Course overview

Course description

STAT 1350 is a 3-credit statistical literacy course designed to help you become thoughtful and critical consumers of statistics in everyday life. You will learn in this course about how data is produced, organized, and summarized. You will also learn about how samples of data can be
used to make inferences about populations.

General education goals and expected learning outcomes

This course satisfies the General Education foundation requirement in Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning or Data Analysis which has the following goals and expected learning outcomes:
Goals: Successful students will be able to apply quantitative or logical reasoning and/or mathematical/statistical methods to understand and solve problems and will be able to communicate their results.
Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs): Successful students are able to:
1.1 Use logical, mathematical and/or statistical concepts and methods to represent real-world situations.
1.2 Use diverse logical, mathematical and/or statistical approaches, technologies and tools to communicate about data symbolically, visually, numerically and verbally.
1.3 Draw appropriate inferences from data based on quantitative analysis and/or logical reasoning.
1.4 Make and evaluate important assumptions in estimation, modeling, logical argumentation and/or data analysis.
1.5 Evaluate social and ethical implications in mathematical and quantitative reasoning.
This course also satisfies the Legacy General Education requirement in Data Analysis which has the following goals and expected learning outcomes:
Goals: Students develop skills in drawing conclusions and critically evaluating results based on data.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
1. Students understand basic concepts of statistics and probability.
2. Students comprehend methods needed to analyze and critically evaluate statistical arguments.
3. Students recognize the importance of statistical ideas.

Required equipment

• Computer: current Mac (MacOs) or PC (Windows 10) with high-speed internet connection
• Webcam: built-in or external webcam, fully installed and tested (only necessary if you wish to meet with us via Zoom)
• Microphone: built-in laptop or tablet mic or external microphone (only necessary if you wish to meet with us via Zoom)
• Other: a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) to use for BuckeyePass authentication Required software
• Microsoft Office 365: All Ohio State students are now eligible for free Microsoft Office 365. Full instructions for downloading and installation can be found at
• There may be statistical software tools that we will ask you to use for different course assignments, but these will all be freely accessible via websites that we will share with you.
• We strongly encourage you to avoid using Safari as an internet browser because we have found that certain images in assignments and exams do not show up well in Safari.Details can be found at If are able to use Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge, we hope you will do this.


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