CS2200 Intro to Systems and Networks Homework 1

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CS2200 Intro to Systems and Networks Homework 1

This assignment serves as an introduction to the 16-bit LC-2200 processor assembly language. There are two problems:

  1. Intro to LC-2200 assembly
  2. Assembly programming: The Power Function

Problem 1: Assembly Programming Warmup

This problem introduces the 16-bit LC-2200 assembly language and has you hand- and machine-assemble a few instructions.

The LC-2200 Instruction-Set Architecture

Figure 1: The LC-2200-16 Datapath (Conceptual)

The LC-2200-16 (Little Computer 2200-16 bits) is very simple, but it is general enough to solve complex problems. This section describes the instruction set and instruction format of the LC-2200. The LC-2200 is a 16-register, 16-bit computer. All addresses are word (2 bytes)-addresses.

Although the 16 registers are known as general purpose registers, they are generally assigned special duties by software convention.




Callee Save?



always zero (by hardware)




reserved for assembler




return value




























saved register




saved register




saved register




reserved for OS/traps




stack pointer




frame pointer




return address


Register 0: This register will always contain zero when read from. As an additional feature it may be written to in those cases where a value is not needed.

Registers 1: Although this is a general purpose register by convention, programmers should not use it. It may be used by the assembler when processing pseudo-instructions.

Register 2: Is designated as the register used to return values from functions.

Registers 3-5: Are designated to be used for passing arguments to functions.

Registers 6-8: Are designated for temporary variables.

Note: When calling a function the programmer should assume that the contents of registers 2-8 that were present when the call was made will no longer be valid. Thus, if needed after the call those values should be saved by the programmer calling the function.

Registers 9-11: These are saved registers. The caller of a function may assume that once the function returns the values that were in these registers before the call will still be there.

Note: This implies that a programmer writing a function that wishes to use these registers should first save them (most likely on the activation stack), then use them and then restore them before returning control to the caller

Register 12: This register is reserved for handling interrupts.

Register 13: The stack pointer which is used to keep track of the location of the top of the activation stack.

Register 14: You do not have to worry about this register.

Register 15: When a function is called the JALR instruction will save the address to return to and by convention this register is used for that purpose.


Instructions are 16 bits wide and require two sequential fetches from memory. There are 5 instruction formats (bit 0 is the least- significant bit).

    R-type instructions (add, nand):

        bits 15-13: opcode

        bits 12- 9: RX

        bits  8- 5: RY

        bits  4- 1: RZ

        bit 0       unused


    I-type instructions (addi, lw, sw, beq):

        bits 15-13: opcode

        bits 12- 9: RX

        bits  8- 5: RY

        bits  4- 0: offsetField (a 5-bit, 2's complement number with

                                 a range of -16 to +15)


    J-type instructions (jalr):

        bits 15-13: opcode

        bits 12- 9: RX

        bits  8- 5: RY

        bits  4- 0: unused (should all be 0)


    S-type instructions (spop):

        bits 15-13: opcode

        bits 12- 2: unused (should all be 0)

        bits  1- 0: control code

Symbolic instructions should follow the same layout. For example, the add instructions is written in assembly as:
add <RX><RY><RZ>


    Table 1: Description of Machine Instructions


    Assembly language       Opcode (binary     Action

    name for instruction    (bits 15-13)


    add (R-type format)     000             Add contents of RY with 

     ex: add $v0, $a0, $a1                  contents of RZ, store 

                                            results in RX.


    nand (R-type format)    001             Nand contents of RY with

     ex: nand $v0, $a0, $a1                 contents of RZ, store 

                                            results in RX.


    addi (I-type format)    010             Add contents of RY to 

     ex: addi $v0, $a0, 25                  contents of offset field 

                                            and store result in RX.                                              


    lw (I-type format)      011             Load RX from memory. 

     ex: lw $v0, 0x42($sp)                  Memory address is formed 

                                            by adding offsetField with 

                                            the contents of RY. 



    sw (I-type format)      100             Store RX into memory. 

