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LIN204H5 F
English Grammar I
Fall 2024
Students will learn about fundamental grammatical concepts, focusing on the major grammatical categories in English and how they interact at the phrase level. They will be introduced to the main constituents of English sentences and learn about the basic relationship between tense, aspect, and modality. Students will learn to apply this knowledge as a tool to think analytically about English, evaluating various registers and styles, and gaining an awareness of their own style of speaking and writing. Depending on the instructor, this course may be delivered fully or partially online. This course counts towards only the English Language Linguistics Minor (ERMIN1200); it does NOT count towards the Linguistic Studies Minor (ERMIN0506) nor the Linguistic Studies Major (ERMAJ1850).
Learning Outcomes
Students will learn to:
. Identify grammatical categories of English words and phrases
. Perform basic structural analysis of English sentences
. Explain grammatical concepts to a general audience
. Distinguish between prescriptive and descriptive rules
Textbooks and Other Materials
. There is no assigned textbook to purchase for this course.
. Any required reading will be posted on Quercus.
. Some work will be submitted on Crowdmark.
. The Course will have a Discord server, but you are not required to participate in it.