CompSci 162 Formal Languages and Automata Problem Set 5
Formatting: please start each numbered question on a separate piece of paper, and limit your response to one page. If you wish to do some subsets of question 2, on separate pages, you may do so.
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Please remember you have a professor and four TAs who want to help you. If you’re lost on this, let us know!
1. In lecture, we saw that Independent Set is in N P. Suppose you had a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm (or a Turing Machine, however you prefer to think about this) for the decision version of the problem. Note that this means the algorithm reads ⟨G, k⟩ and only outputs “yes” or “no” (or accept/reject, or true/false) – and you can’t inspect the source code or schematic to see how it works! Just the same, show how you can use this to create a deterministic, polynomial-time algorithm that determines which subset, if any, of the vertices of an input graph G constitute an independent set of size k. If multiple subsets do, you need only provide one such subset. How many calls to the decider does your function make? Note: solutions that do not follow directions will get zero credit. Do not try to create your own deterministic, polynomial time algorithm for Independent Set here. Although, ngl, I will be very impressed if you are successful in doing so.
2. In the Clustering problem, we are given a weighted graph G = (V, E), an integer k, and a target T. We want to divide the vertices into k sets such that any pair of nodes in the same set have a shortest path of length ≤ T to every other vertex in that set.
(a) Express this as a language recognition problem.
(b) Prove that your language from the previous part is in N P.
(c) Prove that your language is N P-complete.