Hello, if you have any need, please feel free to consult us, this is my wechat: wx91due
Module details |
Module Code |
CFS2101 |
Module Title |
Computer Organisation and Architecture |
Course Title/s |
Computer Science
Computer Science with Cyber Security
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science with Game Programming
Software Engineering
Computer Systems Engineering
Assessment weighting, type and contact details |
Title |
Disassembling Machine Language |
Weighting |
50% |
Mode of working for assessment task |
Note : if the assessment task is to be completed on an individual basis there should be no collusion or collaboration whilst working on and subsequently submitting this assignment.
Module Leader |
Louie Qin |
Contact details:
Module Tutor/s |
Minsi Chen |
Submission and feedback details |
Hand-out date |
15/11/2021 |
How to submit your work. |
Brightspace Submission |
Submission date/s and times |
Expected amount of independent time you should allocate to complete this assessment |
20 hrs |
Submission type and format |
Source Code |
Date by which your grade and feedback will be returned |
Additional guidance information |
Your responsibility |
It is your responsibility to read and understand the University regulations regarding conduct in assessment. Please pay special attention to the assessment regulations (section 4) on
Academic Misconduct.
In brief: ensure that you;
1. DO NOT use the work of another student - this includes students from previous years and other institutions, as well as current students on the module.
2. DO NOT make your work available or leave insecure, for other students to view or use.
3. Any examples provided by the module tutor should be appropriately referenced, as should examples from external sources.
Further guidance can be found in the SCEN Academic Skills Resource and UoH Academic Integrity Resource module in Brightspace. If you experience difficulties with this assessment or with time management, please speak to the module tutor/s, your Personal Academic Tutor, or the School’s Guidance Team. ([email protected]). |
Requesting a
You are reminded to ‘back-up’ your work as late submission requests will not be given for lost work, which includes work lost due to hardware and software failure/s.
Late submission requests will only be approved if you can demonstrate genuine, unexpected circumstances along with independent supporting evidence (e.g. medical certificate) that may prevent you submitting an assessment on time. Submit your request for Late Submission via MyHud/MyStudies within 2 working days of the due date.
Late submission requests, up to a maximum of 10 working days, but typically 1-
5 working days, will be considered provided that there is appropriate evidence which clearly indicates reasons for the request.
You will have 5 working days after submitting a request to provide the evidence. Failure to submit evidence will result in the request being rejected and your work being marked as a late submission (see below).
If you are unable to submit work within the maximum late submission period of 10 days, contact the School’s Guidance Team. ([email protected]), as you may need to submit a claim for Extenuating Circumstances (ECs).
An EC claim is appropriate in exceptional circumstances, when an extension is not sufficient due to the nature of the request, or it concerns an examination or In-Class Test (ICT). You can access the EC claim form on the Registry website; where you can also find out more about the process.
You will need to submit independent, verifiable evidence for your claim to be considered.
Once your EC claim has been reviewed you will get an EC outcome email from Registry. If you are unsure what it means or what you need to do next, please speak to the Student Support Office – Room SJ1/01 An approved EC will extend the submission date to the next assessment period (e.g July resit period). |
(No ECs approved)
Late submission, up to 5 working days, of the assessment submission deadline, will result in your grade being capped to a maximum of a pass mark. Submission after this period, without an approved extension, will result in a 0% grade for this assessment component. |
Tutor Referral
NO |
Resources |
• Please note: you can access free Office365 software and you have 1 Tb of free storage space available on Microsoft’s OneDrive – Guidance on downloading Office 365. |