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UNIV*6020 – Meta-Analysis Module (with Dr. JL Ellis) – Assignment (5%)
- Propose a new meta-analysis, related to your research topic area/your area of interest. Specify the research question and break it down into the ‘PICO’ terms discussed in class. Define your search terms using well thought out Boolean logic. Devise and document your literature search strategy (what databases will you search, how will you hand search, what journals will you hand search, where will you look for key papers, etc)? (1%)
- Using the dataset provided to you (file: ‘UNIV 6020 MetaA module Data files – JE F24 – Student Assignment.xlxs’, ‘Data for question 2’ tab), perform a meta-analysis (regression) (in SAS or R) on the data provided: (a) ignoring the study variable, (b) treating study as a fixed effect (you will need to use a contrast statement or hand calculate the average equation), and (c) treating study as arandom effect. For (c), determine whether the random statement could be reduced or simplified (based on p-values, Information Criteria and plots) and if so, do so. Extract the predictive equations (and their parameters, +/- SEM) for each (a-c) and examine/comment on the residual plots for each. You can find help and guidance for this question in the St-Pierre (2001) paper. (2%)
- Using the dataset provided to you in excel (file: ‘UNIV 6020 MetaA module Data files – JE F24 – Student Assignment.xlxs’), replicate the model evaluation statistic results provided (in red) bycreating, in excel, the formulas provided in the lecture or in the supplementary material (Tedeschi, 2006). (2%)