CSE 240A -- Principles in Computer Architecture
Fall 2023
Instructor: Dean Tullsen
Basic Course Information:
- CSE 3216
- tullsen at ucsd dot edu
- 534-6181
- office hours: M 2-3, W 11-12, or by appt
- Center Hall 105
- lecture: Tu Th 3:30 - 4:50 p.m.
- Hennessy & Patterson, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach", Fifth Edition, Morgan Kaufmann (requited!)
- We'll also be reading some research papers as well as referencing some books from the outstanding series Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture. Those books will be free to access while you are on the UCSD domain. If you're interested in computer architecture, you should be browsing these books.
- Patterson & Hennessy, "Computer Organizatin and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface" gives a lower-level treatment of the material (more from the design standpoint). This represents the assumed background/prerequisite for this class.
- traditional homeworks, e.g., problems from the book, typically with 1-week notice.
- small projects, typically involving simulation and analysis tools
- reading summaries for papers (I will try to give one week notice on reading assignments. History indicates I don't always succeed.)
I. Introduction
II. Computer System Performance
III. Instruction Set Architecture
IV. Pipelining
V. The Memory/Cache Hierarchy
VI. Instruction-Level Parallelism
VII. Parallel Machines