Project3A Specifications: Depreciation to a Salvage Value of 0.

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Project3A Specifications: Depreciation to a Salvage Value of 0.

For tax purposes an item may be depreciated over a period of several years, n. With the straight-line method of depreciation, each year the item depreciates by 1/nth of its original value. With the double-declining-balance method of depreciation, each year the item depreciates by 2/nths of its value at the beginning of that year. (In the final year it is depreciated by its value at the beginning of the year.) Write a program that performs the following tasks:

(A) Request a description of the item, the year purchased, the cost of the item, the number of years to be depreciated (estimated life), and the method of depreciation. The method of depreciation should be chosen by clicking on one of two buttons.

(B) Validate all the data and produce the following error messages:

"Must enter a Description."
"Year Purchased is not numeric."
"Year Purchased is not between 1900 and 9999"
"Purchase Amount is not numeric."
“Purchase Amount must be > 0”
"Purchase Amount must be > zero."
"Years to Depreciate is not numeric."
"Number of years must be between 1 and 999."
(C) In a new form, displays the year-by-year depreciation same as below.

(D) The Restart button will reset program to accept new data.

1) Every procedure has a comment __2__ (2)
2) Block comment dat beginning of Class Form __1__ (1)
3) All objects follow the naming convention __4__ (4)
4) Form(s) constructed correctly (Appearance only) __1__ (1)
5) Program validates text input. Error messages are: __6__ (6)
"Must enter a Description."
"Year Purchased is not numeric."
"Year Purchased is not between 1900 and 9999"
"Purchase Amount is not numeric."
"Purchase Amount must be > zero."
"Years to Depreciate is not numeric."
"Number of years must be between 1 and 999."
6) Program correctly calculates the depreciation amounts __5__ (5)
7) Program uses Iteration correctly __4__ (4)
8) Program uses at least 2 procedure or function calls __3__ (3)
9) Report shown using a second form __4__ (4)
Late _____ (-6)
TOTAL ____ (30)

Comments to Developer:

Shown at Start up or after Restart button clicked:

Shown with data prior to clicking “Show Calculation” (Note: Straight-line is selected)

New form is displayed to show depreciation.

Using the same data, Selecting double-declining-balance and hitting

Show Calculate displays this form:


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