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EECS 330: Human-Computer Interaction
Course Description
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a rapidly expanding area of research and practice that has transformed the ways in which we interact with digital systems. This course introduces fundamental principles for designing and analyzing interactive systems. Topics include user-centered design, prototyping and evaluation techniques, accessibility, and graphical design fundamentals. The course also reviews emerging areas of HCI research. Students will work in teams to design and test a user interface using HTML5 and JavaScript.
Course Information
Prerequisites: 211 or equivalent
Website: https://canvas.northwestern.edu/courses/88803
Message Board: piazza.com/u.northwestern.edu/winter2019/eecs330
Location: Tech LR2
Time: Monday and Wednesdays, 1:00 - 1:50pm
Sections: Thursdays and Fridays
Team Project
The heart of this course is a quarter-long project. You will work in teams of four to design and test a novel user interface around the course theme, Behavior Change. User interface design is an iterative process; you will build and test successively higher-fidelity prototypes over the quarter. Students who are not registered for course credit may not participate in the project.
Individual Homework Assignments
You will also work on individual homework assignments throughout the quarter. The earlier assignments are designed to give you practice with HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. For the later assignments, you’ll gain some experience applying usability and design principles to critique existing interface designs. Please note that studio section attendance is required, and part of your individual grade will be determined by your participation in studio.
Team Project (50%) |
Due |
Weight |
Individual Assignments (50%) |
Due |
Weight |
P1.1: Project Brainstorm |
Jan 10 |
1.5% |
Jan 18 |
10% |
P1.2: Project Proposal |
Jan 14 |
3.5% |
HW2: JavaScript |
Feb 1 |
10% |
P2: Interviews & Observations |
Jan 23 |
5% |
HW3: User Interface Critique |
Feb 15 |
10% |
P3: Tasks & Features |
Jan 30 |
5% |
HW4: Graphic Design Critique |
Mar 1 |
10% |
P4: Paper Prototyping |
Feb 6 |
7.5% |
Class / Studio Participation |
10% |
P5: Computer Prototype 0 |
Feb 13 |
2.5% |
P5: Computer Prototype 1 |
Feb 20 |
2.5% |
P6: Computer Prototype 2 |
Feb 27 |
2.5% |
P7: Computer Prototype 3 |
Mar 6 |
2.5% |
P8: Prototype & Presentation |
Mar 15 |
17.5% |
If you believe there was a grading error on one of your assignments:
1. Email Nell, Sarah, and your peer mentor with an explanation of the mistake.
2. Make an appointment if you want to discuss grades in person (no impromptu office visits).
3. If the request merits a regrade, either Nell or Sarah will regrade your entire submission, which could result in a lower final grade.
Late Policy
Assignments are due at the time indicated on Canvas. Assignments turned in up to 24 hours late will be penalized 10%. Similarly, assignments turned in between 24 and 48 hours late will be penalized 20%. Assignments turned in more than 48 hours late will not be accepted under most circumstances. If you are having trouble with homework or assignments, please let us know! We’re here to help.
On Thursdays or Fridays you will be meeting in studio (section). The purpose of studio is for you and your group to get feedback on your group projects. You will also have an opportunity to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript at the beginning of the term.
We selected course readings to deepen and expand your understanding of HCI fundamentals beyond what we cover in lecture. Lectures will be devoted to hands-on activities that build on the assigned readings. Readings will be posted on the course website prior to lecture. All of the readings are available on Canvas, but we strongly encourage you to buy some of these books for your personal collection. Most are must-haves for interface design professionals.
Attendance at lectures and studios is required. Peer mentors will record studio attendance; we will drop your lowest studio attendance grade (i.e. you get one free pass). In lecture we will have in-class quizzes covering topics related to the assigned readings, which will also be used to make attendance. We will drop your lowest three quiz grades (i.e. you get three free passes).
Collaboration Policy
You are expected to complete individual assignments individually. It is acceptable to get help online, from TAs, and from students. However, it is not acceptable to copy solutions directly from any source. In general: write your solutions entirely on your own; do not share written materials or code with anyone else; do not look at written material or code created by anyone else for assignments.
