ARTD6145 Principles of Luxury Brand Management and Marketing

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Module Code
Assessment Type
Luxury brand portfolio
Module Title
Principles of Luxury Brand
Management and Marketing

Module Leader
Debbie Coney Pinder
Module Leader Email
[email protected]
Launch Date

Word Count
Mood board & 500-word
Advertising piece: 150
Blog: 250 words.
Submission Date by 11.59pm
(UK Time)
Thursday 14 Nov 2024
Feedback to Students Date
Thursday 12 Dec 2024
Method of Submission

Assessment Brief Details:
Create a luxury brand portfolio.
Design a mood board, an advertising piece, and a blog for your own luxury brand.

1) Design a luxury brand mood board: Create your own luxury brand and design a mood board to represent its luxury brand identity.

Complete this with a 500-word critical report of why this is a luxury brand.

2) Create a 150-word article with images, to promote a luxury service or product for your luxury brand. This can be an instore leaflet, a magazine, or an Instagram page.

3) Write a 250-word blog for a luxury brand website or a product reviewers web page.


  • • The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the complex meaning of luxury, applying theory to practice.
  • You should seek to identify what makes something a luxury and consider how this can be achieved within today’s society.
  • To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to explore relevant academic literature, luxury articles and online media.
  • In addition, you may draw on your own personal experience of luxury and the encounters with luxury goods and services, which will need to be appropriately applied and justified.
  • When selecting the examples of luxury, consider who purchases them and why. Explore their design elements, cultural significance, price, and availability. Make this clear within your design elements.
  • Examine the sense in which the elements selected for your luxury brand are luxuries rather than necessities.
  • The portfolio must demonstrate an understanding of co-ordinating the marketing mix through the compilation of an appropriate collection of designed and written elements.
  • Ensure the design pieces can perform within the ever-changing luxury environment within which luxury brands operate.

This assignment does not have one correct answer. You will be assessed on the depth of your exploration of luxury as a concept. You will therefore need to go beyond displaying images of luxury goods and services. To achieve this, you will need to engage with a variety of literature, media, and articles on luxury. Consequently, your portfolio should show evidence of wide and varied reading and an ability to analyse information to develop logical and well-founded written and design pieces.

You are expected to use appropriate literature, secondary data, digital articles, and business intelligence to support your arguments.

All images should be directly relevant to your text.

Abstract, Appendices, References and Table of Contents do not contribute to the final word count.

Structure for Writing your Assignment:
  • Title Page with the title of your report, relevant image, student number, the title of your degree and programme, the date, and your word count.
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction to the assignment piece
  • Section 1: the mood board and 500-word critical report
  • Section 2: 150-word article
  • Section 3: 250-word blog
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Appendices (If appropriate)
Visual Do’s and Don’ts
  • Do use images to enrich and illustrate your essay where relevant to support your text.
  • Do reference all images correctly using the Harvard referencing guide.
  • Do not use images that are not connected to your assignment text.
  • Do not use images out of context or simply for ornamentation.
Document Style Guidelines
  • Titles should be at the top of pages.
  • Pages should be numbered
  • Font, Arial size 12
  • Double Line Spacing
Assignment Submission:

  • Submit your work onto the Turnitin link on Blackboard.
  • This submission is for the purposes of an Academic Integrity Report using the Turnitin software. You can view the WSA Academic Integrity Handbook on the School’s Intranet via the SUSSED portal.
  • Please note we do not accept assignments sent by e-mail.
  • Make sure that all components of your submitted work are clearly labelled with your student ID, module title, and module code.

Module Code
Assessment Type
Digital media compilation
Module Title
Principles of Luxury Brand Management and Marketing
Module Leader
Debbie Coney Pinder
Module Leader Email
[email protected]
Launch Date

Word Count
Website page & 90 second video essay
Submission Date by 11.59pm (UK Time)
Tuesday 15 Jan 2025
Feedback to Students Date
Tuesday 11 Feb 2025
Method of Submission
Blackboard & Safesend

