COSC2P03 - Advanced Data Structures

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COSC 2P03 – Assignment 1 – You couldn’t find the manual if you had a map!


This assignment will focus on two tasks: creating a simple abstract data type to create an arbitrary number of pairings between labels/keys and text entries, and then using that type to write a simple man suite, with apropos and whatis functionality.

…you’re probably wondering what the heck that means, right?


The man command is commonly found in Linux environments to act as the instruction manual for terminal commands.

.    e.g. man ls brings up the instructions for how to use the ls command for directory listings

.     Each such entry is a pretty decent length of text, but that’s basically all it is: a selection of text


The whatis command is available for providing brief summaries of commands. For the sake of brevity: it just displays the name of the command, followed by the first line of the man page.

.    e.g. for  ls, it says ls - list directory contents


The apropos command is used when you know the basic functionality you ’re looking for, but can’t recall the command.

.    e.g. apropos directory lists several commands, including ls (as you’d expect)

.     Its precise output is simply multiple lines: the same output as whatis, for each matching command

The Abstract Data Type: a searchable reference

There won’t be a lot of overlap between this and the sample code we’ve done in lecture, so please ensure you read this carefully. We need a data structure to correlating two pieces of text with each other.

We ’ll call it a Lookup. Note that this is a mandatory name. Since we’re talking about formal specifications for things, names matter! A tool that ‘roughly does the job ’, but that you can’t count on? Worthless.

So here’s how a Lookup works:

.     It’s part of the mappings package

.    You can add as many pairings of key and entry as you’d like

o Each is mapping a string to a string

o If you try adding an entry corresponding to an already-existing key? You simply replace the entry for that key (note: all keys are stored as lowercase-only)

.    There is no way to remove an entry, but there’s a catch to this (basically, keep reading)

.    You can lookup a key

o For the key (treated as lowercase), this simply returns the corresponding entry for that key

o If it doesn’t exist, then that throws a NoSuchKeyException (part of the same package)

.    You ’re implementing a search:

o It receives a search term, which it will try to match within entries and keys themselves

o It is not case-sensitive! Also a partial match is still a match

o It returns an array, containing only the keys for matches

. All searches are ‘ legal ’; the array is properly-sized to the number of matches

.     It has a getKeys, which gives an array of all the keys in the Lookup:

o Obviously if it’s empty, then the array simply has a length of zero

.     It can return an excerpt: a new instance of a Lookup, constrained only to those keys specified (as an array) in its parameter

o Technically, this can also act as a minimal substitute for being able to remove entries

o If the provided keys has any entries not present, it’s the same problem as looking up a single non-existent key (and must be handled the same way)

.     It has the ability to return its total size, but it might not be what you ’re expecting!

o What it returns is the total character count of all keys and entries!

o (It’s basically a way of approximating how big it would be to print everything out)

.     It has the ability to generate ‘one big listing’ of its entire contents as a String:

o (Obviously the formatting tells you the name; you’ve picked up on that convention, right?)

o For each entry, it includes both the key and the corresponding entry

. Have the key be the firstterm in the line, then a tab, then the entry (obviously some entries will have multiple lines; but that’s not your concern)

o Between each entry, have a ‘ break ’ often dashes

o The listing should be sorted, by key

o Also, though your interface can’t do this, any concrete type will be expected to override toString, to simply return the same contents as the listing

.     It can render and return itself asArray:

o This simply yields a 2D array of strings: first column is keys; second is corresponding entries

.     It can render itself (save) into an ASCIIOutputFile

o It receives a (presumably newly-instantiated) ASCIIOutput File as its only parameter

o It does not close the file itself

o The convention for precisely how it does this is mostly up to you, but be reasonable!

.     It has three constructors:

o The default constructor (duh)

o One that can populate its contents from an ASCIIDataFile

. The convention for this file is up to you; you ’ll be explaining it later in the assignment

o One that can accept the array provided by the asArray function

. An array of length zero is fine; but if the convention isn’t followed (e.g. a ragged array), simply throw a general RuntimeException. Because... no

Of course, you should properly document your interface (with proper JavaDoc).

