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Module code and title |
COMP2221 Programming Paradigms |
Academic year |
2024-25 |
Coursework title |
System Programming - Summative |
Coursework credits |
10 credits |
% of module’s final mark |
50% |
Lecturer |
Stuart James |
Submission date* |
Thursday, 16 January 2025 at 14:00 |
Estimated hours of work |
20 |
Submission method |
Gradescope |
Additional coursework files |
Please list all files provided for the coursework, e.g. datasets, template files |
Required submission items and formats |
Please list the files that should be submitted, including format |
* This is the deadline for all submissions except where an approved extension is in place. For benchtests taking place in practical sessions, the given date is the Monday of the week in which the benchtests will take place.
Late submissions received within 5 working days of the deadline will be capped at 40%.
Late submissions received later than 5 days after the deadline will receive a mark of 0. It is your responsibility to check that your submission has uploaded successfully and obtain a submission receipt.
Your work must be done by yourself (or your group, if there is an assigned groupwork component) and comply with the university rules about plagiarism and collusion. Students suspected of plagiarism, either of published or unpublished sources, including the work of other students, or of collusion will be dealt with according to University guidelines (https://www.dur.ac.uk/learningandteaching.handbook/6/2/4/).
libFilmMaster2000: Computationally and Memory Efficient quick filtering of videos
1. Background
Videos are an essential part of modern culture. However, handling them requires computational compromise. The concept of “do that in post” is common vernacular on movie sets; therefore, reliable, highly efficient video editing is critical to the process. Video frames are the fundamental unit captured by a camera and encoder into a video file. A video frame is composed of between one and three channels, typically with one channel resulting in a grayscale movie, alternatively, three channels representing red, green and blue. While a wider range of channels is possible, these are not commonplace on commodity hardware.
In this assignment, we will develop a library for editors to allow them to do basic video effects to make their movies more dramatic. You will implement a reading function based on a binary encoded file, which operations will then be performed on frames, for example, swapping channels and channel clipping, amongst others, which will then be written out into the same file format. The challenge is to implement this by balancing computational performance and memory to streamline editors’ activities.
2. Problem Definition
For this assignment, you will implement a library (libFilmMaster2000.a) and a command line testing executable (runme) to validate the functions within your library. The core of the implementation should be within the library, and basic command line parsing should be handled within the executable.
In the library, you should include a basic decoder (read) and encoder (write). The expected format is an uncompressed binary file in the following format:
- [No. Frames] is the Number of Frames in the full video in the format long
- [Channels] is the number of Channels in each frame, maximum 3, in the format unsigned char
- [Height] is the height of the number of pixels in each frame, maximum 128, in the format unsigned char • [Width] is the width of the number of pixels in each frame, maximum 128, in the format unsigned char
For example, for the indexing, Ch0 refers to the first (zeroth) channel, H0 refers to the first row, and W0 refers to the first column.
To clarify, frame pixels are read in the following order:
• `reverse` Reverse the entire videoThe frames should be saved in reverse starting from the last frame in the video to the first frame in the video.• `swap_channel` Swap channel in video framesTaking as input the parameters of the two channels to swap, `[Channel ,Number],[Channel Number]` in unsigned char, for each frame in the video, the two channels should be swapped around.• `clip_channel` Clips the range of each pixel in each frameTaking as input channel number `[channel number]` and the range to clip `[minimum, maximum]` in unsigned char, the value of each pixel in all frames should be limited to be within this range where values outside of the range are set to the respective minimum or maximum value.• `scale_channel` Scales each pixel in each frameTaking as input channel number `[channel number]` and the scale factor `[scale factor]` in float which should be multiplied to each pixel in each frame.
3. Hints
- Please read the submission instructions carefully. Since this is a programming assignment, deviations from the instructions might lead to you losing marks as a result of simple submission mistakes that can lead to your submission not running.
- Your implementation should be as efficient in its performance as possible, both in terms of memory and run-time.• It is important that your solution can generalise to an arbitrary number of frames and frame dimensions. However, limits of the types might act as upper bounds.
- Creating the right data structures to hold your video components and functions that perform the required operations on your video can make your implementation easier.
- Implement error handling and bounds checking to ensure that your program handles invalid input, and does not go into an infinite loop or other such issues. Not only will this make your implementation easier to test for yourself, but it is also part of the marking scheme and can affect your marks.
- Optimise your code for performance or memory (using [-S/-M]) with no flag indicating a balanced or vanilla solution. This might include algorithmic optimisations and careful memory allocation. Make sure your optimisation methods are explained in your report. Advanced optimisation methods will receive extra credit. Allocate and deallocate memory efficiently to avoid memory leaks.
- The vanilla implementation should be quite easy to implement you are therefore encouraged (and marks awarded) to go beyond the basic implementation, thinking about how to implement novel functions or optimising your code in a novel way.
- A simple testing file is provided to test your solution.
- The Iterative Sketched Design Document should use hand-drawn sketches and show a refinement from the initial stage to the final stage. A single solution sketch will receive minimal marks. You will not be marked down for ideas that you try that you are unable to implement (however, should be plausible) or provide worse results in terms of performance or memory. Such results should be reflected in the report through quantitative analysis.
- Testing on Mira can be slightly different to the barebones testing environment. There are some compilation flags set by default. Make sure you are aware of the flags being set and include them in your Makefile. You might find that testing on the autograder results in different outcomes (or build fails) if you do not consider this.
