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Informatics 102: Concepts of Programming Languages II
Assignment #5: Implementing a Domain-Specific Language in JavaDue date and time: Sunday, June 10, 11:59pm
In the previous assignment, you were asked to write two Java programs that communicated with one another through a file — one program wrote to the file while the other read from it. To make the communication work, the two programs had to agree on a format for the file. Rather than designing our own custom file format and implementing code to read it and write it from scratch, we instead used a domain-specific language called Protocol Buffers, in which we described the structure of the information to be stored in the file, then relied on the Protocol Buffers implementation to automatically generate the code, based on our description, that reads and writes that information.
While the previous assignment asked you to use a domain-specific language, this assignment focuses on the task of designing and implementing a new one. As Protocol Buffers does, our language will focus on making it easy to specify a narrow area of functionality in a larger program, generating what would otherwise be repetitive, boilerplate code that you would have to write from scratch. We'll concentrate our efforts on a different domain, but our needs will be similar: we'll need a compiler that reads our language and generates Java as its output; we'll also need a runtime library that implements the code that would be common in any use of our language.
You'll proceed with the design and implementation of this language by performing a few tasks:
- Writing a program while keeping an eye on its design, trying to separate the code that would be generated by our language's compiler, the code that will form the runtime library for our language, and the code that forms the "business logic" of the program.
- Implementing a compiler that takes our language and generates Java code from it.
- Putting your runtime library and generated code together with the business logic from the first program, forming a new, simpler version of the same program that combines our language with Java.
An example of following these steps to design and implement a domain-specific language is given in the Code Examples section.
The problem domain
It's likely in past coursework that you've been asked to write Java programs with console-mode user interfaces, where all input comes from System.in and all output goes to System.out. You may have noticed that these programs are often very similarly structured, offering a "menu" of commands that the user can enter, each of which is handled by asking the user for additional input parameters, making some changes to the program's underlying state, and printing some output confirming the action taken. Furthermore, you may have noticed that there is duplication of information in the code you write — for example, the code that prints the menu has to print commands that match the ones implemented elsewhere.
Let's embark on designing a domain-specific language called Menuba that can be used to describe the menus typically used in console-mode user interfaces. Menuba should allow us to describe relevant information about each command, with no duplication of effort; its compiler will generate Java code that does some of the tedious work of implementing a user interface like this.
Part 1: Prototyping Menuba (30 points)
Finding the boundaries
Our first step in implementing our new language is to decide more precisely what problem it solves: what it will allow me to say and what will happen as a result of me saying it. Our goal is to use our language to take some of the tedium out of building console-mode user interfaces in Java, while preserving Java's usefulness in solving the business problem that underlies our user interface. We're not trying to replace Java; we're just trying to augment it, so that we can do one very particular thing better than we could before.
Programs written using Menuba will be broken into three discrete parts:
- Command menus. We'll write descriptions of specific command menus in Menuba, then compile that code to Java. Each program we write using Menuba would have at least one of these.
- Runtime library. This is the Java code that does things related to our command menus, but that never varies from one menu to another.
- The business logic. This is the code that solves the underlying problems that a particular program is intended to address, like calculating sales tax, finding patterns in input data, or performing web searches.
Before we can embark on our implementation of Menuba, we'll have to do some prototyping; the exact split between what belongs in the command menus, the runtime library, and the business logic will not necessarily be obvious to us at first. Instead, we'll need to work out a prototype design for a typical program built using Menuba and Java, keeping the three discrete parts separate. We'll write our whole prototype in Java, since we don't have a Menuba compiler yet; we'll also try to write our prototype in such a way that it would be possible to generate the command menus automatically using a compiler, so we should err on the side of being more pattern-oriented than creative.
Considering Menuba's mandate
A typical console-mode user interface provides a user experience much like the one demonstrated below. (In the example, boldfaced text is input from the user, while non-boldfaced text is output.)
