Deliverable 4: Final SQL database with stored procedures and triggers
Using the database and the three (or five) SELECT queries that you created for Deliverable 3 (including any recommended correcAons or adjustments), add each query to the database as its own stored procedure. An updated corresponding business jusIficaIon then should be added to the stored procedure as a comment within that procedure (if you place the comment between the BEGIN and END statements then you won't be restricted by length).
Please also create two new parameterized queries (in addiAon to the original 3 (or 5) fixed queries) and add them to the database as stored procedures. As before, each of these parameterized queries should have a 1-2 sentence business jusAficaAon that is stored as a comment within the appropriate procedure.
Finally, please create and store two different triggers within the database (each associated with a different table, and each with its own business jusAficaAon). Each of these triggers should respond to changes in their "home" table by automaAcally updaAng values in a second, related table. You should include an explanaAon of each trigger as a comment in the database.
Please export a copy of your final database, being sure that each of the stored procedures (with their comments included) and each of the triggers are included in the output, as a text file in SQL format. You can do this by choosing "Custom - display all possible opAons" (instead of "Quick – display only the minimal opAons") for the Export method, and then checking the checkbox for "Add CREATE PROCEDURE / FUNCTION / EVENT statement" under "Object CreaAon OpAons." Please also check the checkbox for "Add CREATE DATABASE / USE statement" in this same secAon so that the final .sql file can be used to install your database from scratch. As with previous deliverables, the exported .sql file should be named with the assignment name (DB4) and group number: DB4-groupNN-DB.sql, where NN is your 2-digit group number (i.e., DB4- group01-DB.sql, etc.).
Finally, please prepare a final version of your EER diagram that matches your final database (and please name it DB4-groupNN-EER.pdf). In this same document, please include a final lisAng of your assumpAons.
This final file should be submibed to Canvas at some point before 11:59 am on January 12, 2024. If, for some reason, you are unable to connect to Canvas when it is Ame to submit your deliverable, please email Prof Monday your submission (so that there is record of it being submibed on Ame) at [email protected], and then try to upload the file to Canvas again later. If you are unable to submit this deliverable on Ame, you have up to 12 addiAonal hours to submit it but there will be a 10% penalty. Aher 11:59 pm on January 12, 2024, submissions will not be accepted for credit.