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Accounting Analytics 24-25
Group Coursework (60%)
Instructor: Chuan Lin
You need to form a group with 4-5 group members to finish the final group report. The report requires your group to (1) collect accounting-related datasets, (2) identify an important current accounting or financial question, and (3) submit a group research report using data analytics. Each group is supposed to write a 3000-word report. In this report, you need to justify why you want to choose this problem, how you process the data, what analytical methods you use, and what kind of business insights you can learn from the results.
1 Project Requirement
- The project report should pose one or more questions in the field of accounting, economics and finance and provide an appropriate analysis of the data.
- You must submit both the PDF and R Markdown source for your document.
- The project report you submit should be professional-looking, readable, and created in R Markdown. By “professional-looking” I mean something that that would be acceptable in a
- professional situation.
- The project report must be reproducible, meaning that all data analysis and graphs are created within the R Markdown file, using R.
- Graphs and tables must be clear, have a clear purpose, and be informative in the context of the report. I will be looking for evidence that you have learned something from working on the project.
- You must adhere to academic standards of citation: If you rely on a source, you must cite it appropriately. You must cite the sources of your data.
- The length requirement is no more than 3000 words. A report over 3000 words will be assessed, but the part that exceeds 3000 words will be ignored during the assessment.• The grading will be stricter for larger groups.
- On the front page of your report, you should indicate the names of every group member, student IDs, report title, and total words.
2 Project Descriptions
2.1 Report structure
Section A: Introduction
- In this section, you should state what specific problem you want to address in this report. Why do you want to choose the problem? What is your dependent variable? What are the independent variables? An executed summary of what you have done.
Section B: Data
- In this section, you should briefly explain the dataset you have. Provide a summary of statistics and preliminary analysis, including variable meaning, variable type, the range of value of the variables, mean/variations, etc.
- You might need to do some data preprocessing, such as removing the noise, and outliers, highly correlated variables, standardizing your data, and transforming your variable into a new variable for future steps. Explain why you think you should do that process.
Section C: Research design
- Explain what research model you have used for your question and data.
Section D: Results presented and analysis
- In this section, you should present your results with figures and tables.
- Next, interpret those results.
- Briefly summarize your report and reflect on the business insight you get from your project.
- Provide recommendations to the business owner by stating sufficient and reasonable evidence.
Section F: References and Appendices2.2 Data sources
There are many data sources now available. I strongly suggest having a question before you start looking at data, as you can spend a lot of time just figuring out how to use a dataset. That said, resources include the following and please note that you may use eduroam to access some of them:
- WRDS (Compustat)
- Municipal data portals, such as Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles
- National and international weather data (click “Switch to network” to see what is available)
- Kaggle (IMDB, Uber, etc.)
- Datahub
- CDC National Center for Health Statistics
- Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)
3 Group
- Please email your group members to me if you have formed a group. I will reply to you about your group number.
- You are expected to form your own groups. However, for those who are not already committed to a group but want to, please email me and I will help form groups.
4 Submission Method
- Submit the final PDF report and the R Markdown source file via Moodle.
- Name your files as “Group + [Number of Group].”
5 Some Notes
- Ensure that all analyses are conducted using legitimate methods and interpretations are backed by data.
- Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a failure grade for this coursework.