PSYC 1 Online
Introduction to Psychology
Spring 2024 2
nd 8 weeks
Instructor: Dr. Yemmy Taylor
Phone: (949) 451-5388
Office Hours: M/W-9-9:30am; 2:4PM
Office: BST 202C
Email Address: [email protected]
TEXT: Myers & DeWall (2022). Exploring Psychology (12
th Ed.). Worth Publishers.
*Be aware that the contents of this syllabus are subject to change*.
Due dates for quizzes & videos |
Assignments due dates |
Week 1: 3/25-29
Thinking critically with psychological science
Ch. 1 |
Ch.1 due Friday, 3/29 by 11:00pm
Discussion Board#1 Due Thursday 3/28 by 11pm
Week 2: 4/1-5
Developing Through the Life Span |
4 |
Ch.4 due 4/3 by 11:00pm
Week 3: 4/8-12
Sex, Gender, and Sexuality
Ch. 5 |
Ch.5 due 4/10 by 11:00pm |
Learning |
Ch. 7 |
Ch.7 due 4/10 by 11:00pm
EXAM 1: Chapters 1/4/5/7 Deadline, Thursday 4/11 by 11pm
EXAM #1 4/11 |
Week 4: 4/15-19
Consciousness & the Two-Track Mind |
Ch. 3 |
Ch.3 due 4/17 by 11:00pm
Week 5: 4/22-26
Motivation & Emotion |
Ch. 10 |
Ch.10 due 4/24 by 11:00pm
Week 6: 4/29-5/3
Stress, Health, & Human Flourishing |
Ch. 11 |
Chs.11 due 5/1 by 11:00pm
Personality |
Ch. 13 |
Ch.13 due 5/1 by 11:00pm
Discussion Board#2 Due Thursday 5/2 by 11pm
EXAM 2: Chapters 3/10/11/13 Deadline, Thursday 5/2 by 11pm
EXAM #2 5/2 |
Week 7: 5/6-10
The Biology of the Mind |
Ch. 2 |
Ch.2 due 5/8 by 11:00pm
Psychological Disorders |
Ch. 14 |
C.14 due 5/8 by 11:00pm
Week 8: 5/13-17
Therapy |
Ch. 15 |
Ch.15 due 5/15 by 11:00pm
Social Psychology Term Paper, Thursday 5/16 by 11:00PM
Ch. 12 |
Ch.12 due 5/15 by 11:00pm
Term Paper 5/16 Thursday by 11:00pm
Final Exam: Chapters 2/12/14/15 Deadline, Thursday, 5/16 by 11pm
Final Exam 5/16 |
Welcome to Introduction to psychology course. This course is an introduction to the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in psychology.
1. To teach psychology as an empirical science.
2. To learn theories and ethical issues in psychology.
3. To learn application of the theories in every-day life
4. To examine psychological theories from a multicultural perspective and to develop an appreciation for the cultural and religious values of individuals.
5. To create a warm and supportive learning environment where students can express their values, beliefs, and identity freely.
6. To learn how to be a successful student.
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
1. Compare and contrast the fundamental principles of psychodynamic, behavioral, and humanistic perspectives in psychology, and explain how they relate to everyday behavior
2. List the steps in the scientific method and compare and contrast correlational and experimental research methodology.
3. Examine scientific evidence in order to evaluate behavioral claims.
4. Identify the basic structure of a neuron.
5. Categorize behavior as it relates to frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobe functioning
6. Identify stages of sleep and distinguish sleep disorders (e.g., insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, somnambulism, night terrors).
7. Formulate a plan to promote behavioral improvement using principles of classical and operant conditioning.
8. Evaluate the appropriateness of cognitive and social behavior using the developmental theories of Piaget and Erikson.
9. Analyze behavioral symptoms and classify them into diagnostic categories related to anxiety, mood, and schizophrenic disorders.
10. Examine prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior in popular media.
11. List factors that influence conformity and obedience.
Evaluation of the student-learning outcome (SLO) in TRacDat will be based upon the following item:
SLO #1
Psychological Perspectives - Students will be able to correctly identify explanations and interpretations of human behavior provided by psychology's alternative perspectives with an accuracy rate of 70% or higher.
Assessment Method: Administer an 8-item quiz as part of the students' regular final exams
Assessment Type: Exam/Quiz - Standardized
Criterion: All students will score 70% or better on an 8- item quiz on the different psychological perspectives.
