MGMT90140 Management Competencies

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MGMT90140 Management Competencies

Management Competence Assessment Guidelines

Assessment Overview

Assessment Submission Details & Weighting

This is an individual assessment that will contribute 20% to your overall mark in the subject.

Due Date:

• Due on Sunday, August 18, 2024 by 6pm


•    Submit a soft copy via Turnitin (link on LMS).   Please attach an assignment cover sheet, which can be downloaded from LMS.

Overall Word Length:

•    1000 words (+/-  10%). Graphs, tables,  appendices  and the reference list itself will not be

included in the word count; in-text citations will be included in the word count. Assessment Weighting:

•    Submission as appendixes of all three completed competence-assessment questionnaires 10%

•    Discussion of the assessment results, including critical review of assessment differences 30%

• Focus and motivation for competence development  10%

• Insights from conversation with learning buddy  10%

•    Competence development plan 20%

•    Linkage with theory  10%

• Style 10%

Assessment Task

This individual, written assignment will allow you to improve your self-awareness, and to focus your competence development efforts this semester.

Follow the following three steps:

Step 1: Complete the competence-assessment questionnaire (which will be posted on the LMS), as a self-assessment. Your responses to the questionnaire must be exclusively based on your own views and judgments. You must submit (as an appendix) the completed questionnaire as part of your assignment.

Step 2: Contact two colleagues, friends, or family members, and ask  each one to complete and email you an  assessment of your competences using the competence-assessment questionnaire.  You must submit (as an appendix) the two filled-out questionnaires as part of your assignment.

Step  3:  Analyse the questionnaire results, identify and unpack what seem to constitute your particularly strong and weak competence areas, while reflecting on major differences between your self-assessment and the two other  assessments  received to  gain  additional  self-knowledge and refine your assessment of what makes you particularly good or weak in particularly competency domains.  Think about which two competence areas you want to develop most this semester (your development focus) and why. Then start researching and brainstorming ideas about steps you could take to improve in your chosen areas.

Step 4: Contact your learning buddy and initiate a conversation about your reflection and further brainstorm together steps you could take to ensure some developmental  progress in  your two chosen competence areas by the end of the semester. (Please  make  sure to check the learning buddy guidelines for further details regarding this step and related expectations).

Step 5: Write a short essay (1000 words, +/-  10%, reference list excluded) based on the assessment results. In this essay, you will:

  • discuss key assessment results (e.g. particularly strong/weak competence areas) and reflect on major differences between your self -assessment, and the two assessments you received from colleagues, friends, or family members (you need to discuss why these differences in assessment may have  occurred).  Make  sure to communicate clear and rich insights you have gained into what makes you particularly  strong  and/or weak in particular key competency domains.
  • state which two competence areas you want to develop most this semester (your “focus”), and what motivates you to make  these  two competence areas  your  priority. Make  this choice carefully: it will be the basis for your final reflection essay.
  • describe some insights gained from your conversation with your learning buddy
  • escribe two concrete  steps for your personal  development for each of your two  chosen competences. These steps should be feasible and relevant,  i.e.  you should be able to implement  them during  the semester,  and  clearly  demonstrate how they will lead to the development of the chosen competences.

In the short essay (step 5), make use of the concepts and theories from the seminars and   the assigned materials, to support your analysis of assessment results, choice of focus and developmental plan.

Be sure to consider the layout and presentation of the report to ensure that it is of a professional standard.  This  includes  (but  is  not  limited  to)  aspects such as spelling and grammar checking, formatting,  conforming  to the word  count  limit,  references,  citations  and  the  use  of supporting graphics.

Make sure to carefully read the Assignment 1 FAQs available at the end of this  document for further guidance.

Frequently asked questions

1)  Can I send the questionnaire to more than two people?

Yes you can. But we strongly advise you build your analysis on two external assessments alongside your own self-assessment. Be mindful of the space constraints.

2)  Can I use other personal assessment surveys in my analysis (e.g. Myer Briggs, VIA character strengths, etc)?

