ELEC ENG 3108 Telecommunications Principles Assignment 2: Telecommunications Toolbox

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ELEC ENG 3108 Telecommunications Principles

Assignment 2: Telecommunications Toolbox

Due 5pm on Monday 18 September. This assignment is worth 20% or 30% of your final grade.

Submission on MyUni at 5pm.

What to submit

•    Your working and results

•    50% of your marks will be allocated to discussion, insight and original experimentation or

analysis. Your report is expected to be written to a professional standard and show original critical insight.

Question 1: Error Correction (15/30)

•     Install Matlab with the Communications Toolbox

(see https://www.adelaide.edu.au/technology/your-services/software/software-for-students#matlab for instructions)

•     >> doc vitdec (note the specific documentation may be release-dependent)

•     Follow the example code in the documentation to explore the Viterbi trellis decoder across a range of Signal to Noise ratios, using hard, quantised and soft decoding. You should also explore a small range of convolutional encoders by following the documentation for poly2trellis.

•     Note: Do use the Communications Toolbox implementation. The purpose of this question is to explore the properties of convolutional coding, rather than its detailed implementation.

Question 2: Leaky Bucket (5/30)

Calculate the average and peak data rates, and the maximum burst length (in bytes), of the following leaky bucket traffic scheduler.  Hence determine the time taken to transmit the maximum-length burst.

Extension ideas: implement a simulation in Matlab, or explore variations on the input data specifications.

Question 3: Scheduling (10/30)

Determine the FIFO and Virtual Clock schedules for the following tributaries onto a single ATM multiplex. What proportion of the multiplex capacity is available for unspecified Bit Rate services?

Extension idea: implement a simulation in Matlab, or explore variations on the input data specifications.


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