- Make sure you submit your files well before the deadline to make sure that system or network issues do not affect your submission. Every year, we receive dozens of emails right after the submission deadline from students with their submissions marked as “late” due to a variety of reasons. Do not leave your submission to the final minutes and leave yourself plenty of time to deal with any issues that might affect your submission. Note that lecturers do not have the power to grant extensions and late submissions are handled by the office centrally.
4. Code and Submission Specifications
- Your program Your code should run on Linux. A Docker image of Ubuntu 22.04 with `apt-get install -y gcc g++` will give you an identical environment to the one used for marking. Alternatively, you can use the University Linux system Mira. Failure to do so may result in all marks being lost regardless of whether it compiles and runs on your own windows machine. Note the Mira might occasionally experience downtime due to maintenance or other potential issues. The deadline will not be extended due to issues with Mira or other university provided systems. You are able to complete the implementation using the Docker image as explained above.
- You are allowed to use either C or C++ for your implementation. However, a strict choice is required mixing C and C++ paradigms will result in reduced marks.
- You are not allowed to use any external libraries, but you can use all standard headers. Only use the headers that are needed. Do include what is not necessary, as that will affect your marks.
- You may have as many source files and headers files as you need - considering that your code should be organised well and easy to follow - but your program should be run via an executable called `runme`, which should be produced by your program. This executable should only be called `runme` and should not have any extensions.
- You will need to include a Makefile and your Makefile should include an `all` option, which compiles all the necessary source files and headers that you submit and creates a library called `libFilmMaster2000.a` and a testing executable called `runme`. Our automated marking script will try to compile your program to get the executable by running the command `make all`.
- Your Makefile will be marked for functionality, clarity and correctness. Your Makefile should also contain `test` and `clean` options that respectively test the program with the sample input (in the local folder, i.e. file name only) and clean the compile environment.
- Your testing executable should be able to receive an arbitrary number of input arguments. For instance, your program will be tested by running the general formulation `./runme [input file] [output file] [-S/-M] [function name] [options]` and specifically the following commands (as defined above):
- `./runme [input] [output] [-S/-M] reverse`- `./runme [input] [output] [-S/-M] swap_channel 1,2`- `./runme [input] [output] [-S/-M] clip_channel 1 [10,200]`- `./runme [input] [output] [-S/-M] scale_channel 1 1.5`
Where [input]and [output]are variable length file paths and [-S/-M] are performance mode options to prioritise Speed (S) or Memory (M) where optimisations are to be determined and implemented by you.
5. Submission
- Full program source code files for your final solution to the above task as a working C or C++ program, meeting the above “code and submission specifications” for testing.
- You must submit the following files:
- All source and header files that are needed to compile your program.
- A Makefile that has the `all`, `test` and `clean` options and will compile your program and generate the `runme` executable.
- All files MUST be in the root folder of a zip do NOT use folders, as this may result in your code not automatically running on the autograder.
- Report (max. 750 words) detailing:
- Hand-drawn design sketches of the iterative architecture evolution from initial conception (even if flawed) to final implementation and the iterations in between. Sketches should reflect the interaction flow or optimisations of memory of performance and act as a development log.
- Your approach to the problem and the success of your solution in the task specified. Provide any illustrative figures, hand-drawn sketches, diagrams and tables (as many as you feel necessary) of
- Show the performance of your solution in terms of speed and memory, which is quantitatively assessed over a range of settings. Any diagrams, images, drawings, titles, captions, tables, references, and graphs do not count towards the total word count of the report. Summarise the success of your system in performing the required task, speed during run-time and reducing memory requirements. In addition, to describing any advanced features you may have added. Your report can follow any structure as long as it is clear and easy to follow. Submit a PDF (not in any other format). Your submission will be marked down if any file format other than a pdf is submitted as the report.
6. Marks
- Correctness of solution 10%
- You may receive partial marks for certain parts of the Solution, but note that certain wrong solutions might lead to the loss of not only the entirety of this portion of the marks but other parts as well.
- Makefile 5%
- Your Makefile should have `all`, `test` and `clean` options and will be marked based on correctness, functionality and generalisability.
- Performance of your program in terms of run-time (speed) 5%
- Performance of your program in terms of memory requirements 5%
- Effectiveness of [-S/-M] for respective run-time / memory usage 5%
- Quality of the implementation
- Clear, readable, well-documented (with sufficient comments) 10%
- and well-presented program source code
- Error handling 5%
- Extensibility 5%
- Report:
- Iterative Sketched Design Document 10%
- Discussion/detail of solution design and choices made 10%
- Quantitative evidence and analysis of performance 10%
- Additional credit for one or more of, but not limited to, the following:
- design and use of an alternative or novel frame editing functionality and described in the report
- use of advanced optimisation methods to improve performance or memory use and described in the report
- superior performance in terms of speed and memory use
- (for any of the above, up to a maximum, dependent on quality) 20%
Total 100%
Plagiarism: You must not plagiarise your work. Attempts to hide plagiarism by simply changing comments/variable names will be detected. You should have been made aware of the Durham University policy on plagiarism.
You should not make your submission publicly available or share it with others as that will be considered plagiarism.
Submissions should be made through the Gradescope system. Delayed submissions are handled centrally and are not under the control of the lecturers.