Deliverable 1: Problem / process description and initial EER diagram
The purpose of this assignment is for you to provide a general description of a business process for which you will be building a database, along with a preliminary EER diagram for that process.
Some examples of business problems/processes from previous semesters:
- Rental/leasing information – applied to books (as in a library), computer equipment, videos, cars, etc.
- Each of these business situations involves a database that requires information about the entity that is being rented, the customer who is renting it, suppliers, etc.
- Service or retail business operation
- Ex: Golf course, grocery store, lawn care business, beer delivery service, audio visual maintenance system, Red Cross blood bank, etc.
- Family/personal information management
- Possible entities include: Family member, automobiles, chores, bills, investments, interviews, friends, directions, items (inventory), etc.
Please submit a two to three-page PDF document that describes your choice of a relevant and interesting business problem for which a database would be appropriate. The first page(s) should motivate the business problem and describe each of the entities that will be included in the model, and the following page should provide a preliminary EER diagram that could be used to represent it.
Your model should include at least one supertype-subtype relati onship, along with 3-4 other entities
- If you are working on your own, then the total number of entities required is between 5 and 7
- If you are working in a group, then the total number of entities required is between 7 and 10
Each entity should have between 2 and 5 attributes, as appropriate (a few more are fine, if necessary for your model).
Identify the relationships between entities and determine their respective cardinality constraints (1:1/1:N/M:N). Attempt to list all possible relationships between entities. List all subclasses and show their relationship(s) with the appropriate superclass(es), and don't forget to apply the appropriate constraints to these relationships (disjoint/overlapping, partial/total specialization).
Use proper symbols for your entities, attributes and relationships, and please use a graphics program to draw the EER diagram instead of drawing it by hand (Visio/PowerPoint, LucidChart, Visual Paradigm, etc). This will allow you to modify the diagram later if necessary.
When you convert the diagram to PDF to submit it, please be sure that it is legible and easy to read. If necessary, you may want to have the entire EER diagram on a single page, but then also provide additional pages, as necessary, so that the different portions of the EER diagram are larger and easier to see.
Your PDF document should be submitted through Canvas before 11:59 pm on December 30, 2023, either individually or as part of a group, and it should be named DB1-groupNN.pdf, where NN is your 2- digit group number (i.e., DB1 group01.pdf, etc.). In order to receive credit for the submission, please be sure to include all group members' names and the assignment number on the first page of the PDF file.
If, for some reason, you are unable to connect to Canvas when it is time to submit your deliverable, please email Prof Monday your submission (so that there is record of it being submitted on time) at [email protected], and then try to upload the file to Canvas again later. If you are unable to submit this deliverable on time, you have up to 24 additional hours to submit it but there will be a 10% penalty.
After 11:59 pm on December 31, 2023, submissions will not be accepted for credit.