ESE 419/572: Analog Integrated Circuits

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ESE 419/572: Analog Integrated Circuits

Semester:         Fall 2024

Topics: Analog circuits serve as the interface between the physical and digital worlds. Analog circuits amplify and digitize sensor signals such as those from a microphone, accelerometer, chemical sensor or even the small RF signals received on an antenna. Analog circuits also turn digital signals into analog outputs capable of driving physical devices such as antennas, speakers, and  robotic  motors.  Analog  circuits  often  define  the limits of system level  performance, determining the smallest signals that can be sensed, the largest signals that can be produced, and the overall efficiency of sensors, radios, and actuators. In this course you will learn to design and analyze analog integrated circuits using both hand calculations and circuit simulations. We will focus on the design of CMOS analog circuits supplemented with material pertaining to the design of analog circuits using  FinFET and  Bipolar junction transistors. You will  learn  how to design  and  analyze  single  and  multi-stage  amplifier  circuits   including  the  gain,  frequency response, stability, noise, and linearity. The course will conclude with a project to design an amplifier to a set of provided specifications.
Background Knowledge and Prerequisites: It is assumed students have basic knowledge of field effect  and  bipolar junction transistors  and in analyzing simple  passive  and  active  electronic circuits using Kirkoff’s voltage and current laws.

Primary Text:

Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, 2nd  edition, Behzad Razavi, McGraw-Hill, 2017

Supplemental Text:

Analog Integrated Circuit Design, 2nd  edition, Carusone, Johns, and Martin, John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2012


Live lectures will be held every Monday and Wednesday from 1:45-3:15 Eastern Time in Fagin Hall Rm 114. Lecture slides will be posted on Canvas prior to each lecture. The lectures from Fall of 2020 will be posted on Canvas as reference and study material only. The online lectures are no substitute for the in person lectures and should be used only as reference material. In person lecture attendance is highly encouraged. Some materials have been updated since 2020.

Class Rules:

1.   Class participation is encouraged.  If you have a question, please ask it, others likely have the same question.

2.   Do not disrupt the class.  Silence all cell phones.  Do not do other activities (e.g. eating, talking) that may disrupt the ability of other students to participate in the lectures.


Your grade will depend on homework (15%), quizzes (10%),a midterm exam (20%),afinal exam (35%), and a final project (20%).  Details are given below.


Throughout the semester a series of homework assignments will be periodically assigned and will be due at the  beginning of class  approximately 2 weeks  after  assignment. There  will be  5 homework assignments throughout the semester. Working on homework in groups is permitted but  each  student  should  turn  in an  individual  homework  assignment.  Since  homework  is preparation for the exams please be sure you understand all of the homework solutions you are submitting.   Also,  be  sure  to show ALL of your work to  receive partial credit. Submission of homework should be in pdf format through Canvas. Should you need to submit an assignment late due to illness or other emergency please let me know as soon as possible so we can make alternative arrangements.

Schedule for Homework:



Homework #1



Homework #2



Homework #3



Homework #4



Homework #5




The midterm is planned to be administered during class on 10/14 and you will have the full class period to complete it. The final exam will beheld during the time allocated by the University. For all exams you may bring a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper containing any notes, equations, problem solutions,  etc.  that  you  believe  would  be  useful  in  completing  the  exam.  Use  of  electronic devices/media, except for calculators,  is  prohibited  during the  exams. Communications with anyone other than the instructor is strictly forbidden during the exams. All exams must be turned in at the completion of the session and may not be photographed or otherwise recorded for further dissemination.

Please  note that academic  honesty is of paramount  importance to insure that the class and grading is fair to all students. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. You are expected to abide by the PENN Honor Code for all of your conduct in this course, especially the midterm and final exams. If you have any questions regarding what is and is not allowed, please contact me prior to the exams.

Should illness or emergency impact your ability to take the midterm or final as scheduled, please let me know prior to the exam if possible. We will need to work together to schedule a makeup time for you to take the exam.

I will review with the class the midterm schedule at the beginning of the semester. Should the initial midterm date of 10/14 fallon the same day as other midterms taken by students enrolled in  the course,  we will work together to try and move  the  midterm to a date  that  can  be accommodate everyone.

Schedule for Exams:




Final (Per University)



Throughout the semester there will be a series of short (10-15 minutes) quizzes administered during the class period. You will receive 1 weeks’ notice before the administration of any quiz. The tentative Quiz dates are given below

Schedule Date

Quiz #1                                                            10/2

Quiz #2                                                            11/6

Quiz #3                                                             11/25


This course will have a final project where you will design an amplifier to a set of specifications and  write  a report describing  the design decisions leading to your amplifier design  and architecture, and the amplifier simulated performance. The design will be performed in Cadence.

The project will be an individual assignment. Parts i and ii will be due by the end of the day on 11/27 and the entire project will be due by the end of the day on Dec. 9th. There will be no extensions for the project deadline.


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