Chemistry 161 General Chemistry I

Chemistry 161 Syllabus

General Chemistry I

HYE-LEC (9003) HYEL-LAB (9004)

Winter 2024

December 2 – March 22

Course Information

▪ Course Description

First in a three-course chemistry sequence for science and engineering students. The 161/162/163 series covers atomic structure, stoichiometry, solutions, gas laws, periodic law, bonding, molecular orbital theory, colligative properties, radioactivity, thermochemistry, equilibrium, acids, bases, oxidation-reduction, electrochemistry, kinetics, and simple organic chemistry. Courses in the series take a quantitative approach, format includes lecture, discussion and laboratory.

Prerequisites: Completion or concurrent enrollment in MATH& 141 or higher, or placement into MATH& 142 or higher. Also, CHEM& 121 or 140 with a C or better (or equivalent), or by chemistry placement exam.

Required Books and Materials:

1.  Chemistry: Structure and Properties, Nivaldo J.Tro, Pearson, 2ndEd.2017

2.  Access to Course Website on CANVAS (for Powerpoints, worksheets etc.)

3.  Access to BryteWave Course Materials  through Canvas ( see details in the Module)

4.  Access to reliable internet service

5.  A device with access to zoom, including a microphone

6.  A device to copy/scan/photograph hard copies in order to create PDF files for Canvas submissions.

7.  A digital camera or camera phone or other device to take photos and insert them into documents.

8.  Online Homework access on Canvas under “My lab and Mastering”. Mastering Chemistry access code required, purchase from Bellevue book store(sold with textbook.)

9.  Laboratory record notebook or any bound composition book.

10.A three-ring binder with dividers to keep all objectives, lecture notes, text notes, workspace for problem solving, questions to be asked in class, in group study, or during office hours, study sheets, worksheets and exams.

11. Scientific or graphic calculator

Optional but recommended:

A laminated periodic table-available at the BC bookstore and other bookstores.

Selected Solution manual for text book

A webcam 10.


Canvas is a learning management system to support the course. It is expected that you will use Canvas to access announcements, complete quizzes and prelabs, use discussion boards, and view grades.

To login, go to and use your BC network login/password.

If you have any questions about using Canvas, here are some resources for you:


Types of Communication In an online course, the majority of our communication takes place in the scheduled Zoom meetings, visible to all. When we have a need for communication that is private, whether personal, interpersonal, or professional, we will use individual email.

Course Outcomes:

After completing this class, students should be able to:

.     Develop problem-solving skills that are supported by algebraic and numeracy skills.

.     Use measurable quantities of matter to determine physical and chemical properties.

.     Describe the atom and understand the properties of the subatomic particles within the context of the Periodic Table.

.     Explain the relationship between the position of an element in the periodic table and its physical/chemical properties, including periodic trends.

.     Describe the differences in the structure and properties of substances based on different types and models of bonding.

.     Classify and balance chemical reactions and predict products for different types of reactions and use stoichiometric calculations to predict quantities.

.     Apply the properties of ionic and molecular substances in aqueous solution to describe systems and predict behavior.

.     Develop laboratory practices for conducting experiments and reporting experimental results within the context of the scientific method (including the proper application of significant figures, precision, and accuracy).

How Outcomes Will be Met

This course will cover Chapters 1 to 8, and part of Chapter 20 in Tro. Students will introduced to a variety of topics in General Chemistry through a combination of Zoom lectures, assignments, labs. We will also conduct virtual simulation laboratory experiments and complete worksheets. Homework assighment, quizzes and exams will be given in order to reinforce the concepts presented in class.There will be three quizzes and a mandatory final exam.


You will be graded on the point system which will be weighted at the end of the quarter.

Homework: Homework is a very important part of this course in order to fully understand the concepts of each chapter, the best way to practice your chemical skills and it must be completed on time to be prepared for the  lecture.

The online homework program, Mastering Chemistry will be used.

Assignments will be posted weekly, and will be due each Monday at 11:00pm. No credit for late assignments.

You need an access code. We will be using Custom Modified MasteringChemistry. The custom access code can ONLY be  purchased at the BC Bookstore or online through the Canvas site for this course. Do NOT purchase access codes from other sources (amazon, Chegg, friends, etc.) as they will NOT work for this course

Access codes purchased for a textbook cannot be used for a different textbook. For General Chemistry students – same code for all year. Codes are valid for 18 months.

Quizzes: There will be four, scheduled quizzes on the dates given in the course outline. The material covered on a particular quiz will be restricted to the current chapter being studied and the chapter preceding it. Missed quizzes cannot be made up.

Laboratory assignment The laboratory is an integral part of the course, and you cannot pass the course without completing (performing,  writing,   and submitting) the assigned laboratory experiments. Pre-lab write up due before a lab. Lab. report (data, calculation, questions) are due at the end of lab. period.