Assessment Brief Details:
1) A website page: Create the front page for your luxury brand, which will appear on the own brand website.
2) 90 second video essay: Create a mini movie for your luxury brand. It may contain still and moving images, words, and music. Submitted as an MP4 on Safesend.
  • The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the complex meaning of luxury, applying theory to practice using digital media.
  • You should seek to identify what makes something a luxury and consider how this can be applied within today’s society.
  • To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to explore relevant academic literature, luxury articles and ,online media.
  • In addition, you may draw on your own personal experience of luxury and the encounters with luxury goods and ,services, which will need to be appropriately applied and justified.
  • When selecting images and scenes of luxury, consider who purchases them and why. Explore their design elements, cultural significance, price, and availability. Make this clear within your two media pieces.
  • Examine the sense in which the elements selected for your luxury brand are luxuries rather than necessities.
  • The portfolio must demonstrate an understanding of co-ordinating the marketing mix through the compilation of an ,appropriate collection of creative elements.
  • Ensure the creative digital pieces can perform within the ever-changing luxury environment within which luxury ,brands operate.

This assignment does not have one correct answer. You will be assessed on the depth of your exploration of luxury as a concept. You will therefore need to go beyond displaying images of luxury goods and services. To achieve this, you will need to engage with a variety of literature, media, and articles on luxury. Consequently, your portfolio should show evidence of wide and varied reading and an ability to analyse information to develop logical and well-founded creative pieces.

You will need to demonstrate your media elements can perform in today’s ever changing luxury environment.

You are expected to use appropriate literature, secondary data, digital articles, and business intelligence to support your arguments.

All images should be directly relevant to your text.

Abstract, Appendices, References and Table of Contents do not contribute to the final word count.

Structure for Writing your Assignment:

• Title Page with the title of your assignment, relevant image, student number, the title of your degree, the date, and your word count.
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• The luxury website page, presented within the assignment document
• A luxury 90 second movie. A link provided or a file set within the assignment document
• Conclusion
• References
• Appendices (If appropriate)
Visual Do’s and Don’ts
• Do use images to enrich and illustrate your essay where relevant to support your text.
• Do reference all images correctly using the Harvard referencing guide.
• Do not use images that are not connected to your assignment text.
• Do not use images out of context or simply for ornamentation.
Document Style Guidelines
• Titles should be at the top of pages.
• Pages should be numbered
• Bullet point lists should fit onto a single page.
• Font, Arial size 12
• Double Line Spacing
Assignment Submission:
• Submit your work onto the Turnitin link on Blackboard.
• This submission is for the purposes of an Academic Integrity Report using the Turnitin software. You can view the WSA
Academic Integrity Handbook on the School’s Intranet via the SUSSED portal.
• Please note we do not accept assignments sent by e-mail.

• Make sure that all components of your submitted work are clearly labelled with your student ID, module title, andmodule code.

Learning Outcomes & Assessment Criteria:

The aims of this module, which may help you understand the context these two assignments:

1. To understand the key concepts and principles of luxury brand management and marketing
2. To understand the relevant environmental factors impacting the luxury market
3. To develop knowledge of theory and practice of luxury management and marketing

Additionally, having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate:

A. Knowledge and understanding

• a critical understanding of the theory and practice of luxury brand marketing.
• understanding of the ever-changing luxury environment within which luxury brands operate

B. Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills

• internal and external factors impacting the luxury markets, nationally, internationally, and globally.

• understanding of co-ordinating the marketing mix

C. Transferable and Generic Skills (evidence they can take out into the world of work, demonstrate in their assignments, present, and communicate, research and reference)

• how to plan, develop and run strategic luxury marketing campaigns
• a critical understanding of contemporary luxury marketing related issues
E. Disciplinary Specific Learning Outcomes

• demonstrate advanced level of knowledge of relevant communication tools, including digital platforms as well as others relevant to the luxury sector.

Assessment Criteria.

