Organisational Dynamics: Systems Thinking


Organisational Dynamics: Systems Thinking

Coursework Requirements

“Can system dynamics simulation modelling make a contribution to management decision making?”

Write a critical essay with the title shown above. Your essay should:

- Illustrate the difficulties of managerial decision-making which system dynamics simulation modelling believes it can address and comment on whether these are addressed convincingly by system dynamics simulation modelling (SDSM)1

- Consider some of the limitations to the SDSM approach

- Refer to TWO examples of SDSM to illustrate your argument.2 

Note that you should NOT simply transcribe sections of articles into a patchwork quilt. Knowledge of other papers is important but is only an element of what is required. The critical marshalling of information to create a persuasive, logical argument is the primary requirement.

N.B. If you believe that the answer to the question in the title is ‘No’ then write an essay which argues this case. It is quite possible to gain full marks for such an essay; intellectual obsequiousness is not a course requirement.

1 System dynamics simulation modelling’ is to be interpreted as the representation of a set of assumptions in formal, quantified form which allows computer simulation.

2 No more than ONE of these examples should be drawn from those discussed in lectures and computer classes (i.e. Bass diffusion model, extensions of that model, Homer’s worker burnout model etc.). The course reading list contains many examples of papers for students to draw on as alternatives.


The assignment should be 5000 words in length (with 10% margin). Provide a word count at the end of the main body of your essay.

References are not included in the word count. References should be Harvard Referencing Style, and be contained in a separate section at the end, with citations in the text using the convention (Forrester, 1961).

Figures are not included in the word count. You are encouraged to illustrate your essay.

Coursework must be submitted by 2:00pm, 02/05/2024;

Any AI-generated content is extremely prohibited


Assume that your reader knows about CLDs and SDSM = Do not waste space explaining these, rather explore their relevance and usefulness.

This CW is NOT about qualitative modelling; that aspect of the course has been assessed = It is about simulation modelling – and whether it is worth it.

You do not have to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ = It is fine to offer an argument of nuance, ‘on the one hand X, on the other hand Y…’

Marking Criteria

The following criteria will be applied, with equal weightings:

· Awareness of Problems in Managing Complex Systems: Does the student show a good grasp of the behavioural decision theory ideas which suggest that decision making and learning in complex systems is problematic?

[20 Marks

· Assessment of SDSM’s Contribution: Has the student critically assessed whether system dynamics simulation modelling addresses important management issues and whether it addresses them convincingly? Does the student refer back to behavioural decision theory ideas on decision making deficiencies and relate this to the features of system dynamics simulation modelling that aim to offer improvements?

[20 Marks]

· Use of Two Examples: Beyond the theoretical dimension, does the essay use two examples, in a clear way to support the points being made under the above headings? In doing this, does the student form a bridge from theoretical concerns to practical managerial decision making?

[20+20 Marks]

· Understanding Contribution of Simulation: Does the assessment include a clear understanding of the specific role that simulation can take with respect to the above points? Is the student clear about the contribution and limitations of purely diagrammatic approaches (systems thinking) and aware of the additional contribution that quantification, formulation and simulation aim to make?

[20 Marks]

[Total: 100 Marks]


Regarding the assignment:

Illustrate the difficulties of managerial decision making which system dynamics simulation modelling believes it can address and comment on whether these are addressed convincingly by system dynamics situation modelling.

Would I be able to focus the above on education and schools, and would I also need to find stella models for these?

In addition:

Refer to TWO examples of SDSM to illustrate your argument.

Does the above mean we need to use stella models as our examples, and if so, do you recommend any websites I can specifically find stella models?


Education and schools focus: Hard to answer this without more specifics. There are certainly some interesting policy issues in education and these are well worth addressing and would fit the coursework. What would not work is an essay on how to educate people in SD, or on how decision making is difficult for reasons SPECIFIC to the education area.

It follows naturally that SDSMs relating to the education area would be needed.

There are three mentions of ‘stella models’. That is too restrictive. There are other examples of SD software and you have seen these in the course. The interest of CW1 is in SD computer simulation models; STELLA is one example. Students certainly do need to refer to two SDSMs to support their argument (see above).

Where to find these models? Look at the course reading list. You may be able to find others – but there is a lot of poor modelling out there. If in doubt run a source past me.

Note: When it says Refer to TWO examples, it means to make your argument specific using points taken from two examples.

Do I need to focus the usage of system dynamics situation modelling in [a] specific industry e.g. education? 


No. You could do that if you wanted but I am not imposing that constraint.

Can I draw more than TWO examples of SDSM to illustrate the argument? If I understand correctly, we will not need to draw our own SD computer situation models but use the example in the reading lists. 


Yes you can, but you have a word limit so using more than two examples might be difficult to handle well. Plus it requires more work from you to master a third example. I leave that to you to decide.

Do I need to run any research paper with you if it is related to the limitation of SDSM outside the reading list? Or it is just the modelling?


Well, there is a lot of bad modelling out there, which is why I provided a long list and suggested that you consult me regarding other models. Research regarding the limitations could take us into other areas (psychology, organisational behaviour etc.) so I don’t think I need to check those.

As mentioned in the assignment sheet:

No more than ONE of these examples should be drawn from those discussed in lectures and computer classes (i.e. Bass diffusion model, extensions of that model, Homer’s worker burnout model etc.). The course reading list contains many examples of papers for students to draw on as alternatives.

Does the paper "Milling, P. M. 2002. Understanding and Managing Innovation Processes. System Dynamics Review 18(1): 73-86." consider as examples discussed in the class? I remembered there is a discussion on the adoption in the class but not fully on the model. 


This is an ambiguity on my part (I will change this for next year). I do not mean ‘discussed’, I mean ‘the ones given to you to play with in the computer classes’. So, the Milling work is NOT part of the ‘no more than ONE’.

Regarding the organisational dynamics coursework I am trying to create a STELLA model based on a reading, although am having trouble with the equations.

I wanted to inquire how to navigate this, and if I could slightly change the equations from that of the paper in order for it to work in STELLA.  


There is NO REQUIREMENT that you create a System Dynamics model. It is quite sufficient to use (one of) the ones given to you on the course and then refer to a description of an existing model.

If you want to build and change one then you are doing more than required and may be exceeding your knowledge. Extra marks MIGHT result but that is something of a risk.

Should the language of the essay be more 1st person or 3rd person?


We are scientists, we aim for plausible, well-grounded, generalised (=impersonal) knowledge = passive voice.

How should I read the articles?


Of course, with an eye on the CW2. But also critically. See if YOU find them convincing, judge for yourself whether you think they make a strong or a weak case for SDSM.

Out of 4 papers I select to read, when putting my argument to Illustrate the difficulties of managerial decision making, which SDSM believes it can address, do I illustrate each paper individually, make a combined argument or purely my choice?


With the space you have got I would limit the cases you refer to. But it rather depends how well you can marshal the material.


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