I. Requirements:
1. Using Canvas:
• Log on to, click on the “Canvas” button, or connect to it at:>
• Under “login” supply your username and password.
• User ID: Your first initial followed your last name (same as your student email address (e.g., ytaylor).
• User Password: The last 4 digits of your social security number + 00 (or your assigned registration PIN number).
The college assigns each student an email account at registration. If you do not have this information, or forgot your password, please contact Admissions and Records department.
If you have difficulty logging into Canvas or have other issues related to this, please contact: Help Desk (949) 451-5696, or you can visit technology support page at
2. Canvas page information and study tips:
• Textbook Reading: You are responsible for buying textbook assigned for this course and reading assigned chapters highlighted on the first page of this syllabus.
• Canvas Page: On the left-hand side of the course Canvas page, you will see tabs such as, announcement, modules, and grades. Inside modules tab is where all course contents materials are located, such as syllabus, chapter readings, lecture power points, quizzes, discussion board, study guide, and other assignments. I would encourage you to read chapter from your textbook, power point slides and watch chapter videos assigned. Create your own notes out of these resources so you will have a better understanding of the course contents.
• Chapter Quizzes: There are 10 multiple-choice questions on each chapter quiz, worth 10 points. The quizzes are timed with a 15 minutes restriction, and you can only take it once. You will not be able to go back and forth from one question to the other. You will be presented with one question at a time. I encourage you to read the chapter first, understand the concepts before you sit down to take the quiz. Video quizzes are not timed. I encourage you to watch these videos, expect questions from contents of the videos in your discussion assignments and exams.
• Study Guide: I will create a study guide for each exam roughly two weeks before the scheduled exams. The study guide will be posted in Modules tab.
• I want to encourage you to ask for assistance early in the semester if you are struggling with some concepts in this course. Please talk to me if you need help.
*As your instructor, I promise to do my best to set you up for success. I will support and guide your efforts in achieving your goals; however, you are ultimately responsible for your success.
3. It is your responsibility to check the Canvas for class announcements and your IVC email account frequently. If you have a preferred email account other than IVC email address, please forward your IVC email to this preferred email account. NO excuses for missing assignment deadlines such as, not reading contents of your syllabus.
4. On Canvas, I have your weekly readings and chapter outlines in “Syllabus”. In your syllabus, I have chapter readings, due dates for chapter quizzes, exams, and term paper.
Format for your term paper will be under “Modules” tab. You need to learn how to upload your assignments on Canvas system. You must save your document as a “RICH TEXT FILE” (“rtf” file) or “Word Document” (docs.) before uploading it to Canvas system. Do not email your assignments to me. I have assigned specific days and time (on Wednesdays for quizzes and assigned Thursdays for discussion boards, term paper, and exams due by 11:00 PM), to all your assignments. If you miss the deadline for your chapter quiz, you will get zero. I will not reset the date or the time for you to submit your quiz, so plan ahead. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THIS CLASS. Your scores will be posted under grade book in Canvas system.
5. The exam open and close dates and time will be posted on announcement page.
6. IVC Attendance and Withdrawal Policy:
An instructor may drop students who fail to attend the first meeting of any class for which they have officially enrolled unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Instructors may also drop a student from a class when the student is absent for a total of two instructional hours per credit unit or after six cumulative instructional hours. However, it is always the student's responsibility to officially withdraw from classes. In no case should students presume they have been dropped by the instructor.
“Withdrawal from Classes”
It is the student's responsibility to drop a class. However, every instructor has the authority to drop a student who misses the first-class meeting or has excessive unexcused absences as defined in the class syllabus.
**If you do not submit scheduled assignments the first week of class and you do not provide rationale why in writing; I will drop you from the class in order to clear space for students who would like to be added to the class. **
II Examinations:
Three course exams (i.e., two midterms and one final) are given to assess knowledge and performance. The three will be worth 460 points, based on multiple-choice questions, true/false, and essay questions. The three exams are not cumulative. Exam questions will cover materials from both the textbook and PowerPoint slides. Students caught cheating on a test will fail both the test and the course. Plagiarism and cheating during examinations constitute academic dishonesty that will result in a disciplinary action by the College.
