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COSC 121 - Assignment #1
You will generate five classes related to flight information records for CS Airlines. You will define each of the classes in the hierarchy of classes shown below. Note that the highlighted members (indicated in red, bold and italic) are the members that make each class unique from its parent class.
· A departure location (departLocation)
· A destination location (destination)
· A flight number (flightNumber)
· A departure time (departTime)
· A flight duration (duration)
A Cargo flight record is a unique type of Flight record in that a Cargo flight record contains a description of the freight (freightDescription) as well.
A Commercial flight record is a unique type of Flight record in that a Commercial flight record contains status information (status).The status of a flight is generally one of "On Time", "Delayed", or "Cancelled".
A Domestic flight record is a unique kind of Commercial flight record in that a Domestic flight record also contains an airport fee amount (airportFee).
An International flight record is a unique kind of Commercial flight record in that an International flight record also contains the name of the destination country (country).
I have provided you with the Flight class. You can download it from here: Flight.java. Your are not permitted to modify the Flight.java file in any way. Even though you must use my Flight class, I strongly encourage you to first sketch out on paper how you would define the Flight class yourself, and then compare it to mine. You will notice that this class uses the services of another class called Time. You can download this class from here: Time.java.
Study the Time class to ensure that you understand what it does. It does not do anything too complicated. It is just a class to represent a time in the form of HH:MM where HH is the hour and MM is the minute.
Your job is to define four classes - Cargo, Commercial, Domestic, and International. You must define these classes in four separate files. You may not modify Flight class. Flight.java and Time.java should also belong to your Eclipse project called, Flight.
Here are some additional requirements for this set of classes.
· Name your data members using the names (exactly) indicated in the hierarchy diagram. Pay attention to upper and lower case letters.
· Name your accessor methods by following exactly the convention we have been using in this course and CoSc 111. For example, the accessor method for freightDescription in the Cargo class should be named getFreightDescription. Put the word get in front of the name of the variable with the first letter of the variable's name changed to upper case. If you don't follow this convention, my driver program won't compile, and as a result you will lose marks.
· You must define (override) toString() methods for your classes that textually represent the objects exactly as shown in the sample output presented below.
· Note that the Flight class creates only the first part of the flight number. The classes that you create should modify the flight number appropriately. I.e. add "-C", "-D" or "-I" to the end of the flight number depending on whether the flight is Cargo, Domestic or International, respectively.
· Be sure to define properties and methods in the appropriate class and be sure to take advantage of code that is already defined.
· You may download this initial driver program to test your classes - CSAirlines.java. This program does not exercise any of your accessor methods, so you will probably want to add code to make sure they work.
· Here is the way this program should run when accessing your flight classes:
Flight CS001-C departs Vancouver for Pearson at 08:30
Freight: Hockey Sticks
Flight CS002-C departs Calgary for Hamilton at 09:22
Freight: Diamonds
Flight CS003-D departs Vancouver for Victoria at 10:11
Status: Cancelled
Flight CS004-D departs Kelowna for Victoria at 12:55
Status: On Time
Flight CS005-I departs Vancouver for Las Vegas at 17:00
Status: On Time
Country: United States
Flight CS006-I departs Vancouver for Paris at 20:50
Status: Delayed
Country: France
· Note that CSAirlines.java creates Domestic and International objects without specifying a value for status, as it is reasonable to assume that any Flight object would be On Time when it is first created. Be sure to create your constructors as the CSAirlines class requires.
Submitting your work
You can now submit your Cargo.java, Commercial.java, Domestic.java, and International.java files on Canvas. This assignment is curtesy of Alan Kennedy.