     ex: sw $a0, 0x42($sp)                  Memory address is formed 

                                            by adding offsetField with 

                                            the contents of RY.


    beq (I-type format)     101             Compare the contents of RX 

     ex: beq $a0, $a1, done                 and RY; if they are the 

                                            same, then branch to the 

                                            address PC+2+offsetField, 

                                            where PC is the address of 

                                            the beq instruction. Note that

                                          since all instructions begin at

                                          an address that is some multiple

                                            of 2, the beq instruction will

                                          leftshift the offset field by one

                                          bit in order to double the range

                                          for branch targets.


    jalr (J-type format)    110             First store PC+2 into RY, 

     ex: jalr $at, $ra                      where PC is the address of 

                                            the jalr instruction. 

                                            Then branch to the address 

                                            now contained in RX. Note 

                                            that if RX is the same as 

                                            RY, the processor will 

                                            first store PC+2 into that 

                                            register, then end up 

                                            branching to PC+2.


    spop (S-type format)    111             Perform the action as 

     ex: spop 0                             determined by the control 

                                            code (last 2 bits) cc=0 

                                            Halt processor

Like many processors, an assembler for the LC-2200-16 would supply a number of pseudo instructions:

    halt                                    Simply emits a spop 0. Halts the processor. 


    noop                                    No operation: does nothing 

     ex: noop                               (actually emits "

                                            "add $zero, $zero, $zero")


    .word (pseudo-op)                       fill word with a value.  

     ex: .word  32                          


    The assembler supports labels which represent the address of the line. 

If a label is used in a beq instruction, it will evaluate to the the relative offset leftshifted by one bit.

A. [0 points] Play around with the simulator. Try writing some simple programs to copy numbers from one register to another, to load and store values in memory, and to get used to the syntax for the assembler. To use the simulator, extract the tarball, cd into the created directory, and run "./config.sh". This is a config script that will set up a Makefile based on your system. If you want to install it, give it paths for installation; otherwise, just press enter at all the prompts to NOT install it and just create the executables in that directory. Then run make to actually build the executables. If you have the Qt libraries installed, you will get a graphical simulator in addition to the standard text simulator. The simulator comes with a help option to let you explore its options.

Problem 2: Power Test Program

This problem has you use the LC-2200 assembly language to write a simple program.
A. [30 points] Define a procedure calling convention for the LC-2200 assembly language and machine model. The answer should be in the form of a written specification in enough detail so that one person could write a procedure (or a procedure call) to be used as part of another person's program. Use the standard convention as described in class. Be sure to explicitly address the standard issues:

  1. [10 points] Define how the registers are used
    • i.e. Which are for what?
    • Whether the registers are caller or callee saved?
  2. [10 points] Define how the stack is accessed
    • i.e. What does stack pointer point to?
    • Which way does stack grow (in terms of memory address)?
  3. [10 points] Define the mechanics of the call, including:
    • What the caller does to initiate a procedure call,
    • What the callee does at the beginning of a procedure,
    • What the callee does at the end of a procedure to return to the caller and
    • What the caller does to clean up after the return from a procedure.

B. [70 points] Write a function in LC-2200 assembly language to compute pow(n, m), that is, n raised to the mth power. (For Example, pow(2, 4) should return 16.

Your function should follow the calling convention that you have outlined above.


Iterative solutions to this problem will not receive credit!

You must implement recursion using the stack and stack pointer in order to receive full credit.

If you have questions about how to do this, please post to the newsgroup or ask in help session.

Make sure that pow.s is in unix-format and not in Dos/Windows format. Otherwise, you will not be able to assemble it!


Turn ALL of your files into T-Square in a .zip or .tar.gz file:

  • 'answers.txt' containing your answers to the first question
  • 'pow.s', containing your assembly code.
The TAs should be able to type 'make', './assemble pow.s' './sim pow.lc' and get your answer. If you can't do this with your submission, you have left something out! You should just re-archive the folder this assignment came in and turn that in.

End of CS2200 Homework 1


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