COMP_SCI 111: Fundamentals of Computer Programming I
This is an introductory course on the fundamentals of computer programming. I see this class as an opportunity for you, the student, to see what computer programming is all about and (more importantly) to see whether you want to spend the next few years doing more of it. This course will include weekly programming projects, readings, a midterm, and final examinations. Class participation is not optional.
- This course is approved for Weinberg Area II (Formal Studies) distribution credit
- This course is a required Core course in the CS curriculum in McCormick and Weinberg
- Can be taken as ELEC_ENG/COMP_ENG 395 during Fall 16'
REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Optional: (Fall/Winter) Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, MIT Press, Second Edition (1996)
(Spring) Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, and Krishnamurthi, How to Design Programs, Second Edition, MIT Press (2014).
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Connor Bain (Fall), Sara Owsley Sood (Winter, Spring)
GRADES: (Fall)
- 45% About eight (weekly) homework assignments
- 20% One midterm exam
- 35% One final exam
- 30% Ten weekly homework assignments
- 60% Two midterm exams (30% each)
- 10% Daily quizzes
Please Note: Fall ELEC_ENG/COMP_ENG 395 Section (Honors) meets Friday's 4-5pm, in addition to Monday's, Wednesday's, & Friday's 12:00-12:50 (four days a week plus the discussion section). The honors section is an additional meeting on top of the normal 111 meetings).