Menu ---- [A] Add a player to team [R] Remove a player from team [L] List the players on team [G] Generate team lineup [S] Save team to file [Q] Quit [?] Help Command: A Add Player ---------- Player Name: Alex Thornton Player Position: 1B Alex Thornton (1B) added to team Command: S Save Team --------- Team Filename: team.txt Team information saved to team.txt Command: B B is not a valid command; please try again or type ? for help Command: ? Menu ---- [A] Add a player to team [R] Remove a player from team [L] List the players on team [G] Generate team lineup [S] Save team to file [Q] Quit [?] Help Command: Q Goodbye!
As we consider the example above, we see some patterns emerge:
- There is a command menu that associates a command string (a letter or a short string) with a command to be executed.
- Each command on the menu has a textual description.
- Users enter command strings, which are then matched against the command strings on the menu. When there is a match, the command is executed; when there is not a match, an error message is shown.
- The menu is not shown every time — since experienced users of the program will have it memorized — but we offer the ability to see it again by entering the "help" command.
- The execution of each command has an effect on the program's "state."
What happens when a particular command is executed is specific to a particular program. But there are plenty of features that are recurrent in every program like this one: showing the menu, asking the user to enter command strings, matching those command strings to commands on the menu, associating a description with every command string, and offering commands like "help" that would be useful in every program. It is these recurrent features that we should be able to encode using Menuba, leaving only the business logic — what happens when each command is executed? — to be written using Java.
Menuba's mandate, then, is to describe a command menu. A Menuba script will be written that describes, for each command on a command menu: what its command string is, what its description is, and what Java code should be called when it is executed.
It's important to note that we're not going to consider Menuba's syntax yet. We can, of course, but we don't need to; as long as we understand what kind of information will go into a Menuba script, we can always design the syntax later. (Part of why it's not a bad idea to postpone our syntax decision is that we might discover that we left important details out; these might have a dramatic impact on our syntax. So why commit to a syntax early when we can put it off until we're more comfortable with where we're trying to go?)
The prototype program
For this part of the assignment, write a prototype program with a console-mode user interface that maintains a list of names. It provides six commands:
- Add a name to the list
- Remove a name from the list
- Print all the names on the list
- Clear all the names from the list
- Quit
- Help
Be sure that you're maintaining a focus on the design of your prototype as you work. The objective here is not to write just any Java program that meets the requirements; the challenge is in finding a design that keeps the three necessary parts (the command menu, the runtime library, and the business logic) separate.
Once you have an implementation of the program that you believe is designed well enough for this purpose — with the three parts separate — you'll be ready to proceed to Part 2.
Part 2: Implementing Menuba (50 points)
Considering a syntax for Menuba
Now that we've successfully defined the boundaries between the command menu (i.e., the code that our Menuba compiler will generate), the runtime library, and the business logic, we'll be able to begin our implementation of Menuba. Before we can get too much farther, we'll have to decide what Menuba will look like. We'll need to find a syntax that encodes all of the information that we identified as necessary to describe a command menu, based on the design from Part 1:
- What commands are on the menu, including the command string, the description, and an indication of what code should be called.
- The name of the class that implements the command menu, i.e., the name of the Java class that our Menuba compiler will generate.
- The name of the class that encapsulates the state that is managed and modified by this menu's commands.
- The package in which the class that implements the command menu should reside. (Interoperability with Java almost always requires supporting packages, since essentially all "real" Java programs use them.)