Yes, but make sure to use the provided survey on the LMS as primary and any others as secondary/additional resources in your analysis.

3)  Is there a specific methodology you are expecting us to use to analyse the results

when comparing the self-assessment with the 2 other assessments (other than linking these to the theory) or can we be creative in the way we conduct and present our analysis?

The analysis format is up to you and you can be creative. No technical / statistical analysis is required. We also recommend doing some research on how to analyse and reflect on multi-rater/360 degree assessment results. That may give you some ideas!

4)  Is it necessary to discuss all of the 11 competences?

As suggested by the use of the word “key” in the description of the task, we clearly do not expect you to present a comprehensive competence profile with detailed discussion of where you stand with regard to all competencies - there is no space for that, although it's important self-knowledge (and you may want to keep a record of all the insights gained    from your in-depth analysis of all of your assessment results). Instead, in your essay, we   recommend that you focus on what seem to be your key strengths and areas for improvement. You may choose for example to discuss your 1 or 2 principal areas of strength and 2 areas for improvement that feel particularly relevant to you. As indicated in the rubric, we care about the clarity and richness of the insights you’ve gained through your analytical and reflective work into your strengths and weaknesses.

5)  Do we need to comment on all the differences in assessment?

Similarly, we do not expect you to comment on all gaps between your self-perception and   the feedback you received from others. The differences between your own assessment and the assessments that others have done for you – or gaps in assessments - are part of the key results that you need to focus on. Look for the differences (and similarities) within and  across competency domains and dwell on them to see what key insights you can gain about your strengths and weaknesses and which sub-aspects of particular competencies you think are important for you to develop further and why. The objective is to critically reflect on why the differences exist and gain self-knowledge in the process. If you are particularly surprised by some gaps (positive or negative), you may find it helpful to seek out additional feedback from your assessors to make further sense of the discrepancies, in addition to reflecting on why they may see you in that way based on e.g. past experiences.

6)  Since I got very different results from two assessors, I asked them follow-up questions to make sense of it. Is it OK for me to quote their answers as evidence to support my analysis on weakness and strength?

You may of course use in your essay the additional feedback you solicited to make further sense of the discrepancies and gain insights into your strengths and weaknesses.

7)  For the third part of the assignment, the development plan, are we required to think about two practical ways to improve for each of the two chose competencies or are     we required to follow the immunity to change worksheets, i.e. filling out two specific sheets for each of the competency areas?

Yes please do list two concrete, specific and relevant steps for each of the two competency areas you target (that is, a total of 4 steps). Please remember that the steps can involve passive modes of learning and more active modes of learning. While you are not required to use the immunity to change framework, you may find it a helpful tool to leverage in identifying robust development steps. You may include such worksheets as appendices.

8)  Also regarding the TWO steps of development plan, does it mean the two steps should be listed in order (eg. firstly do a. and secondly do b. and there is an order between a. and b.) or it is just two different way to develop yourself (a. and b. is not necessarily relevant)?

The two steps for each of the two competency areas do not necessarily have to build on each other.

9)  Is there a minimum number of references expected for this assignment?

As you can tell from the marking guidelines, we pay attention to your efforts to integrate concepts and theories from class (this includes seminars, and required readings) in your assignment, in particular the quality/effectiveness of those efforts. You may feel compelled to engage in independent research as you realise the importance of learning/increasing your knowledge base for effective competence development. If done well, integration of independently sourced materials typically translates into better critical analysis and more solid/well-informed competence development plans. You may want to think about how additional readings might support the quality of your analysis and plans and thus may improve your marks on those criteria (and more importantly your chance at more effective competence development). The key is how effectively you use those resources to support  your analysis and development planning, not the number of resources used. The same holds for concepts and theories from class materials.

10) To what extent do we need to reference? For example, if we mention the Johari window in the discussions, do we need to cite the original source of this theory or just the lecture materials?