The implementation of the Lookup interface will be a SortedLookup (which stores members sorted by key)

.    Obviously also part of the mappings package

The man program:

You ’ll be creating a simple BasicIO program (using a BasicForm, in a man package) to allow the user to perform any number of manwhatis, and apropos queries. It’s pretty straightforward; the reason for doing this is to ensure you ’re comfortable separating the programs that you create from the tools it uses.

There are some screenshots at the end, if needed.

The test harness:

You ’ll also be implementing a simple test harness, part of the testing package, to ‘ put your ADT through   its paces ’. Just demonstrate that it can support all of the required behaviours (since they ’re not actually all covered by the man program). Note that your TA might use an alternate testing program, so adherence to  specifications is mandatory!

Additional requirements and tips:

.     Note that there are three completely different packages here, and probably ~6 classes

.    To confirm: when something is in Courier, that’s indicating a specific name

.    The only imports you ’re using are the BasicIO library, and the library you’re creating

o I wish I didn’t have to say this, but also don’t find standardized reimplementations of common premade data structures to get around the ‘import restriction ’

You don’t need regex. Don’t be suspicious and use regex

.     Note that it’s up to you to define the convention for your ‘data file ’ for the lookups, but whatever you pick needs to align with the rest of the requirements. Please don’t overthink this

o Remember that an entry may be comprised of multiple lines of text, so you can’t simply alternate lines between key/entry/key/entry/etc.

o Remember: you have an instructor. He likes questions

.    You ’ll need to include a writeup containing two things:

o A brief complexity analysis of your operations (for the SortedLookup); and

o A quick explanation of your file convention for storing/loading Lookups

o Use .pdf format for this

.    Make sure you don’t ‘overengineer ’ your solution, particularly to the point of diverging from the specification

o e.g. even though we’d covered one approach to creating a mapping that was generic, that  doesn’t mean this Lookup can be! It connects strings to strings. Nothing more; nothing less

.    You can probably guess this, but as this task includes components that rely heavily on specifications, the evaluation will necessarily be strict in this regard: follow instructions

.    You haven’t been told precisely how to create the exception, but you should know the difference between a checked and unchecked exception by now


This course (and by extension, this assignment) uses IntelliJ. Do not use any other IDE. JDK 11.

.    As a clarification, you aren’t writing in something else then importing into IntelliJ. You aren’t expecting the marker to fix your project for you. You’re including run configurations that explicitly include the main classes (saved within the project)

.     (If you have any questions, don’t forget you have, like, an instructor you can ask?)

You are expected to adhere to certain minimal standards before true evaluation of your work even starts:

.    Comment your code

o Comment what it does; not what it is!

o e.g. indicating that a ‘for loop ’ is ‘a loop ’ is worse than nothing. Don’tdo that

.    Document your code

o No, this is not the same thing

.     Follow basic standards

o Avoiding hardcoded literals

o Obviously nothing ‘static ’ other than the main methods of the main classes

o (You get the idea!)

.     Beyond BasicIO and your own library, no imports. At all. Seriously.

.     Useful variable names. Organized. Indented correctly.

o i.e. your submission will be readable, or you did not submit

Include a sample output, along with your entire IntelliJ project and writeup/summary. Bundle/compress everything into a single .zip file.

.     Not a .rar

.     Not a .7z

.     Not a .tar.gz

.     Please don’t decide to earn a zero from something so trivial

Submit your .zip in Brightspace.

Sample execution of the man program:

I just populated a file with a few bash commands. You can make something up, so long as the style is preserved.

In this case, I typed chmod and clicked man:

Speaking of files, here’s an apropos for the term file:

And capitalization doesn’t matter:

I can find out what ls is for:

or get its full man page:

Since the lookup’s search includes both entries and keys, apropos matches on commands as well as instructions:


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