Module code
A. Knowledge and Understanding Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
Module Title
Principles of Luxury Brand Management and Marketing

B. Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

Module Leader
Debbie Coney Pinder

C. Transferable and Generic Skills

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

Assessment 1
D. Subject Specific Practical Skills (optional to modules)
Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:
Assessment Type

E. Disciplinary Specific Learning Outcomes (optional to modules)

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:



Demonstrate a critical understanding of the theory and practice of luxury brand marketing;
Exceptional systematic knowledge of key concepts and research informed literature in your discipline.
Comprehensive systematic knowledge of key concepts and research informedliterature covered in your area of study.
Good systematic knowledge of key concepts and a range of researchinformed literature covered inyour area of  study
Adequate systematic knowledge of key conceptsand a range of research informed literature covered in your area of study.
Some knowledge of key concepts and research informed literature covered in your area of study.
Very limited knowledge of key conceptsand research informed literature covered in your area of study.
Identify and analyse strategic opportunities and critically apply the tools and techniques presented to develop coherent andevidence- based recommendations in a luxury market context
Outstanding problem - solving and risk-taking skills, tocreatively test ideas, techniques and materials.
Excellent problem - solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas, techniques and materials.
Good problem - solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas, techniques and materials.
Adequate problem - solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas techniques and materials.
Partial evidence of problem - solving and risk-taking skills to creatively test idea,stechniques andmaterials.
Very limited evidence of problem - solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas,techniques and materials
Work autonomously as well as with others showing initiative and personal responsibility in a number of contexts, 
Exceptional self - management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Excellent self - management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Good self - management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Adequate self - management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Limited self - management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Poor or very limited self - management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Demonstrate advanced level of knowledge of relevant communication tools, including digital platforms as well as ,others relevant to the luxury sector
Extensive industry knowledge and use of strategic management tools and platforms.
Broad industry knowledge and use of strategic management tools and platforms
Broad industry knowledge and competent use of strategic management tools and platforms.
Competent industry knowledge and use of some strategic management tools and platforms.
Rudimentary industry knowledge and use of strategic management tools and platforms.
Little or no industry knowledge and use of strategic management tools and platforms.

Module code

A. Knowledge and Understanding

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

Module Title
Principles of Luxury Brand Management and Marketing

B. Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

Module Leader
Debbie Coney Pinder
C. Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

Assessment 2
D. Subject Specific Practical Skills (optional to modules)
Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:
E. Disciplinary Specific Learning Outcomes (optional to modules)
Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:



Demonstrate understanding of the ever-changing luxury environment within which luxury brands operate
Exceptional critical awareness of new insights and skills at the forefront of the discipline.
Advanced critical awareness of new insights and skills at the forefront of the discipline.
Good critical awareness of new insights and skills some of which are at the forefront of the discipline.
Competent critical awareness of new insights and skills in the discipline.
Partial critical awareness of new insights and skills in the discipline.
Lack of critical awareness of new insights and skills in the discipline.
Identify and analyse strategic opportunities and critically apply the tools and techniques presented to develop coherent and evidence- based recommendations in a luxury market context
Outstanding problem-solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas, techniques and materials.
Excellent problem-solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas, ,techniques and materials.
Good problem-solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas, techniques and materials.
Adequate problem-solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas, techniques and materials.
Partial ,evidence of problem-solving and risk-taking skills,to creatively test ideas, techniques and materials.
Very limited evidence of problem-solving and risk-taking skills, to creatively test ideas, techniques and materials
Work autonomously as well as with others showing initiative and personal responsibility in a number of contexts,
Exceptional self-management, autonomy and interperson al learning skills.
Excellent self-management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Good self-management, autonomy and interperson al learning skills.
Adequate self-management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Limited self-management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Poor or very limited self-management, autonomy and interpersonal learning skills.
Critically engage with ideas and situations as well as communicate effectively with a range of audiences
Outstanding communicat ion skills across a range of formats and contexts.
Advanced communication skills across a range of formats and contexts.
Accomplished communication skills across a range of range of formats and contexts.
Competent communication skills across a range of formats and contexts.
Rudimentary communic ,ation skills ,across a range of formats ,and contexts.
Underdeveloped communication skills across ,a formats and contexts.
Demonstrate advanced level of knowledge of relevant communication tools, including digital platforms as well as others relevant to the luxury sector
Extensive industry knowledge and use of strategic management tools and platforms.
Broad ,industry knowledge ,and use of strategic management tools and platforms
Broad ,industry knowledge and competent use of strategic management tools and platforms.
Competent industry knowledge and use of some strategic managem ent tools and platforms.
Rudimentary industry knowledge ,and use of strategic managem ent tools and platforms.
Little or no industry knowledge ,and use of ,strategic management tools and platforms.


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