** If you do not sit for the first exam, I will drop you from the class. **
III. No Make-up Exams5
1. Discussion Board/Bi-weekly discussions
I will post new topics that will be relevant to the material presented in the textbook, power points slide, and videos for discussion. There are two classes of discussions. One is titled: discussion board assignment, there are two scheduled (3/28 & 5/2), maximum of 255 points. The other is titled, biweekly discussion box. This biweekly discussion box is for you to post questions on concepts and engage with your peers. This is worth 1 point. This is optional. If you do not have question on chapter concepts for clarification, it is okay.
Everyone in the class gets one-point for this assignment regardless if you post or respond to your peers or not. In responding to your peers in your discussions, it is important to be respectful in your comments to your peers’ opinion/belief system even if you disagree.
2. Term Paper Assignments
You will be asked to write a 7-page paper on psychological theories. Structure for this paper will be in assignment folder. This assignment is worth maximum of 150 points. Plagiarized papers will not receive a passing grade.
Note: It is important you use your own words when writing your paper. NO
QUOTES even if the paper is cited. It is important you submit your paper as instructed. You need to use a word document, such as doc. docx, or txt. If you use a different format than the one stated here, you will lose points on that assignment. If I cannot open your document, I cannot assign a grade, thus a zero will apply. So please plan ahead.
Note: Plagiarized paper: This is when you submit a paper written by your peer as your own, download, or copy and paste published work done by others on the internet, in research articles or books into your own writing without referencing the contents properly.
A plagiarized paper will receive zero point, no exceptions. Here is a handout on plagiarism:
V. Late Assignments: No late assignments will be accepted in this class.
As stated before, all assignments are required to be turned in ON TIME, that is, on the scheduled date and time on assignment page. Read the paragraph on due date in this text.
It is your responsibility to know when these assignments are due and dates of your scheduled exams. Excuses about computer crash and or printer failure are not good enough reasons for submitting your papers in late. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Only verified medical emergencies, unconscious sate, deaths and subsequent verified resurrections (your own), and other absolutely, unavoidable emergencies will constitute reasonable excuses. Even then, I have the right to abjure your verified medical emergencies for late assignments. The facts that you play sports for the college, go on vacations, work, etc., are not reasonable excuses for missing assignments and exams.
Please plan ahead!6
VI. Accommodations/Campus Resources:
Irvine Valley College makes reasonable accommodations for qualified students with documented disabilities. If you have a disability that qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), impacts your work for this class, and necessitates accommodations, you should contact
Disabled Students Programs and Services
(DSPS) at 949-451-5630 or Student Services Center SC 171 for information on appropriate policies and procedures. Disabilities covered by ADA may include learning, psychiatric, physical disabilities, or chronic health disorders, among others. You may contact DSPS if you are uncertain whether a medical condition/disability qualifies or if you feel you may have a learning disability.
• Counseling Center, Location: SC210; 949-451-5251
• Reading Center, Location: B300 Building, Room B382; 949-451-5663
• Student Success Center, Location: BSTIC 110, 949 451-5471
• Extended Opportunity Program Services (EOPS), Location: SC 130; 949-451-5243
• Health and Wellness Center, Location: SC 150; 949-451-5221
• IVC Veterans Program, Location: Library, First Floor, Room 100C; 949-451-5296
• IVC Campus Police Department, Location: CP-100; 949-451-5234
• IVC Help Desk, (949) 451-5696: support page at
VII. Classroom Code of Conduct:
You are encouraged to participate in class online discussion posts and ask questions in an appropriate manner. Differences in values, opinions, and ideas with other students will be respected. All disclosures in class discussion posts must be kept confidential to the extent possible. My class is not a place for anyone with oppositional or conducts behavioral issues. If, you have difficulty regulating your emotions and or respecting the rights of others you will be dismissed from my class and possible expulsion from the College (Read the standards set by the SOCCCD in the 2023-2024 Course Catalogue on class conduct).
Students may NOT take photographs or videos of lectures, and or of other students, instructors without their consent, nor may they distribute any course content/materials. Copyright (and Confidentiality) Laws are Applicable. Students may share their personal notes, copy notes from another student with their permission, and study together. I suggest you follow all etiquette, communication, and academic honesty policies under the College student conduct guide. No vulgarity or invective posting. If you observe any behavior that is disruptive (inappropriate postings etc.) in any way, please let me know immediately. Show respect to others. Irvine Valley College students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the function of the college as an educational institution and to respect and obey all civil and criminal laws.7
VIII. Commitment:
Please do not harbor the illusion that this is an easy introductory course. The course format dictates a high level of commitment of your time and energy. To earn an average grade, i.e., a “C’ requires two hours of study per hours spent in class. I expect everyone to have read the chapter (s) assigned before the class lectures, and to be prepared to participate in class discussions in an informed manner. No one can make the commitment for you; you must decide to do this yourself. If you feel that you cannot make the kind of commitment described or if your basket is full at this time, please consider withdrawing from the course and enrolling when you are willing and able to do so.