Each lab is worth 20 points, with the following distribution:

1.  Pre Lab write up: 5 points.

2.  Pre-Lab assignment from the lab: 5 points.

3.  Lab report, and post lab questions: 10 points.

Final exam The final examination is cumulative.The final exam will be cumulative for the entire quarter.

Assigned Points (subject to change):

Homework, assignments

100 points

Quizzes, (4) 50 points each

200 points

Handouts, assignments

(20) 10 points

200 poimts


20 points

Laboratory Reports (9)

20 points each

180 points

Final Exam

150 points


850 points

Grade Points                

Min. Point 
< 493

Students who has an average of 58% or below will receive a failing grade (F).

Students who stop or never attend this class and do not formally withdraw will receive a failing grade (F) for this course

Help with Canvas

Online Homework @ Mastering Chemistry

Sign-up instructions for Students:

If you are buying the access code for Mastering Chemistry from bookstore or elsewhere, please do not scratch too hard on Mastering Chemistry Access card; it might erase the code completely. 

For your course Chem161 Winter 2024 the registration process is as below.

First, make sure you have these 2 things 

Email address: You'll get some important emails from your instructor at this address.

Access code or credit card: The required access code comes either with your book or by itself at your bookstore. Alternatively, you can buy instant access with a credit card or PayPal account during registration.

Next, register!

1. Log in to your campus’s Canvas, Learning Management System. From here, look for a link to the Pearson Tools page in your course, and then click on the link to your MyLab andMastering chemistry to begin the registration process.

2. Sign in with your Pearson account:

a. If this is the first time you have taken a Pearson MyLab or Mastering course linked to your learning management system, you will be prompted to login with your Pearson account.  If you have a Pearson account, enter the username and password.  If you don’t have a Pearson

account, select the option to Create a new Pearson account. Once complete, move to step #4. b. If you have previously taken a Pearson MyLab or Mastering course linked to your learning management system you will not be prompted to login and you will be asked to enter your access code (see step #4)

3. When prompted for access, click the Access Code button if you purchased a package with an access code from the bookstore, OR purchase instant access now by clicking on the purchase options under the Use a Credit Card or PayPal section. You may also select Temporary Access without payment for 14 days.

4. You are now registered! Click on the “Go to your course” button to access your MyLab or Modified Mastering product.

Need help? Watch this video Or read at site Or visit our 24/7 Technical Support site at

Once you have registered and enrolled, you can log in at any time to complete or review your homework assignments. During sign up - and throughout the term - if you have any technical problems or grading issues, send an email to mastering chemistry explaining the issue. The Mastering Chemistry support team is always more able (and faster) to resolve issues than me.

5. Due dates are listed on mastering chemistry site calendar for your course.

6. You will get immediate feedback on the accuracy of your answer.

7. If you are struggling with the concept in the problem, skip it for now, ask for help (your instructor, a tutor, or your classmates), and move on to next question.

8.  I recommend that you use a dedicated notebook to write in while you complete the online assignment to work out the solution, make a note of difficult problems, or summarize major concepts. The simple act of writing will reinforce your learning and make you work in an organized manner. It can serve as an excellent personal study guide for exams and be useful when asking for help on a problem.

Zoom learning atmosphere:

• Please be an active and engaged student in class and lab. I expect you to be involved in class discussions and activities in class/lab session.

• Be on time for class/lab and do not walk out/in or prepare to leave before I finish the class.

• Attend every class and lab. If you miss a class/lab, it is your responsibility to obtain any missed materials or announcements from Canvas. You will be held accountable for any due dates, labs, exams changes posted as announcements on Canvas. If you know that you will be absent for a prolonged period, contact me directly for assistance.

• Be respectful of others. Please avoid disruptive behavior; this is disrespectful to your classmates and me. Be prepared for class/lab.

• Use personal electronic devices appropriately. In other words, please refrain from texting, Face booking, tweeting and being downright distracting with your phone during class/lab time.

Laboratory Reports for Chemistry 161

All labs are going to be in person, on Campus,Lab. Room  S-319. There will be no make up labs

Each lab is worth 25 points:

1. Pre-laboratory assignment (due at the beginning of lab)– 5 points. Complete Pre-Lab Assignment for the scheduled experiment as much as you can before lab. This will be   usually submitted at the beginning of lab period or as announced.

2. Lab report and post lab questions – 20 points

This consists of completing the lab report as available on Canvas. It is recommended that you perform all calculations and check these with me before you leave the lab period.

Ask me if you do not understand any calculations. In case there is no prelab exercise     associated with a lab activity, then lab activity will be worth 25 points. Complete the Lab Report and submit it electronically at the end of lab period or as announced in class

For each scheduled lab follow the experimental details to understand what steps need to be taken to complete it. I will guide as you work on the lab activity.

The main purpose of your laboratory notebook is to be a permanent record of your experiments. Using a lab notebook will help you prepare for upcoming experiments, be more organized, confident in the laboratory  During an experiment, you will use it to record data and observations necessary to complete lab reports that explain your result.


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