BMAN10101 Principles of Marketing

Principles of Marketing

Course unit fact file
Unit code BMAN10101
Credit rating 10
Unit level Level 1
Teaching period(s) Semester 1
Available as a free choice unit? No


Core for BSc Mgt/Mgt (Specialism); IMABS; IM & ITMB. Option for BSc Accounting.

This course is available to students on first year BSc Management and Management (Specialisms), BSc International Management with American Business Studies, BSc International Management, BSc Accounting and BSc ITMB.

Pre-requisites        None
Co-requisites        None

Dependent courses    

BMAN24281 Marketing Management
BMAN20271 Consumer Behaviour
BMAN24352 Marketing Communications in the Digital Age


The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of fundamental marketing concepts, terminologies and theories.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students should have developed an understanding of marketing concepts, terminologies and theories. In addition, they should have the ability to:     
    Describe and evaluate the role of marketing. 
    Identify marketing tools and procedures used to analyse a variety of situations.
    Distinguish between effective and ineffective marketing practices.
    Develop a broader skillset including team-working and critical thinking skills.


This course will focus on the following core topics;
•    Defining marketing, 
•    Introducing the concept of marketing,
•    Conceptualizing customers, consumers, and clients,
•    The drivers of customer focus,
•    Developing customer orientation,
•    Outlining strategic marketing processes,
•    Implementing market led strategic change,
•    The nature of marketing research,
•    Developing marketing information and intelligence,
•    The micro marketing environment,
•    The macro marketing environment,
•    Consumer and business buyer behavior,
•    The process of segmentation,
•    Segmentation and , targeting approaches,
•    Differentiation and positioning,
•    The marketing mix,
•    The importance of relationships,
•    Developing relationships,
•    The future of marketing, and
•    The nature of responsible marketing. 

Each year, in the full Course Outline supplied to each cohort, a detailed breakdown and schedule of lecture titles/topics, dates and timings will be supplied in the full Course Outline well in advance of the start of the semesters.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures and seminars:

Lecture Hours: 20 hours (10*2-hour lectures,)
Workshop Hours: 3 hours (3*1-hour workshops)
Drop-in session: 2-hour drop in session 
Private Study: 75 hours
Total Study Hours: 100 hours

Assessment methods

Individual assignment (100%) 

Feedback methods

Feedback for coursework is due on TBA
In addition to the grade awarded, we provide written feedback designed to improve your future assessments.

Methods of Feedback from Students/Course Unit Survey
Students can offer feedback on the course unit via the course unit survey, which will be available towards the end of semester 1.

Attendance and punctuality
In accordance with The University of Manchester Student Charter, you are expected to attend ‘all scheduled teaching sessions’. Seminar tutors will keep a register of attendance and punctuality. 

Recommended reading

Core Text:  
There are several good introductory marketing textbooks but we recommend the following . You do not necessarily need the latest edition of the textbook but we would advise against relying on anything published before 2018 given the significant changes in the discipline in recent years. 

Kotler, P. G., Armstrong, G., Harris, L. C. and H. He (2019). Principles of Marketing, European Edition, Person Education. 

Supplementary Text

Beyond textbooks, we expect you to read academic research articles from specialist marketing journals, such as: Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Management and Journal of Advertising. In week 1, we will publish a reading list for the assignment, available through Blackboard. This list is to help you start thinking about the assignment; to get the best marks, you must use other journal articles too.

Study hours

Scheduled activity hours
Lectures 20
Practical classes & workshops 3
Independent study hours
Independent study 82

Teaching staff

Staff member Role
Lloyd Harris Unit coordinator

Additional notes

This course is available to students on first year BSc Management and Management (Specialisms), BSc International Management with American Business Studies, BSc International Management, BSc Accounting and BSc ITMB.

Pre-requisites        None
Co-requisites        None

Dependent courses    

BMAN24281 Marketing Management
BMAN20271 Consumer Behaviour
BMAN24352 Marketing Communications in the Digital Age


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