• As you read each chapter, remember to SKIM IT, READ IT, WRITE IT DOWN, SAVE IT, and REVIEW IT. Study group can be helpful. The more deeply you process the material, the more likely you are to understand, remember, and be able to apply what youhave learned.
• Be an active learner. Drop by during my office hours to ask questions in person or online and chat about psychology.
• Again, I want to encourage you to ask for assistance early in the semester if you are struggling with some concepts in this course. Please talk to me if you need help. There are a lot of chapters in your textbook covering a variety of related bio- psychosocial concepts on human behavior. You must READ these chapters for you to do well in this class. Do not procrastinate with your readings and assignments. Be organized, and plan ahead.
*As your instructor, I want you to succeed in this course. Please, reach out to me if you need help.
IX. Due Dates:
• All course assignments deadline is 11:00pm.
• Chapter 1/video quizzes first week due Friday, 3/29 by 11pm
• Chapter/Video Quizzes from 2nd week due Wednesdays by 11:00pm
• Discussion Board#1 due Thursdays, 3/28 by 11:00pm
• Discussion Board#2 due Thursdays, 5/2 by 11:00pm
• Weekly Discussions due Thursdays by 11:00pm
• Midterm Exams due Thursdays, 4/11, 5/2 by 11:00pm
• Term Paper due Thursday 5/16 by 11:00pm
• Final Exam due Thursday 5/16 by 11:00pm
X. Grading:
The final letter grade you receive for the course will depend upon the total number of points you have accumulated during the semester. The maximum number of points you can earn for the semester is 1,209. Computing your grade:
1. 3 Exams…………………...... 460 pts. Possible
2. Chapter Quizzes…………… 120 “ “
3. Chapter Video Quizzes........ 224 “ “8
4. Discussion Board……………. 255 ” “
5. Term Paper........…………… 150 “ “
6. Weekly discussions (7)
7. Proctorio Practice Exam (2)
Course point totals needed for the various letter grades are:
Course Points |
Percentage Scale |
Grade |
1088.1 -1209 |
90-100 |
A |
967.2-1087.1 |
80-89 |
B |
846.3-966.2 |
70-79 |
C |
725.4-845.3 |
60-69 |
D |
0-724.4 |
0-59 |
F |
Note: There will be no extra credit of any kind given on an individual basis in this course.
However, if you plan to request a higher grade than you have earned, you must have the rest of the class agree, in writing, that you deserve extra credit and they do not.
I am aware that changing traditional format of teaching in class to online may be a challenge for some of you. However, I believe you can be successful in this class even with this online format of teaching. I encourage you to reach out to me when you need help. Having said this:
1. It is your responsibility to ask me for help when you need it.
2. It is your responsibility to drop/withdraw from this class if you choose.
3. I do not give grades, nor do I negotiate them. YOU earn them.
Note: If you plan to request a higher grade than you have earned, you must have the rest of the class agree, in writing, that you deserve extra credit and they do not.
4. It is your responsibility to let me know early in the semester if you need accommodation for any sort of disability and I will do my best to meet your needs.
5. It is your responsibility to check course announcement page and your email box for weekly information about the course and to upload your assignments at scheduled day and time.
6. I encourage you to inform me of your academic challenges before due date of an assignment not after the deadline of an assignment.
7. It is important that you sit for all your exams and do all your assignments. If your other life schedule dictates more responsibilities or challenges that may interfere with your 9 commitment to this course; I would suggest you reconsider taking this class. There will be no make ups for missed assignments.
*8. Your lack of planning does not constitute a crisis for me. Plan ahead!
*9. This is a DRAMA free class. No Excuses.
*10. You are worthy than your life circumstance!
*11. The Motto for this class is “Just Do It”
***12. If you choose to stay in this class, contents of this course will shift the cognitive lens of the way you live your life!
This is an enjoyable class and I hope that you learn a lot and enjoy the learning experience!!