversity in the News,"in Allan.Nens Culture,3rd Edition.Open University Press.171-194.