Academic Integrity at Northwestern
Students are expected to comply with University regulations regarding academic integrity. If you are in doubt, speak to the instructor or look at the University website. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating on an exam or copying someone else’s code. Failure to maintain academic integrity on an assignment will result in a loss of credit for that assignment at a minimum. Other penalties may also apply.
Students with Disabilities
In compliance with Northwestern policy and equal access laws, the instructor is available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that you may require as a student with a disability. Request for academic accommodations need to be made during the first week of the quarter, except for unusual circumstances, so arrangements can be made. Students are encouraged to register with Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) for disability verification and for determination of reasonable academic accommodations. Read more at: http://www.northwestern.edu/accessiblenu/
Topics and readings are subject to change. Changes will be announced in class and posted on the course web site. Readings will be made available through the course website.
Date |
Topic |
Assignment Due |
Jan-7 |
Intro, HCI Inspiration, Project Theme |
Jan-9 |
User-Centered Design / HTML-CSS |
Jan-11 |
STUDIO - Project Brainstorm / HTML-CSS |
P1.1: Project Brainstorm (Thursday) |
Jan-14 |
Interviews and Observations |
P1.2: Project Proposals (Sunday) |
Jan-16 |
Norman Design Principles |
P1.3: Project Bids |
Jan-18 |
STUDIO - Javascript |
Jan-21 |
Jan-23 |
Users, Features, and Tasks / Project Overview |
P2: Interviews and Observations |
Jan-25 |
STUDIO - Frameworks |
Jan-28 |
Sketching and Prototyping |
Jan-30 |
Norman Design Principles 2 |
P3: Features and Tasks |
Feb-1 |
STUDIO - Paper Prototyping (practical) |
Feb-4 |
User Testing and Evaluation |
Feb-6 |
Heuristic and Expert Evaluation |
P4: Paper Prototyping |
Feb-8 |
STUDIO - Mid-quarter presentations |
Feb-11 |
Form Design |
Feb-13 |
Data Visualization |
P5: Computer Prototype 0 (setup) |
Feb-15 |
STUDIO - Heuristic Evaluation |
Feb-18 |
Graphic Design Basics |
Feb-20 |
Fonts & Colors |
P6: Computer Prototype 1 (one feature) |
Feb-22 |
Feb-25 |
Universal Design & Accessibility |
Feb-27 |
Evaluation at Scale |
P7: Computer Prototype 2 (two features) |
Mar-1 |
Mar-4 |
HCI Applications (ed, health, sustainability) |
Mar-6 |
HCI Applications (ed, health, sustainability) |
P8: Computer Prototype 3 (three features) |
Mar-8 |
Mar-11 |
Future of HCI |
Mar-13 |
Course Synthesis |
Mar-15 |
P9: Final Presentation and Final Prototype |
Learning Objectives
The course content and assignments are organized around a few key learning objectives. These are the key ideas we really want you to take away from this class!
User-Centered Design
● Interface design is hard! Great interface design ideas often fail (dramatically).
● You are not the user. It takes work to see the world from the users’ point of view.
● You can’t just slap on an interface on at the end. Usability is best considered from the ground up.
● Understanding user needs is essential. Need finding and task analysis are good ways to make sure that you’re solving the right problems and that the most important and most frequent tasks are easy to accomplish.
● Low-fidelity prototyping can be a fast and inexpensive way to test design ideas and surface problems early.
● The best approaches to interface design involve frequent, iterative rounds of prototyping and testing with real users.
Design Principles
● Students will be able to apply basic principles of interface design and graphic design to critique existing interfaces and build new interfaces.
● Students will be familiar with principles of universal design and accessibility. They will demonstrate their use in their designs.
HTML, CSS, Javascript
● Students will understand the HTML5 DOM (Document Object Model) and will construct basic web pages and mobile apps.
● Students will understand basic ways in which cascading stylesheets (CSS) interacts with the DOM. They will be able to write simple CSS stylesheets to style a prototype user interface.
● Students will understand ways in which Javascript can be used to dynamically interact with the DOM. They will be able to write simple, client-side scripts to prototype user interface designs.
Human-Computer Interaction as a Field
● HCI is an entry point into many careers related to user experience and design.
● HCI is an active area of computer science research with many interest areas.