Programming Assignment 1: Automatic Differentation

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Programming Assignment 1: Automatic Differentation

Due: 11:59PM October 9th, 2024

Note: this assignment is complicated! Do not start it at the last minute! You may want to read over the code to get an understanding of what you should be doing before diving in!


Please submit your assignment by emailing a zip or tar file containing all source code to [email protected]. Make sure to incude your name and PA1 in the subject line.


You need to write code to finish functions in the files listed below. Check the docstring below each function definition for a description of what the function should accomplish (a "docstring" in python is a long comment wrapped in triple-quotes (''') at the top of a file, class or function declaration that describes what the file, class or function does. They are used by some automatic documentation tools). Note that some of the backward_call and forward_call methods do not have docstrings. For these, check docstrings for their class definition to see what the relevant operation is computing, and check the docstrings in the base Variable and Operation classes to see overall how these functions should work.

This starter code assumes that the final output of any computation graph is a scalar so that the total derivative is actually a gradient. As a result, the word "gradient" or "grad" is used in variable names rather than "derivative". finish the backward and forward methods. finish the backward method. You might also want to add additional initialization code in the __init__ method if needed. finish the forward_call and backward_call methods in the following classes:

  • VariableAdd
  • VariableMultiply
  • ScalarMultiply
  • MatrixMultiply
  • HingeLoss

The other Operation implementations in this file are there to provide examples. write the function SGD. write the function loss_fn.

Setting up your environment (assumes python3 is already installed)

This assignment needs numpy and sklearn, which are both standard python packages that can be installed via whatever package manager you use.

If you want to use a virtual environment with pip:

python3 -m venv autograd
source autograd/bin/activate
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install scikit-learn

If you use anaconda python, they are probably already installed.


Your code will be evaluated in two ways:

  1. You must pass the automated tests that are invoked by running:

This file will compare your automatic differentiation results to the slower numerical differentiation baseline. You are encouraged to read the tests, and potentially make copies and changes for debugging your code. However, the submission MUST NOT modify this file.

Our solution implementation produces the following output on a 2016 macbook pro:

$ python3 -m unittest 
Ran 23 tests in 0.048s


Each test is worth 2 points, for a total of 46 points from the automated tests.

For reference, before writing any code, the automated tests should output:

$ python3 
ERROR: test_add (__main__.TestAutograd)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 108, in test_add
    self._test_op(input_shapes, output_shape, reference_fn,
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 468, in _test_op
    forward_diff = test_forward_random(
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 88, in test_forward_random
    analytic = operation_fn(tensors).data
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 107, in operation_fn
    return add(args)
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 27, in __call__
    return self.forward(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 32, in forward
    output = self.forward_call(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 70, in forward_call
    raise NotImplementedError

~~~~~~~~~~ many more error messages printed here ~~~~~~~~~~~~

ERROR: test_tensordot (__main__.TestAutograd)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 254, in test_tensordot
    self._test_op(input_shapes, output_shape, reference_fn,
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 472, in _test_op
    backward_diff = test_backward_random(
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 75, in test_backward_random
  File "/Users/ashok/Projects/ec500hw/spring2022/", line 58, in backward
    raise NotImplementedError

Ran 23 tests in 0.012s

FAILED (errors=23)

You can also choose to run only one test at a time via:

python3 TestAutograd.test_add

here test_add may be replaced with any of the 23 methods of the TestAutograd class definition in

You can get a more detailed report of which tests are passing and which fail using the -voption:

python3 -m unittest -v

It is strongly recommended that you pass these tests BEFORE attempting to implement SGD. Note that you will probably need to finish (or at least make significant progress on) both and first before any tests pass.

  1. You must obtain >89% eval accuracy on MNIST in a reasonable amount of time (<5 minutes) as measured by `'. Our solution implementation runs in about a minute:
$ time python
loading mnist data....
training linear classifier...
iteration: 10000, current train accuracy: 0.8738000000000002
iteration: 20000, current train accuracy: 0.883700000000004
iteration: 30000, current train accuracy: 0.8898333333333336
iteration: 40000, current train accuracy: 0.8919750000000018
iteration: 50000, current train accuracy: 0.8938599999999982
iteration: 60000, current train accuracy: 0.8975666666666641
iteration: 70000, current train accuracy: 0.9004142857142788
iteration: 80000, current train accuracy: 0.9015749999999935
iteration: 90000, current train accuracy: 0.903099999999996
iteration: 100000, current train accuracy: 0.9034999999999993
iteration: 110000, current train accuracy: 0.9039181818181822
iteration: 120000, current train accuracy: 0.9053583333333246
running evaluation...
eval accuracy:  0.9132000000000016

real    1m3.388s
user    0m55.799s
sys     0m1.539s

Although you may certainly make arbitrary changes when debugging, your submission should not edit except for the point marked "YOUR CODE HERE".

A correct SGD implementation is worth 8 points, for a total of 56 points possible on this assignment.


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