When you are referring to specific insights gained from the readings (or other media) from the course (or external resources), please do cite and reference the source in your submission. When you use concepts from the lectures, make sure you name/label the concepts/frameworks explicitly in the text of your essay

11) If I take up competencies (e.g.: Communication and Creativity) that have not been  discussed in the weeks covered so far, can I use theories from external articles? or should I make connections to the theories we have discussed so far?

We encourage everyone to draw on the theories from the first two weeks, given the nature of the assignment. The first two weeks of content (and readings) may prove helpful when   you engage with the results from the questionnaires and when you articulate your development steps for the communication and creative problem-solving competencies (or the competencies of your choice). Substantive use (and referencing) of that material will likely strengthen your analysis and planning.

Any references to sources that relate directly to the areas you have targeted as your development focus for the semester are a plus. And yes, you are absolutely welcome to conduct some independent research to inform your self-reflection and development plan in the competency areas we have yet to cover. We generally recommend that students consult some of the required and suggested readings and/or viewings (already available under Modules/Subject Materials for the later sessions/competency domains as well) as it may help with the discussion of your strengths and weaknesses and give you some ideas for concrete improvement steps.

12)      Can I choose self-awareness or self-improvement as one of the two competency areas to focus on?

While you are not constrained in terms of which competency domains from class to reflect on and focus your development plan around, we usually do not encourage students to pick  self-awareness or self-improvement as a target area. The risk with choosing self-awareness or self-improvement as a focus is to not be concrete enough and thus to end up with a self-   development project that may not be very effective. One exception to that tends to be when students choose to focus on the following self-improvement sub-skills: time/attention management or stress management. Overall, keep in mind that self-awareness and self-improvement are muscles/skills you can/will practice in the context of a self-improvement project that targets other competency areas. Part of what we're trying to do with assignment one (and assignment 3) is in fact to help you build up your meta-competency of self-management, hence the recommendation to keep in mind the theories and concepts from week 1 and 2 to guide your analysis, choice of focus and the development of your plan.

13) Are there any specifications about font, size, margins and line spacing to be used as mandatory for writing our assignment?

There are no mandatory specifics re font size, margins and line spacing. However, when making decisions about the format and presentation of the document, always keep the   reader in mind and what would facilitate readability of your document.

14) Does professional formatting of the report mean the report should have a structure with a summary, introduction, body part, conclusion, references?

We reward clarity and logical organisation of thoughts. You do not need a summary, nor an elaborate conclusion. A reference list (APA style referencing) is needed for the resources you leverage and cite in your essay.

15) Can I use a more personal tone (e.g. personal pronoun) in this assignment? Yes, it is in fact expected of any reflective essay.

16) Are we allowed to put tables/graphs/images as Exhibits, at the end of our essay?

Yes, you can add tables/graphs/images in an appendix if you want and guide your reader to them. However, remember that if the table, graph or image is integral to your discussion then the placement needs to be thought through. Again, the idea is to always  keep the reader in mind and how you can effectively guide them through your narrative of self- awareness and self-development.

While tables and visuals are not included in the word count, you need to make sure that you are not overusing them - be judicious as to which ones to include and use them as a support not as a substitute. Using one to provide an overview of your key assessment results or to provide concrete illustrations of steps/strategies you have   introduced/discussed in the core of your text would be fine for example.

17) Should we submit only 1 .pdf/.docx file with everything in it?

Yes, you can only submit one file so you will need to merge your essay and the assessment surveys into one file and submit them all together. See details on how to merge documents under Modules/Assessment Information/Assignment 1.

18) Can you look over my assignment before I submit it?

For fairness purposes, we do not read individual essays before submission. We remain available however to answer specific questions you may have regarding your essay.

19) I submitted my essay and find the Turnitin similarity score is 76% with 75% of the similarity coming from the survey result pdf documents in the appendix, does that matter?

As long as the high similarity is not linked to your discussion of assessment and development plan, it is fine. We know that the similarity percentage will be high due to the survey documents that everyone has used and submitted.


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