With that information in mind, a Menuba script will look like this:
// This is an example Menuba script, describing a program -- which you // will not have to write -- that does Google queries from the console. package inf102.assignment5.example; menu ExampleMenu -> CurrentQueryState { "Q": "Execute a search query" -> ExecuteQuery; "S": "Show next 10 results" -> ShowPastResults; "C": "Clear the current query" -> ClearQuery; "X": "Exit" -> Exit; }
From the example, we see that Menuba has a somewhat Java-like syntax, including its support for Java packages and its use of curly braces for grouping, semicolons for termination, and two slashes to indicate a comment. It also uses a colon to separate the command string from its description, as well as an "arrow" (a dash followed by a greater-than) to separate the command from the name of a class containing the code that handles it. Like most (though not all) languages, big and small, whitespace is considered irrelevant, except when it separates words from one another (e.g., between "menu" and "ExampleMenu"), though the amount of whitespace and the layout of the Menuba code is not important for any reason other than a stylistic one.
A grammar for Menuba follows, with non-terminal symbols italicized and terminal symbols appearing as normal text. The word empty is a special one, indicating that a non-terminal symbol can expand to nothing.
- Script → PackageDeclaration MenuDeclaration
- PackageDeclaration → empty | package PackageName ';'
- PackageName → Identifier [ '.' Identifier ]*
- MenuDeclaration → menu Identifier '->' Identifier '{' MenuCommandList '}'
- MenuCommandList → MenuCommand*
- MenuCommand → String ':' String '->' Identifier ';'
A couple of lexical rules
The lexical rules of a language describe what kinds of tokens (i.e., individual words, symbols, etc.) can appear legally in that language. Our lexical rules are:
- Identifiers are sequences of letters and digits that begin with a letter, except for those sequences which are reserved words (i.e., package or menu). As a practical matter, we should probably use exactly Java's rules for identifiers (so any Java class name could legally be specified in a Menuba script), though I've chosen this simpler rule in the interest of limiting complexity.
- Strings are sequences of characters surrounded by double-quotes (") containing no newline characters. In the interest of simplicity, we won't bother with escape sequences or special characters in strings.
Writing a Menuba compiler
For this part of the assignment, you will write a Menuba compiler, which takes a Menuba script and generates a Java class that implements the menu it describes. Note that you'll need your code from Part 1, particularly the code you identified as being in your runtime library. Beyond that, you'll need the following components:
- A scanner, which I'm providing in the form of these three files:
- A parser, which you will need to write using the recursive-descent technique discussed in lecture. Your parser should read its input from the scanner.
- One or more classes to hold the relevant information from the script, objects of which your parser will return as its output.
- A code generator, which takes information parsed from a script and generates a .java file.
- A class containing a main( ) method that executes your compiler. Please name this class MenubaCompiler. The compiler should take one command-line argument specifying the name of the Menuba script to be compiled; it should write an output file named X.java, where X is replaced with the name of the menu described in the Menuba script. (So, for example, if the example script above were to be compiled, a file called ExampleMenu.java would be generated.
Use packages to organize your code in the following way:
- The package inf102.menuba.compiler should contain the code for your compiler.
- The package inf102.menuba.lib should contain the code for your runtime library.
- Any other code can be put anywhere you'd like, but do put it in a package.
There are no absolute requirements on the code that you generate, other than it can be combined with your runtime library and business logic to write a command-line user interface. Specifically what you generate depends on the design of your runtime library, which I've left as an open issue for you to solve.
Part 3: Using Menuba (20 points)
Rewrite your program from Part 1 using a combination of Menuba and Java. Compile your Menuba script(s) and combine them with your runtime library and business logic, ensuring that the program still works as it did.
If you're able to do this, you're in business! Menuba is complete.
For Part 1, submit a zip archive containing all of the .java files that make up your prototype.
For Part 2, submit a zip archive containing all of the .java files that make up your compiler and runtime library.
For Part 3, submit a zip archive containing your Menuba script and your business logic. We will combine this with your runtime library from Part 2 and use the compiler to generate the necessary code from the Menuba script.
Follow this link for a discussion of how to submit your assignment via Checkmate. Be aware that I'll be holding you to all of the rules specified in that document, including the one that says that you're responsible for submitting the version of the assignment that you want graded. We won't regrade an assignment simply because you submitted the wrong version by accident.